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 Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan?

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Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan?   Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2021 3:46 pm

I'm kind of interested whether Stephen Paddock was studying other shooters for inspiration for his rampage or not. Like how did he get the idea to commit the second deadliest mass murder by a lone-gunman in the world.

“You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic, bored life you were extinguishing."
- Seung Hui Cho

“There isn’t an open sky or endless field to be found where I reside, not is there light or salvation to be discovered. Right about now I feel as low as I ever have. So fucking naive man, so fucking naive. Always expecting change when I know nothing ever changes… I sacrifice no more for others, part of me has fucking died and I hate this shit. I’m living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass.”
-Jeff Weise
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Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan?   Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2021 4:52 pm

I reread the part of the official report involving his internet activity, google searches, and interviews with his family members and partners and found nothing. If he had interest in previous attacks, he covered his tracks completely and didn't speak a word of it to anyone.

He was 46 when Columbine happened. That's pretty far off from relating to edgy high school seniors, and his attack didn't seem to be a lifetime in the making and was more precipitated by deteriorating health and wealth (which started in September 2015, he was reported by some to have changed around a year before the attacks, and started increasing his firearms purchases around October 2016.)

Still, I would like to know. Paddock is like a ghost: one of the deadliest attacks ever (411 wounded by gunfire, holy shit) but had no motive, no internet footprint, and basically vanished without a trace. Bizarre.

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Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan?   Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2021 5:39 pm

I guess he would have definitely heard about the shooting on the news at the time but I don't think he studied Columbine for inspiration.
dyonqqr wrote:
Paddock is like a ghost: one of the deadliest attacks ever (411 wounded by gunfire, holy shit) but had no motive, no internet footprint, and basically vanished without a trace. Bizarre.
I agree. He committed the deadliest mass shooting in US history but we really know nothing about him.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"

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Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan?   Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2021 8:02 pm

dyonqqr wrote:
I reread the part of the official report involving his internet activity, google searches, and interviews with his family members and partners and found nothing. If he had interest in previous attacks, he covered his tracks completely and didn't speak a word of it to anyone.

He was 46 when Columbine happened. That's pretty far off from relating to edgy high school seniors, and his attack didn't seem to be a lifetime in the making and was more precipitated by deteriorating health and wealth (which started in September 2015, he was reported by some to have changed around a year before the attacks, and started increasing his firearms purchases around October 2016.)

Still, I would like to know. Paddock is like a ghost: one of the deadliest attacks ever (411 wounded by gunfire, holy shit) but had no motive, no internet footprint, and basically vanished without a trace. Bizarre.

True- sometimes mass shooters are probably not inspired by others, even if their attacks were deadly... like think of Charles Whitman, James Huberty, Sam Cassidy, Ahmad Al-Issa, Jennifer San Marco, etc.

“You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic, bored life you were extinguishing."
- Seung Hui Cho

“There isn’t an open sky or endless field to be found where I reside, not is there light or salvation to be discovered. Right about now I feel as low as I ever have. So fucking naive man, so fucking naive. Always expecting change when I know nothing ever changes… I sacrifice no more for others, part of me has fucking died and I hate this shit. I’m living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass.”
-Jeff Weise
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Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan?   Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2022 2:15 pm

Luci wrote:
dyonqqr wrote:
I reread the part of the official report involving his internet activity, google searches, and interviews with his family members and partners and found nothing. If he had interest in previous attacks, he covered his tracks completely and didn't speak a word of it to anyone.

He was 46 when Columbine happened. That's pretty far off from relating to edgy high school seniors, and his attack didn't seem to be a lifetime in the making and was more precipitated by deteriorating health and wealth (which started in September 2015, he was reported by some to have changed around a year before the attacks, and started increasing his firearms purchases around October 2016.)

Still, I would like to know. Paddock is like a ghost: one of the deadliest attacks ever (411 wounded by gunfire, holy shit) but had no motive, no internet footprint, and basically vanished without a trace. Bizarre.

True- sometimes mass shooters are probably not inspired by others, even if their attacks were deadly... like think of Charles Whitman, James Huberty, Sam Cassidy, Ahmad Al-Issa, Jennifer San Marco, etc.
Bloody hell. Sam Cassidy killed 10 people but I've never even heard of him until now.
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Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan?   Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan? Icon_minitime

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Did Stephen Paddock know of other shooters like Eric & Dylan?
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