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 Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns

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Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns Empty
PostSubject: Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns   Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 3:21 am

Eric Harris - Sawed Off Shotgun
Dylan Klebold - Sawed Off Double Barreled Shotgun
Sky Bouche - Sawed Off Shotgun
Mason Campbell - Sawed Off Shotgun
Derrick Bird - Sawed Off Double Barreled Shotgun
Matthew Raymond - Sawed Off Shotgun
Jan Molenaar - 2 Sawed Off Shotguns
Charles Whitman - Sawed Off Shotgun
Aaron Alexis - Sawed Off Shotgun
Raoul Moat - Sawed Off Shotgun
Alvaro Castillo - Sawed Off Shotgun
Man Monis - Sawed Off Shotgun
Alexander Onufrienko - Sawed Off Double Barreled Shotgun
Kevin Addison - Sawed Off Shotgun
Malcolm Baker - Sawed Off Double Barreled Shotgun
Anders Breivik - Sawed Off Shotgun
Robert Poulin - Sawed Off Shotgun
Frank Vitkovic - Sawed Off M1 Carbine
Kipland Kinkel - Sawed Off Ruger 10/22
Sebastian Bosse - Sawed Off .22 LR Bolt Action Rifle Sawed Off Percussion Rifle
Matthew Murray - Altered Bushmaster XM-15 to shoot 6.8mm Remington SPC
Eduardo Sencion - Altered MAK-90 to Fully Automatic
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Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns   Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 6:53 am

San Bernardino Shooters - Tried and failed to turn one of their guns full auto
John Zawahri - Modified his black powder revolver to fire .45 long colt
Raymond Spencer - converted his rifles to full auto
Artem Kazantsev - converted blank pistols to take live ammo, or maybe bought them already converted? No idea

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Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns   Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 4:52 pm

Steven Kazmierczak sawed off the barrel of his shotgun.

Robert Bowers converted his .357 SIG Glocks to .40 S&W.

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PostSubject: Re: Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns   Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns Icon_minitime

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Shooters/attempted shooters who modified the function of their guns
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