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 A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...

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A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Empty
PostSubject: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 2:12 am

For actually posting interesting info about his guns instead of just writing endlessly about muh invaderz. Really tugging on my 'tism boner.

Become a techno-barbarian and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and normal Waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

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A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 7:13 am

Scared me for a bit there

I need you to be the strength of widows and
soul survivors

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PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 7:14 am


Last edited by Samson on Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:36 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 9:41 am

Samson wrote:
A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron for killing 10 Bumblebee
"A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron for killing 10 Bumblebee"


Become a techno-barbarian and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and normal Waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

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A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 10:57 am

Payton Gendron and Dylann Roof would've been based if they killed niggers from the ghetto/hood, but instead they chose to kill churchgoers and old black women shopping for sunday groceries. These white supremacists need to step their game up and choose better targets tbh.

If I were a white supremacist, I would've bombed an entire ghetto full of niggers, but personally I think that extremist ideologies are pointless.

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PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 12:04 pm

scythezoid wrote:
Payton Gendron and Dylann Roof would've been based if they killed niggers from the ghetto/hood, but instead they chose to kill churchgoers and old black women shopping for sunday groceries. These white supremacists need to step their game up and choose better targets tbh.
Targeting ghetto niggers is a waste of bullets, effort and sacrifice. The most effective way of eliminating hood nigs is through segregation. Think about all the drive bys & all the other typical violent black behaviour and how many melon munchers die per year because of that. If you were to eliminate ghetto nigs from the general population; they'll wipe themselves out in about 2 years.
Dylann Roof's act of sainthood was based because the shooting wasn't just a mass attack; it was also a political assassination because he eliminated Clementa C. Pinckney who was a South Carolina state senator. Payton Gendron is based because he created doubt for blacks when it comes to being safe and secure. Pretty much flipping the script of White Flight where white people move out of cities and towns because of typical nigger behaviour like doing meth, being obnoxious, stinking like shit, committing more than half of all crimes in America despite making up 13% of the population and etc.

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PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2023 4:25 pm

ANOMIC wrote:
scythezoid wrote:
Payton Gendron and Dylann Roof would've been based if they killed niggers from the ghetto/hood, but instead they chose to kill churchgoers and old black women shopping for sunday groceries. These white supremacists need to step their game up and choose better targets tbh.
Targeting ghetto niggers is a waste of bullets, effort and sacrifice. The most effective way of eliminating hood nigs is through segregation. Think about all the drive bys & all the other typical violent black behaviour and how many melon munchers die per year because of that. If you were to eliminate ghetto nigs from the general population; they'll wipe themselves out in about 2 years.
Dylann Roof's act of sainthood was based because the shooting wasn't just a mass attack; it was also a political assassination because he eliminated Clementa C. Pinckney who was a South Carolina state senator. Payton Gendron is based because he created doubt for blacks when it comes to being safe and secure. Pretty much flipping the script of White Flight where white people move out of cities and towns because of typical nigger behaviour like doing meth, being obnoxious, stinking like shit, committing more than half of all crimes in America despite making up 13% of the population and etc.
Okay, I see your point about Dylann.

However, Payton's attack hardly did anything outside of Buffalo. The black people (suburban, not hood) that I've spoken with don't fear being killed by white supremacists as much as they fear being killed by hood niggers, since the chance of being killed by a white supremacist mass shooter is extremely low compared to being killed by their own race. They've all forgotten about Buffalo by now except the ones that were related to the victims. 

White supremacists have hardly done anything compared to niggers. These shootings have no lasting effect on the population. You know what does have a lasting effect? Crime rates and viral social media posts of blacks fighting, rioting, and trashing stores. Civilized people see these primitive creatures in their natural state and migrate elsewhere. Ghetto blacks in America dig their own grave, they don't need cumskin supremacists to do it for them. 

Segregating them in a traditional sense has proven to be useless, as they have trashed the stores, schools, and houses that were given to them by the government. They have been given millions of dollars in welfare and assistance, which has gone nowhere. They need to be forcefully removed from civilized society. 

Every citizen with a violent criminal record (this way it doesn't seem like it's specifically targeting violent blacks) should be put on cheap wooden ships with no food or water. Then, send them out into the middle of the ocean and let them fend for themselves. They would starve to death, kill each other, eat each other, or drown. This would be more effective than wasting the court's time and spending a lot of money on jail facilities. 

I don't think of myself as racist, I don't have a problem with all black people (i've been friends with some), but I do have a problem with niggers. They are a waste of resources and have been pandered to for way too long at the expense of everyone else.

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PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2023 12:32 am


Last edited by Samson on Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2023 12:51 am

ANOMIC wrote:
scythezoid wrote:
Payton Gendron and Dylann Roof would've been based if they killed niggers from the ghetto/hood, but instead they chose to kill churchgoers and old black women shopping for sunday groceries. These white supremacists need to step their game up and choose better targets tbh.
Targeting ghetto niggers is a waste of bullets, effort and sacrifice. The most effective way of eliminating hood nigs is through segregation. Think about all the drive bys & all the other typical violent black behaviour and how many melon munchers die per year because of that. If you were to eliminate ghetto nigs from the general population; they'll wipe themselves out in about 2 years.
Dylann Roof's act of sainthood was based because the shooting wasn't just a mass attack; it was also a political assassination because he eliminated Clementa C. Pinckney who was a South Carolina state senator. Payton Gendron is based because he created doubt for blacks when it comes to being safe and secure. Pretty much flipping the script of White Flight where white people move out of cities and towns because of typical nigger behaviour like doing meth, being obnoxious, stinking like shit, committing more than half of all crimes in America despite making up 13% of the population and etc.

Red flag time.....

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A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2023 5:52 pm

I'm surprised more of these guys don't shoot up synagogues or government related buildings. You would think they would go after the actual "threats" targeting the white race.

"This is it. This is where it all ends. What a life it was. Some life." - Seung-Hui Cho

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PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2023 5:56 pm

ChoHuiSeung wrote:
I'm surprised more of these guys don't shoot up synagogues or government related buildings. You would think they would go after the actual "threats" targeting the white race.

This. Robert Bowers pwned 11 shlomo’s and why couldn’t Payton scope out a New York based synagogue and pwn some more?

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PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2023 10:40 pm

ChoHuiSeung wrote:
I'm surprised more of these guys don't shoot up synagogues or government related buildings. You would think they would go after the actual "threats" targeting the white race.

I think an anon even pointed out that to get to the supermarket where he did the shooting, Payton would've had to pass by a government building. I suppose there would be less media attention over killing a random fed or two before getting capped compared to a building full of blacks getting ventilated though.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Empty
PostSubject: Re: A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron...   A heartfelt thank you to Payton Gendron... Icon_minitimeFri May 12, 2023 8:33 pm

Oh and thanks for the radicalization ig

Become a techno-barbarian and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and normal Waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.

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