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 School shooters who also killed people outside the schools

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School shooters who also killed people outside the schools Empty
PostSubject: School shooters who also killed people outside the schools   School shooters who also killed people outside the schools Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2023 9:27 pm

School shooters who also killed people outside the schools/school campuses:

- Charles Whitman
- Ma'alot attackers
- Anthony Barbaro
- Robert Poulin
- Clemmie Henderson
- Luke Woodham
- Kipland Kinkel
- Walisongo attackers
- Adam Labus
- Beslan attackers
- Jeffrey Weise
- Alvaro Castillo
- Tim Kretschmer
- Mohammed Merah
- Adam Lanza
- John Zawahri
- Elliot Rodger
- Randan Fontaine
- Mainak Sarkar
- Jesse Osborne
- Kevin Neal
- Guilherme Monteiro and Luiz de Castro
- Polina Dvorkina
- Ruslan Akhtyamov
- Panya Khamrab

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Location : Exeter, England

School shooters who also killed people outside the schools Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooters who also killed people outside the schools   School shooters who also killed people outside the schools Icon_minitimeWed Jul 05, 2023 2:36 am

The list is longer than I expected.
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School shooters who also killed people outside the schools
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