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 News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023

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News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Empty
PostSubject: News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023   News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 15, 2023 10:43 am

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Ilnaz Galyaviev's Internet search history showed more than 2000 queries regarding serial killers, cannibals and Columbine

Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan is currently examining an expert report on Ilnaz Galyaviev's Internet search history who committed a mass shooting in the gymnasium №175. More than 2488 queries regarding the world's most infamous serial killers, cannibals, mass shootings and Columbine were discovered.

In particular, the Kazan shooter was interested in serial killer, necrophile and rapist Ted Bundy, school shooters Eric Harris and Vladislav Roslyakov, and other killers.

Earlier it was reported that the municipality of Tatarstan reduced legal demands for Ilnaz Galyaviev - now he has to pay only one and a half million rubles instead of 17 million rubles.

15.03.2023 [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan has finished the interrogation of 600 complainants and witnesses in the case of the mass shooting in the Kazan gymnasium 

The prosecution is currently publishing written materials of the case and then is planning to start an interrogation of the perpetrator. It's still unknown if he's actually going to testify. It's been reported that Galyaviev is usually being silent during the court hearings and only answers to judge's questions in monosyllables without any interest.

15.03.2023 [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023   News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 18, 2023 5:14 am

Mostly unrelated but since he's a Tatar, is his family Muslim? Most of them are, aren't they?

get wrekt
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News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023   News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 18, 2023 5:47 am

Zbulojik wrote:
Mostly unrelated but since he's a Tatar, is his family Muslim? Most of them are, aren't they?
Yes, they are. A guy who studied together with his brother Insaf claimed that their family wasn't very religious though - they observed the traditions and kept the Oraza post, and that's basically all. Quran and some other religious books were found at Ilnaz's flat, but he was obviously much less religious than his parents, like many people from the younger generation.
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Location : Heaven Street

News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Empty
PostSubject: Re: News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023   News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 19, 2023 6:22 am

Wagner group conscription when????

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PostSubject: Re: News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023   News about Ilnaz Galyaviev 15.03.2023 Icon_minitime

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