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 Timur Bekmansurov wants to walk free

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war criminal

war criminal

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Join date : 2023-02-05

Timur Bekmansurov wants to walk free Empty
PostSubject: Timur Bekmansurov wants to walk free   Timur Bekmansurov wants to walk free Icon_minitimeFri May 26, 2023 1:50 pm

The court will consider appeals against a life sentence for Timur Bekmansurov on the 27th of June
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The hearing will take place in Nizhny Novgorod

The Fourth Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction in Nizhny Novgorod has set a date for a court hearing to consider appeals against the sentence of Timur Bekmansurov who committed a mass shooting at Perm State University. According to the press service of the court, judge Dmitry Khodak will start the process on the 27th of June.

It's also been reported that the criminal case of Bekmansurov who got a life sentence was submitted to the Fourth Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction on the 19th of May. On the same day it was registered and handed over to the judge.

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Amokauliflower, NEXT STEP UP, vril and proshooter like this post

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Timur Bekmansurov wants to walk free Empty
PostSubject: Re: Timur Bekmansurov wants to walk free   Timur Bekmansurov wants to walk free Icon_minitimeFri Jun 02, 2023 1:11 pm

dont know how he can walk
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Timur Bekmansurov wants to walk free
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