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 Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free

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Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Empty
PostSubject: Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free   Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2024 10:51 am

The Supreme Court of Russia upheld the life sentence of Timur Bekmansurov
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Timur Bekmansurov demanded to undergo a psychiatric re-examination to consider his personality disorder as a mitigating circumstance during the court hearing. The court dismissed the defence's appeal.

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Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Empty
PostSubject: Re: Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free   Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2024 11:04 am

Sadly you will never be a Varg Vikernes style again... r.i.p. bozo Keep walking with a firm step, Timur
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Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Empty
PostSubject: Re: Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free   Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2024 11:16 am

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At the end of January this year, Timur Bekmansurov filed a petition to the Supreme Court against his life sentence. According to Izvestia, today, May 7, the court considered the appeal of the former student and left the sentence unchanged. Earlier, Bekmansurov tried to appeal the verdict in the Fourth Court of Appeal of Nizhny Novgorod, but was unsuccessful. The defendant's defense and he himself considered the sentence too harsh and asked for it to be commuted; Bekmansurov wanted a new forensic psychiatric examination.

Footage from today's court hearing shows that Bekmansurov has lost considerable weight during his time in prison. He has to spend the first three years of his life sentence there and is already serving it, and then he will be transferred to a special regime penal colony.



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Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Empty
PostSubject: Re: Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free   Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2024 11:21 am

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Timur Bekmansurov, who killed six people, has reached the Supreme Court in an attempt to prove that he has “lost his mind” and his life sentence should be canceled.

He claims he has intellectual disability and suffers from psychosis, which medical experts mistakenly failed to determine.

Bekmansurov filed two appeals and a cassation appeal. At one of the hearings, he claimed that he had been “mistreated” and that the medical examinations were incorrect. Doctors initially suspected three diagnoses: emotional-unstable disorder, mixed disorder and schizophrenia, but none of them was confirmed. According to the killer, he had been given tranquilizers and that is allegedly why the tests did not show he was crazy.

The prosecutor said in court that Bekmansurov had neither psychosis nor intellectual disability. He went to the mass murder intentionally, so there is no reason to mitigate the sentence.

Timur Bekmansurov, a first-year law student, opened fire with a shotgun at Perm University on September 20, 2021. He killed six people and wounded 23. Another 17 people jumped out of windows while fleeing and were injured. The attacker was wounded during the arrest and later had part of his leg amputated.

source: SHOT


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Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Empty
PostSubject: Re: Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free   Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Icon_minitimeTue May 07, 2024 11:41 am

Timur will never walk free? Timur will never walk, full stop!

NEXT STEP UP, proshooter, war criminal, Denethor, paranoiadance, SuperspooksteR, Hopelessness and like this post

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PostSubject: Re: Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free   Timur Bekmansurov will never walk free Icon_minitime

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