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Columbine High School Massacre Discussion Forum
A place to discuss the Columbine High School Massacre along with other school shootings and crimes. Anyone interested in researching, learning, discussing and debating with us, please come join our community!
Posts : 6 Contribution Points : 15800 Forum Reputation : 50 Join date : 2023-05-11 Age : 22 Location : Japan (本当ですよ)
Subject: Reb's Tape Sat Jun 03, 2023 3:51 am
Hey y’all (this is my first post on the forum so I apologize if this has been shared before), but I came across this video on Bill Ockham's (yeah, yeah) twitter which seems to depict like a second or two of the infamous “Reb's Tape” [link: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ]. The beginning is a short clip of "Love A Little Stronger" by Diamond Rio on CMT, but at the 8 second mark—it’s really brief—but you can see that it’s dark and raining, as well as hear “Stray Bullet” playing in the background, and an “uhh” which sounds a lot like Eric’s voice. It’s pretty hard to tell if this is anything though, because to me the audio sounds pretty clear to have been filmed on a Hi8 or similar era camera— to me it almost sounds as if the song has been added in after. Also, I’m sure many people have a similar voice to Eric’s, especially in such a short clip. In addition, the logo that flashes incredibly briefly at the end looks like it says "Colorado Bureau of Investigation" [ [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ], but the logo itself doesn't look like the present-day logo for the CBI. Idk, it’s so obscure that it makes me believe it could be something, but perhaps it’s just wishful thinking. I’m interested to hear what you all think.
Koltin, weeb, NEXT STEP UP, tellecat, Sylar, Denethor, pestilence and wrathoflambs like this post
Posts : 802 Contribution Points : 87172 Forum Reputation : 1491 Join date : 2018-07-27
Subject: Re: Reb's Tape Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:10 am
Interesting for sure, and I would add a bit worse than "yeah yeah" for Ockham. I'm just as skeptical as whether it's of his own creation.
I don't know more than anybody else about Reb's tape, what you can find here.
Note 1: It emphasizes it's day time
Note 2: No rain is mentioned.
In the brief clip, it's dark and another cars headlights on. That could be from the rain, but it feels like that would be mentioned. Otherwise, no idea.
warmpup likes this post
Posts : 6 Contribution Points : 15800 Forum Reputation : 50 Join date : 2023-05-11 Age : 22 Location : Japan (本当ですよ)
Subject: Re: Reb's Tape Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:39 am
cakeman wrote:
Interesting for sure, and I would add a bit worse than "yeah yeah" for Ockham. I'm just as skeptical as whether it's of his own creation.
I don't know more than anybody else about Reb's tape, what you can find here.
Note 1: It emphasizes it's day time
Note 2: No rain is mentioned.
In the brief clip, it's dark and another cars headlights on. That could be from the rain, but it feels like that would be mentioned. Otherwise, no idea.
Thanks for your response! I realized that I am a moron and completely mislabeled my post, and that I was actually thinking of evidence item [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ( [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ). But I agree, it could be (and likely is) a total fabrication, as the thirst for something new surrounding Columbine is often taken advantage of.
Posts : 802 Contribution Points : 87172 Forum Reputation : 1491 Join date : 2018-07-27
Subject: Re: Reb's Tape Tue Jun 27, 2023 8:10 am
warmpup wrote:
cakeman wrote:
Interesting for sure, and I would add a bit worse than "yeah yeah" for Ockham. I'm just as skeptical as whether it's of his own creation.
I don't know more than anybody else about Reb's tape, what you can find here.
Note 1: It emphasizes it's day time
Note 2: No rain is mentioned.
In the brief clip, it's dark and another cars headlights on. That could be from the rain, but it feels like that would be mentioned. Otherwise, no idea.
Thanks for your response! I realized that I am a moron and completely mislabeled my post, and that I was actually thinking of evidence item [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ( [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ). But I agree, it could be (and likely is) a total fabrication, as the thirst for something new surrounding Columbine is often taken advantage of.
No worries, and well that's different, for it does mention rain. The other tape mentions a red light, which you can also see in your clip. Maybe that's why you confused them?
While he has some interesting material, pictures from new angles and so forth, it seems to be a kind of "spray and pray" philosophy of "new info" because they've already accepted "nothing will ever make sense about that day" rather than going back to the drawing board.
Plus the usual mistake of thinking Randy is an authority due to his proximity to the massacre, which seems to if anything have hindered his abilities - much as ours would be hindered by being terrified and face down and playing dead. Randy thinks anything except day 1 television rumor mill as only a shooting is "revisionism".
And I wouldn't put it past Bill and others to just fabricate evidence, unfortunately.
He and Randy and Cullen are in a long list I wish would just [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]but never will.