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 knowledge of the attacks before they happened.

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knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Empty
PostSubject: knowledge of the attacks before they happened.   knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 27, 2023 10:26 pm


Last edited by computerman on Thu Jul 06, 2023 5:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Empty
PostSubject: Re: knowledge of the attacks before they happened.   knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 27, 2023 11:30 pm

[quote="computerman"]I think some people really knew this attack was going to happen, Corey Friesen said Eric said he was "going to do it", so people knew about the plan. how many other references are there? Devon said she doesn't know what "side" she was on. Brooks and everyone on the far left corner are pretending to shoot guns or are mocking dead people? was it really a big surprise to the these specific people? Eric and Dylan broke into a locker and left threatening notes, this is crimes, why were the police not notified or were they? underage drinking, theft, threats, mischief(faking suicide), all criminal acts, was it just that, that they were criminals in a very strict society where you really will be very afraid to even have your mom called for getting in trouble, committing crimes of these nature would make them scared forever which they probably were and maybe that was their ruining their own lives to themselves. So a group of miserable juveniles really didn't accept the other juveniles and killed them. Also Elliot Rodger might have felt Brooks Brown working for Lucasarts gave him a connection to him in some way. More necrosadistic death acts for the miserable to act like they are using. [/quote]

Would you believe them if they said they were going to? I wouldnt. Maybe their friends were in denial thinking they were never capable of such an attack. About the crimes they committed before the attack, did you really not drink and do dumb shit as a teenager? I feel like everyone did lol. Dont really understand the rest of ur post so i cant give input on that soz !

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knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Empty
PostSubject: Re: knowledge of the attacks before they happened.   knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 28, 2023 1:23 am

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knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Empty
PostSubject: Re: knowledge of the attacks before they happened.   knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 28, 2023 1:46 am

a maze of death was coming from the shooters. nothing but death. suffering agony and a void of nonexistent death terror. what a horrible thing. they liked it. it was what they really were. they died at the end. what a waste of life. a living horror. they were really that feeling of death at the funeral causing it. its what they wanted.
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knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Empty
PostSubject: Re: knowledge of the attacks before they happened.   knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 28, 2023 12:35 pm

it's hard to take your friends seriously when they mention something like that. i think because it was 1999 and there weren't as many school shootings and their friends probably didn't think that they'd actually go through with it. i know there were school shootings prior to columbine, but they definitely didn't think they'd really do it. they didn't have the warning signs that we know now. hindsight is 20/20, and we now know that often times a shooter will mention their intentions to friends (leakage) and they can be serious, which is why it's important to always report sus stuff. better safe than sorry has always been my motto, you just can't believe that you know a person well enough that they wouldn't do something like this.... maybe i just have trust issues, but i think people who think their judgement is supreme and they'd 'never let that happen' are kinda idiots. nobody thinks their friends are capable of so much pain and destruction.

"ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people"
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knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Empty
PostSubject: Re: knowledge of the attacks before they happened.   knowledge of the attacks before they happened. Icon_minitime

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knowledge of the attacks before they happened.
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