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  Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia

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 Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia Empty
PostSubject: Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia    Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia Icon_minitimeSun Feb 12, 2023 7:29 pm

I recently read about this theory and it really intrigues me. I wonder if eating disorders have been linked to mass shooters/ just general violent activity before. I can’t really find much info about this on the web, other than violence in reaction to eating disorder recovery or just vague mental health in relation to mass shootings.

I have seen AL’s list to not eat, but that could have been made for girls he messaged online. I know he was extremely thin, to the point of brain damage, at the time of his death. But, this could be explained by his DDR obsession and OCD. His aspergers and sensory issues could have played a part in that too.

I know Dylan Klebold might’ve lost a ton of weight in the months before the shooting, made remarks about being fat, and was bullied heavily, and that might lead to people thinking he had an ED. But those can be easily explained by stress, lying on his license, and just being a teenager.

Are there any studies linking severe EDs with violent behavior, without the context of forced recovery? Or any mass shooters who were/could have been diagnosed with an ED? Or any other real proof towards this theory?

Im new to this site so sorry if i navigate things weirdly lol.

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 Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia    Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia Icon_minitimeMon Feb 13, 2023 1:34 am

Just from a quick search, there are a lot of studies linking eating disorders to less extreme aggressive behaviour like throwing things, but I didn't see any making the connection to mass murder. Even if there's no explicit connection, I wouldn't be surprised if it contributed in the same manner disorders like OCD, ASD, or a plethora of others did. When something influences the way someone processes information in a similar way to an ED, it can generate a lot of stress that would naturally influence someone to commit suicide, and by extension murder-suicide - especially when other comorbid disorders are common.

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PostSubject: Re: Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia    Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia Icon_minitimeMon Feb 13, 2023 1:45 am

i'm pretty sure salvador ramos' notes on his phone showed that he was struggling with an eating disorder. he also lost a dramatic amount of weight before his shooting. i do think that the correlation with ED/body image issues with school shooters definitely exists.

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PostSubject: Re: Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia    Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia Icon_minitimeMon Feb 13, 2023 7:42 am

Ben wrote:
Just from a quick search, there are a lot of studies linking eating disorders to less extreme aggressive behaviour like throwing things, but I didn't see any making the connection to mass murder. Even if there's no explicit connection, I wouldn't be surprised if it contributed in the same manner disorders like OCD, ASD, or a plethora of others did. When something influences the way someone processes information in a similar way to an ED, it can generate a lot of stress that would naturally influence someone to commit suicide, and by extension murder-suicide - especially when other comorbid disorders are common.

That is what I was kinda thinking. Aggressive behavior makes a lot of sense, but it seems like a leap from slamming things to mass murder. Tons of people have EDs and anger issues, but most dont shoot up an elementary school because of it, lol.

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 Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia    Is there any rare/ more hidden knowledge about the theory of AL’s anorexia Icon_minitimeFri Jul 07, 2023 7:43 pm

I highly doubt that his motive was anorexia, but it may have played a role in helping him reason that he was doing the right thing (see: To the pro-culturalists 3/3) by lessening gray matter in the brain. I remember reading an article stating that the severity of his weight loss would inevitably cause subsequent brain damage.
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