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 Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink

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Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Empty
PostSubject: Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink    Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 31, 2024 1:41 pm

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Sandy hook shooter adam lanza had a cellphone under a bathroom sink with the battery removed. there was no data on it at all, except apparently two screenshots of brief calls: one received and one outgoing (latter isn’t clear). state police drop the lead. why screenshots?

someone from new york state (phone number properly redacted) called adam lanza and spoke with him for 36 seconds. this is the only activity on lanza’s cellphone stashed under the bathroom sink, other than a call lasting 8 seconds apparently placed to his residence. weird.

if you were a state police investigator, wouldn’t you want to go a little further with the ny phone number than just looking it up on fonefinder dot com? wouldn’t you wanna find out who was calling one of the worst mass shooters in american history on what looks like a burner?

This was all taken from a user on Twitter. I have never seen anything about this on the forum and it seems really interesting. Does anyone have any more info or know anything abt this?
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Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink    Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 31, 2024 7:03 pm

That is really interesting. I was going to say, it's possible the New York phone number he called is a relative, which is why they didn't follow up on it, but I don't know that any of his relatives would have been confirmed to be in New York at the time. However, it wouldn't surprise me if this number was totally unknown to them and they just never followed up on it, there were other things they didn't follow up on for seemingly no reason. They did not handle the investigation very well.
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Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink    Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 31, 2024 8:03 pm

messianic_mania wrote:
That is really interesting. I was going to say, it's possible the New York phone number he called is a relative, which is why they didn't follow up on it, but I don't know that any of his relatives would have been confirmed to be in New York at the time. However, it wouldn't surprise me if this number was totally unknown to them and they just never followed up on it, there were other things they didn't follow up on for seemingly no reason. They did not handle the investigation very well.
Ryan at New York, accountant.
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Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink    Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 31, 2024 11:44 pm

WhereisAlice wrote:
messianic_mania wrote:
That is really interesting. I was going to say, it's possible the New York phone number he called is a relative, which is why they didn't follow up on it, but I don't know that any of his relatives would have been confirmed to be in New York at the time. However, it wouldn't surprise me if this number was totally unknown to them and they just never followed up on it, there were other things they didn't follow up on for seemingly no reason. They did not handle the investigation very well.
Ryan at New York, accountant.
Then, it's definitely possible that it's Ryan. According to Ryan, Adam didn't cut off contact with him until about a year prior to the shooting, so it tracks that he might have spoken to him at that point. It probably wasn't anything relevant to the case, most conversations I've had with relitives I don't see anymore are about upcoming holidays, birthdays, or other family occasions. For all we know it was their dad's birthday.
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Age : 16

Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink    Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Icon_minitimeFri Feb 02, 2024 3:29 am

BoogieMan wrote:
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Sandy hook shooter adam lanza had a cellphone under a bathroom sink with the battery removed. there was no data on it at all, except apparently two screenshots of brief calls: one received and one outgoing (latter isn’t clear). state police drop the lead. why screenshots?

someone from new york state (phone number properly redacted) called adam lanza and spoke with him for 36 seconds. this is the only activity on lanza’s cellphone stashed under the bathroom sink, other than a call lasting 8 seconds apparently placed to his residence. weird.

if you were a state police investigator, wouldn’t you want to go a little further with the ny phone number than just looking it up on fonefinder dot com? wouldn’t you wanna find out who was calling one of the worst mass shooters in american history on what looks like a burner?

This was all taken from a user on Twitter. I have never seen anything about this on the forum and it seems really interesting. Does anyone have any more info or know anything abt this?

i believe Ryan was in new york so its most likely him.
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Posts : 123
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Join date : 2023-12-02

Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink    Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2024 2:05 am

messianic_mania wrote:
WhereisAlice wrote:
messianic_mania wrote:
That is really interesting. I was going to say, it's possible the New York phone number he called is a relative, which is why they didn't follow up on it, but I don't know that any of his relatives would have been confirmed to be in New York at the time. However, it wouldn't surprise me if this number was totally unknown to them and they just never followed up on it, there were other things they didn't follow up on for seemingly no reason. They did not handle the investigation very well.
Ryan at New York, accountant.
Then, it's definitely possible that it's Ryan. According to Ryan, Adam didn't cut off contact with him until about a year prior to the shooting, so it tracks that he might have spoken to him at that point. It probably wasn't anything relevant to the case, most conversations I've had with relitives I don't see anymore are about upcoming holidays, birthdays, or other family occasions. For all we know it was their dad's birthday.
Coming back to this thread a few days later to add; I still do wonder, why the screenshots? One screenshot, I could write off as an accident or just trying to figure out phone controls, but two? Both of phone calls? I wonder why. I really can't think of an answer for it that doesn't seem like an insane stretch.
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Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink    Adam Lanza phone hidden under bathroom sink  Icon_minitime

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