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 Did people have prior knowledge?

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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 12:38 am

I know people tend to say no one had prior knowledge, but there seems to be some evidence that someone did. Alex marsh in her 11k interview said that someone knew people would meet up With guns and blow up the school, and I believe jacelyn heckler said zach heckler knew they had it planned but didn't think they would go through with it. So do you guys think people had prior knowledge? If they did, why didn't they stop them? Sorry I would put links to an 11k index where you can find anyone's interview, but I'm on a phone so I can't link it
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 12:50 am

I think many of the 'associates' had prior knowledge. I mean, how could they not? They hung out with D & E, they over heard things. Everyone in that group was constantly voicing their hate of the school and it was said kind of jokingly. Zach's printed saying in the yearbook was "I hate this school." So, while D & E may have said many things about how they want to blow up the school, kill people, etc. No one took them seriously. It was all just one big running joke. E & D were banking on that fact that people would hear what they say and just not pay any serious attention. Check out Pauline Colby in the 11K too. She mentions how she knew about the plan.
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 12:55 am

I really have no idea how to feel about that
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 5:08 am

I think a lot of people had some form of prior knowledge, but that most were never given the full information necessary to see it for what it was. It had turned into a running joke among the people they told. I don't think any of them were truly surprised that day, but were just in shock because they hadn't known it was more than a laugh. Should they have paid more attention to it? Of course. I particularly feel this way about Robyn Anderson, to be honest with you. I know she had this crush on Dylan, but if somebody I had a crush on asked me to buy guns for him and his friend I wouldn't be satisfied assuming they'd use it for 'hunting'. Rolling Eyes 

But it's not just the friends. Law enforcement, therapists, maybe even staff of school itself.. they all should have been more aware of what was going on. Reading the diversion files makes me headdesk more than anything else. It was still too early for the boys to have formed any definite plans, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have caught on to Dylan's depression and Eric's problems more than they did now. The fact that Eric was well-behaved doesn't mean he didn't have serious issues that weren't going to go away by putting him on drugs that would exacerbate his problems even more. The fact that Dylan was slacking off in school, making excuses for himself, etc.. Somebody needed to confront that boy with himself and nobody ever did. (Can we not mention the fact that the Browns actually filed a complaint against Eric that wasn't really dealt with properly? I want to hit something every time I think about it.)

This is, admittedly, one of the things I feel most strongly about in the entire case. If anyone in their environment had taken a step back and said "this is not okay", chances are Columbine would never have been a name known to any of us today. The warning signs were there. The 'leaking' of plans was there. I refuse to believe that nobody could've done anything to put a halt to it.
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 1:12 pm

thedragonrampant wrote:
I think a lot of people had some form of prior knowledge, but that most were never given the full information necessary to see it for what it was. It had turned into a running joke among the people they told. I don't think any of them were truly surprised that day, but were just in shock because they hadn't known it was more than a laugh. Should they have paid more attention to it? Of course. I particularly feel this way about Robyn Anderson, to be honest with you. I know she had this crush on Dylan, but if somebody I had a crush on asked me to buy guns for him and his friend I wouldn't be satisfied assuming they'd use it for 'hunting'. Rolling Eyes 

But it's not just the friends. Law enforcement, therapists, maybe even staff of school itself.. they all should have been more aware of what was going on. Reading the diversion files makes me headdesk more than anything else. It was still too early for the boys to have formed any definite plans, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have caught on to Dylan's depression and Eric's problems more than they did now. The fact that Eric was well-behaved doesn't mean he didn't have serious issues that weren't going to go away by putting him on drugs that would exacerbate his problems even more. The fact that Dylan was slacking off in school, making excuses for himself, etc.. Somebody needed to confront that boy with himself and nobody ever did. (Can we not mention the fact that the Browns actually filed a complaint against Eric that wasn't really dealt with properly? I want to hit something every time I think about it.)

This is, admittedly, one of the things I feel most strongly about in the entire case. If anyone in their environment had taken a step back and said "this is not okay", chances are Columbine would never have been a name known to any of us today. The warning signs were there. The 'leaking' of plans was there. I refuse to believe that nobody could've done anything to put a halt to it.

Everything you said was very true. Can you link me to the diversion papers?
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 2:07 pm

Dylan's file & Eric's file. The questionnaires and the way they handled diversion are the most interesting bits. Huge difference between the two boys there. Smile
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 3:12 pm

highwayhypnosis wrote:
I really have no idea how to feel about that

Check out Jennifer Harmon's long audio interview. 006482

She mentions Pauline Colby and how she just took off on 4/20 and also what Jennifer over hears Nate saying in shock while in his truck. Nate: "I can't believe that they actually did this."   Jennifer: "Like, like he knew and he could'nt believe they did it that day."

As an aside, Jennifer's testimony has some interesting details on exactly where each of their cars were normally parked in the senior lot and what type of cars each had.  

In conjunction with Marsh' testimony,  Emily Paletta - Jr in CHS mentioned:
Alex Marsh was in her class and said 2-3 months prior to the attack that she was no longer associated with the TCM because Harris & Klebold were doing something "weird" - she would not elaborate.  

Cory Friesen  Associates  010726   "He never thought they would go this far"

Explains of foreknowlege is leaked all over the place in the 11k.  I would surmise that many of them knew a whole lot more - especially close associates (Morris, Heckler, Sargent,) - but these people were minimizing how much they knew to protect their own skin.   Plus, lie dectector tests aren't the most reliable and can come back inconclusive.  Kristi Epling wrote notes with Eric in class about people on his Hit List.  She knew he had grudges enough to speak of a 'hit list' - but of course, it's a bit of a game and she certainly didn't take it seriously.
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 8:42 pm

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
highwayhypnosis wrote:
I really have no idea how to feel about that

Check out Jennifer Harmon's long audio interview. 006482

She mentions Pauline Colby and how she just took off on 4/20 and also what Jennifer over hears Nate saying in shock while in his truck. Nate: "I can't believe that they actually did this."   Jennifer: "Like, like he knew and he could'nt believe they did it that day."

As an aside, Jennifer's testimony has some interesting details on exactly where each of their cars were normally parked in the senior lot and what type of cars each had.  

In conjunction with Marsh' testimony,  Emily Paletta - Jr in CHS mentioned:
Alex Marsh was in her class and said 2-3 months prior to the attack that she was no longer associated with the TCM because Harris & Klebold were doing something "weird" - she would not elaborate.  

Cory Friesen  Associates  010726   "He never thought they would go this far"

Explains of foreknowlege is leaked all over the place in the 11k.  I would surmise that many of them knew a whole lot more - especially close associates (Morris, Heckler, Sargent,) - but these people were minimizing how much they knew to protect their own skin.   Plus, lie dectector tests aren't the most reliable and can come back inconclusive.  Kristi Epling wrote notes with Eric in class about people on his Hit List.  She knew he had grudges enough to speak of a 'hit list' - but of course, it's a bit of a game and she certainly didn't take it seriously.

Do you think any of these people knew they were SERIOUS about it? Like that it wasn't just a joke? Because if they knew that and didn't stop them.... then I don't know what to say.
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 9:28 pm

highwayhypnosis wrote:
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
highwayhypnosis wrote:
I really have no idea how to feel about that

Check out Jennifer Harmon's long audio interview. 006482

She mentions Pauline Colby and how she just took off on 4/20 and also what Jennifer over hears Nate saying in shock while in his truck. Nate: "I can't believe that they actually did this."   Jennifer: "Like, like he knew and he could'nt believe they did it that day."

As an aside, Jennifer's testimony has some interesting details on exactly where each of their cars were normally parked in the senior lot and what type of cars each had.  

In conjunction with Marsh' testimony,  Emily Paletta - Jr in CHS mentioned:
Alex Marsh was in her class and said 2-3 months prior to the attack that she was no longer associated with the TCM because Harris & Klebold were doing something "weird" - she would not elaborate.  

Cory Friesen  Associates  010726   "He never thought they would go this far"

Explains of foreknowlege is leaked all over the place in the 11k.  I would surmise that many of them knew a whole lot more - especially close associates (Morris, Heckler, Sargent,) - but these people were minimizing how much they knew to protect their own skin.   Plus, lie dectector tests aren't the most reliable and can come back inconclusive.  Kristi Epling wrote notes with Eric in class about people on his Hit List.  She knew he had grudges enough to speak of a 'hit list' - but of course, it's a bit of a game and she certainly didn't take it seriously.

Do you think any of these people knew they were SERIOUS about it? Like that it wasn't just a joke? Because if they knew that and didn't stop them.... then I don't know what to say.

Like I said in my earlier post in this thread, yes, people for the most part shrugged it off as a joke.  I think some that were close to E & D knew they were kinda sorta serious - at least Eric sounded as though he was determined to do it at times.  Still, people just didn't believe them, didn't think they'd have the nuts to pull it off.  Perhaps thought they were just whining like everyone else did about hating the school, hating jocks. E & D weren't even officially part of the TCM so it's a good bet their threats were taken with a grain of salt, as if the two outsiders of The Outcast group were trying to pump up their reputation.  Plus, I think most of the time E & D regularly couched their comments in a way that it came across like a joke.  I recall Brooks having a laugh with Eric that their school was next in line for the school shooting.  He shakes his head in remorse over that in his book,'No Easy Answers".  Remember, this was the first big school shooting that got attention in hindsight, previous ones were lone shooters and for the most part, anomalous blips in relation to all the high schools in the country.  After the fact, students realized they should've taken a lot of what E & D said seriously.  Brooks Brown for one.

There must have been plenty of sympathizers - part of the TCM or  outcasts that had connections to the group that knew something was up, and maybe some of them  did a little silent victory cheer after E & D pulled it off.    Outspoken Alex Marsh and Melissa Sowder, vocalized in front of other students  after the shooting that they wished they could've participated on 4/20.  I believe Sowder was asked to leave CHS for good - probably Marsh too.  Many of those associated with the TCM were put on a witch hunt and asked to leave.  Eric Veik seemed stunned and genuinely upset that they'd done, even crying on a tv interview,  but  it's a  good bet he knew a lot more than than he divulged to the cops  since he worked  closely  with E &D on their video production assignments.  Months later, Veik  goes a bit nutty and gets in trouble with the law for trying to 'finish the job' in a measly sort of way.   I still think Veik looked up to Eric Harris, kind of a hero worship. But I digress.  At any rate, yes, some people knew.
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 10:21 pm

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
highwayhypnosis wrote:
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
highwayhypnosis wrote:
I really have no idea how to feel about that

Check out Jennifer Harmon's long audio interview. 006482

She mentions Pauline Colby and how she just took off on 4/20 and also what Jennifer over hears Nate saying in shock while in his truck. Nate: "I can't believe that they actually did this."   Jennifer: "Like, like he knew and he could'nt believe they did it that day."

As an aside, Jennifer's testimony has some interesting details on exactly where each of their cars were normally parked in the senior lot and what type of cars each had.  

In conjunction with Marsh' testimony,  Emily Paletta - Jr in CHS mentioned:
Alex Marsh was in her class and said 2-3 months prior to the attack that she was no longer associated with the TCM because Harris & Klebold were doing something "weird" - she would not elaborate.  

Cory Friesen  Associates  010726   "He never thought they would go this far"

Explains of foreknowlege is leaked all over the place in the 11k.  I would surmise that many of them knew a whole lot more - especially close associates (Morris, Heckler, Sargent,) - but these people were minimizing how much they knew to protect their own skin.   Plus, lie dectector tests aren't the most reliable and can come back inconclusive.  Kristi Epling wrote notes with Eric in class about people on his Hit List.  She knew he had grudges enough to speak of a 'hit list' - but of course, it's a bit of a game and she certainly didn't take it seriously.

Do you think any of these people knew they were SERIOUS about it? Like that it wasn't just a joke? Because if they knew that and didn't stop them.... then I don't know what to say.

Like I said in my earlier post in this thread, yes, people for the most part shrugged it off as a joke.  I think some that were close to E & D knew they were kinda sorta serious - at least Eric sounded as though he was determined to do it at times.  Still, people just didn't believe them, didn't think they'd have the nuts to pull it off.  Perhaps thought they were just whining like everyone else did about hating the school, hating jocks. E & D weren't even officially part of the TCM so it's a good bet their threats were taken with a grain of salt, as if the two outsiders of The Outcast group were trying to pump up their reputation.  Plus, I think most of the time E & D regularly couched their comments in a way that it came across like a joke.  I recall Brooks having a laugh with Eric that their school was next in line for the school shooting.  He shakes his head in remorse over that in his book,'No Easy Answers".  Remember, this was the first big school shooting that got attention in hindsight, previous ones were lone shooters and for the most part, anomalous blips in relation to all the high schools in the country.  After the fact, students realized they should've taken a lot of what E & D said seriously.  Brooks Brown for one.

There must have been plenty of sympathizers - part of the TCM or  outcasts that had connections to the group that knew something was up, and maybe some of them  did a little silent victory cheer after E & D pulled it off.    Outspoken Alex Marsh and Melissa Sowder, vocalized in front of other students  after the shooting that they wished they could've participated on 4/20.  I believe Sowder was asked to leave CHS for good - probably Marsh too.  Many of those associated with the TCM were put on a witch hunt and asked to leave.  Eric Veik seemed stunned and genuinely upset that they'd done, even crying on a tv interview,  but  it's a  good bet he knew a lot more than than he divulged to the cops  since he worked  closely  with E &D on their video production assignments.  Months later, Veik  goes a bit nutty and gets in trouble with the law for trying to 'finish the job' in a measly sort of way.   I still think Veik looked up to Eric Harris, kind of a hero worship. But I digress.  At any rate, yes, some people knew.

Pretty much agree with all this. I wonder how many people knew - and how many of them either didn't believe it or were totally fine with the idea until it was actually happening. The idea of it and the reality of it are two very different things. I remember talking to my friends in high school and joking that we should blow up the school and "I wish those fuckers would die" and such. And then Columbine happened and suddenly these are "warning signs" and not jokes. I wouldn't have taken E&D seriously if I had been in school with them.

I would love to pick Veik's brain. I think he knew more than he admitted and that the further rejection of the TCM/E&D's friends after the massacre only reinforced the propaganda he picked up from E&D.
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2013 2:33 am

I honestly don't think Veik knew much of Eric and Dylan's plans

Veik probably "admired" them in a way when he always filmed them. I think E&D used Veik. I feel bad for him...

And if there's anyone who knew much about the massacre would be Chris Morris. Chris Morris definitely knew much more than he led on. He hung out with Eric and Dylan so much near the end of their lives. By the time near late 98 early '99 most of E&D's friends "grew" up out of that stage. Nate, Zach...they 'grew' up and found girlfriend's and slowly drifted from them.

Chris Morris is also a liar. He said, "The only reason I immediately knew it was E&D is because they wore Trench Coats. They were the only 2 Kids that still wore them." He is a liar because in one video with Dylan he is clearly wearing a Trench Coat and the date was December '98...
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2013 11:35 pm

lol wrote:
I honestly don't think Veik knew much of Eric and Dylan's plans

Veik probably "admired" them in a way when he always filmed them. I think E&D used Veik. I feel bad for him...

And if there's anyone who knew much about the massacre would be Chris Morris. Chris Morris definitely knew much more than he led on. He hung out with Eric and Dylan so much near the end of their lives. By the time near late 98 early '99 most of E&D's friends "grew" up out of that stage. Nate, Zach...they 'grew' up and found girlfriend's and slowly drifted from them.

Chris Morris is also a liar. He said, "The only reason I immediately knew it was E&D is because they wore Trench Coats. They were the only 2 Kids that still wore them." He is a liar because in one video with Dylan he is clearly wearing a Trench Coat and the date was December '98...

Well, if you mean hitmen for hire (December 98), then I think he was just wearing a black shirt and a beret. And even if he was wearing one, they still could've been the only two who still wore them. He may have been referring to the whole second half of senior year....

And why do you think he knew more than he lead on? Sure he was a violent kid, but everything he said in the 11k seems pretty legitimate to me. I mean, he admitted to knowing about Dylan's pipe bombs (incident at black jack). What else do you think he knew?
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2013 11:16 pm

I agree with highwayhypnosis, Chris' 11K read legit to me. And I don't recall seeing Chris Morris wearing a trench coat in Hitmen for Hire. There were a lot of people that they spent time with together and separately that might have known bits and pieces, but there was just no way to combine those puzzle pieces to complete a real picture before the fact.
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2013 10:24 pm

highwayhypnosis wrote:
lol wrote:
I honestly don't think Veik knew much of Eric and Dylan's plans

Veik probably "admired" them in a way when he always filmed them. I think E&D used Veik. I feel bad for him...

And if there's anyone who knew much about the massacre would be Chris Morris. Chris Morris definitely knew much more than he led on. He hung out with Eric and Dylan so much near the end of their lives. By the time near late 98 early '99 most of E&D's friends "grew" up out of that stage. Nate, Zach...they 'grew' up and found girlfriend's and slowly drifted from them.

Chris Morris is also a liar. He said, "The only reason I immediately knew it was E&D is because they wore Trench Coats. They were the only 2 Kids that still wore them." He is a liar because in one video with Dylan he is clearly wearing a Trench Coat and the date was December '98...

Well, if you mean hitmen for hire (December 98), then I think he was just wearing a black shirt and a beret. And even if he was wearing one, they still could've been the only two who still wore them. He may have been referring to the whole second half of senior year....

And why do you think he knew more than he lead on? Sure he was a violent kid, but everything he said in the 11k seems pretty legitimate to me. I mean, he admitted to knowing about Dylan's pipe bombs (incident at black jack). What else do you think he knew?
No he was wearing a black jacket that looked pretty similar to Dylan's trenchcoat...

Chris trying to weasel himself out, and not trying to make himself look like a suspect
And the reason I said he knew more than he led on because I find it hard to believe that a guy like Chris who hung out with BIG MOUTH Eric A LOT in the last few months of his life would have no knowledge?

As a matter of fact Eric tried to recruit Chris Morris, and Chris refused. You're telling me he didn't know more about their 'plan'?

Same with Zach.

Chris & Zach Heckler knew a lot more than they led on.
Chris for Eric
Zach for Dylan
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2013 10:46 pm

lol wrote:
highwayhypnosis wrote:
lol wrote:
I honestly don't think Veik knew much of Eric and Dylan's plans

Veik probably "admired" them in a way when he always filmed them. I think E&D used Veik. I feel bad for him...

And if there's anyone who knew much about the massacre would be Chris Morris. Chris Morris definitely knew much more than he led on. He hung out with Eric and Dylan so much near the end of their lives. By the time near late 98 early '99 most of E&D's friends "grew" up out of that stage. Nate, Zach...they 'grew' up and found girlfriend's and slowly drifted from them.

Chris Morris is also a liar. He said, "The only reason I immediately knew it was E&D is because they wore Trench Coats. They were the only 2 Kids that still wore them." He is a liar because in one video with Dylan he is clearly wearing a Trench Coat and the date was December '98...

Well, if you mean hitmen for hire (December 98), then I think he was just wearing a black shirt and a beret. And even if he was wearing one, they still could've been the only two who still wore them. He may have been referring to the whole second half of senior year....

And why do you think he knew more than he lead on? Sure he was a violent kid, but everything he said in the 11k seems pretty legitimate to me. I mean, he admitted to knowing about Dylan's pipe bombs (incident at black jack). What else do you think he knew?
No he was wearing a black jacket that looked pretty similar to Dylan's trenchcoat...

Chris trying to weasel himself out, and not trying to make himself look like a suspect
And the reason I said he knew more than he led on because I find it hard to believe that a guy like Chris who hung out with BIG MOUTH Eric A LOT in the last few months of his life would have no knowledge?

As a matter of fact Eric tried to recruit Chris Morris, and Chris refused. You're telling me he didn't know more about their 'plan'?

Same with Zach.

Chris & Zach Heckler knew a lot more than they led on.
Chris for Eric
Zach for Dylan

^^ I'm on the same page with you on this.  It's especially amazing that Chris weaseled his way out completely.  Chris had a reputation of having a temper and liking the same sorts of preoccupations  - guns, weapons, explosions, etc.  And you're right, I do recall Eric trying to recruit Chris.  Zach, otoh, may have known bits and pieces but he had distanced himself from the unholy trio of himself, E & D ever since the locker hacking incident.  So, perhaps Dylan didn't elaborate too much as to what he and Eric were up to.  Don't ask; don't tell - kind of thing.  I find it ironic how Zach helped people over the fence on 4/20.  He's the one that could've become like E &D  but made a better choice and ended doing some heroic things on that day.  Perhaps his parents are due some of the credit for seriously distancing him from Eric after the hacking suspension.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 31, 2013 10:54 am

lol wrote:

As a matter of fact Eric tried to recruit Chris Morris, and Chris refused. You're telling me he didn't know more about their 'plan'?

I have heard this before. Can someone give me the source of this information? I've heard people say Eric tried to recruit Chris, but never read anything official supporting it.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 5:11 am

highwayhypnosis wrote:
lol wrote:

As a matter of fact Eric tried to recruit Chris Morris, and Chris refused. You're telling me he didn't know more about their 'plan'?

I have heard this before. Can someone give me the source of this information? I've heard people say Eric tried to recruit Chris, but never read anything official supporting it.

I've also heard this, but have never seen an official source. However, based upon what we know about Chris Morris at that time period, well, it seems to me like he would have jumped on it if Eric had tried to recruit him. He pulled a knife on someone (can't remember who right now) over a girl. Allegedly pulled a chain from under his coat and was swinging it like he was going to hit someone after being harassed by some jocks in a car. Was very involved in E&D's lives - worked with them, went to school with them, was a close friend to them. But with the inclination towards violence that he has (based on the info we have available) I would be surprised if he turned Eric down. Again, I don't know him and everything I'm basing my opinion on comes from descriptions from media and the 11K and such. And clearly you can't predict someone's actions based on these little tidbits. But if you had to guess who would be a school shooter based on what we had, wouldn't he be the obvious choice?
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 5:32 pm

Here is more info pointing to foreknowledge on the part of others:

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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 6:28 pm

I think I read this part with eric and chris morris in "no easy answers". I have to look now. And I don´t know where Brooks had this information.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 2:58 pm

Now I don´t get it.

The only thing i found in no easy answers is this:

Chris Morris, a Member of the Trench Coat Mafia who still worked with Eric and Dylan at Blackjack Pizza, told Police that Eric had joked about killing jocks and suggested placing bombs on the generators as way to blow up the school. It hat seemed like joking around, Morris said.

It was not a joke, and maybe some people took it serious, Columbine did not happend.

Maybe some could help us with the story that Eric tried to recruit Chris? That would be awesome.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2013 3:58 pm

Found this:

One student that was suspected of being a potential third shooter was Chris Morris, a member of the Trench Coat Mafia. While he was not involved, Harris had attempted to recruit him for the massacre three times, starting on March 20, 1999. Chris refused on all counts, thinking Harris was just joking.

But I don´t know from where this comes.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2013 11:22 pm

starviego wrote:
Here is more info pointing to foreknowledge on the part of others:

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Whoa man, that has a lot of weird info on it. Not sure I'm inclined to believe a lot of it though because I know that website is very conspiracy theory oriented. But I am scrutinizing the 11k as we speak...
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 05, 2013 6:10 pm

I don´t like those conspiracy theory. You have to know: the more people know about, the risk is higher to leak and prevent this event.
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Did people have prior knowledge? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2013 3:11 am

I think that there was prior knowledge of the Columbine Shootings. Perhaps not direct details, but I have no doubt in my mind that bits and pieces of information were floating around, but no one took it seriously because it might have been presented in a form of a joke - which might have even been done on purpose. I do not have evidence to backup my claim, but I honestly think that Eric Veik knew something - with all the time he spent making (violent) videos with Eric and Dylan, he must have had been clued in on something. (And if I recall correctly, Eric Veik was also responsible for putting "4-20, 4-20, 4-20, You're probably wishing you weren't here today." on the RNN). If there is another explanation for this extremely odd statement, then I would say that Erik Veik knew what was about to go down at Columbine.

And concerning Chris Morris, I would say there is a high probability he knew more information than he led police/investigators to believe. He already had a violent history prior to the shootings; I mean, how many times was Chris Morris cited for engaging in fights, and pulling knives on people while on school grounds? He was obviously dangerous, a high-risk for violent behavior, and someone that people clearly did not want to mess with. It would be naive to believe that Chris Morris had no knowledge of future events, or hadn't been involved in some way.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 05, 2013 7:19 pm

Chris Morris and Nathan Dykeman... it´s odd. They knew about the bombs. And Nathan knew about the TEC9. But they did not take it serious. If they had any doubt, Columbine would not happend. But there were so many signs and no one saw it. So I can not blame them.

The source about recruiting him as a third shooter. Chris Morris Statement 11K

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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 05, 2013 8:45 pm

em81 wrote:
Chris Morris and Nathan Dykeman... it´s odd. They knew about the bombs. And Nathan knew about the TEC9. But they did not take it serious. If they had any doubt, Columbine would not happend. But there were so many signs and no one saw it. So I can not blame them.

The source about recruiting him as a third shooter. Chris Morris Statement 11K

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That doesn't really sound like Eric was trying to "recruit" him, as opposed to Eric just mouthing off.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 05, 2013 8:58 pm

MarmaladeSkies wrote:
em81 wrote:
Chris Morris and Nathan Dykeman... it´s odd. They knew about the bombs. And Nathan knew about the TEC9. But they did not take it serious. If they had any doubt, Columbine would not happend. But there were so many signs and no one saw it. So I can not blame them.

The source about recruiting him as a third shooter. Chris Morris Statement 11K

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That doesn't really sound like Eric was trying to "recruit" him, as opposed to Eric just mouthing off.
I think Eric is mouthing off and also trying to gauge Chris' reaction to see if has a mutual interest.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 05, 2013 9:04 pm

Yes that´s what I think too.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 14, 2013 6:03 pm

I don't think E & D were taken too seriously because ,maybe their characters played a part in the deceit. They loved being filmed carrying guns and acted bad asses. Although there were warning signs everywhere , they both may have been seen as being fantasists. Maybe the inner circle received stronger warning signs. I think people just brushed it away as being fantasies and tough guy images. I guess we will never know 100% who knew what and why they never acted against the madness that transpired that day.
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PostSubject: Re: Did people have prior knowledge?   Did people have prior knowledge? Icon_minitimeWed Jan 25, 2017 10:18 am

It's amazing how this has been extrapolated to point where people will say, "Eric actively tried to recruit Chris." If this text is the closest we have, then that is one hell of a stretch.

Bart and Nelson from the Simpson's also joked about blowing up the school and killing teachers. Maybe they should be brought in for questioning.
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