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 Mass shooting

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PostSubject: Mass shooting   Mass shooting Icon_minitimeSat Aug 05, 2023 2:43 pm

Why does nobody talk about the 1998 Thurston Shooting? It is so underrated.
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Mass shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooting   Mass shooting Icon_minitimeSat Aug 05, 2023 2:49 pm

TheGoodChief wrote:
Why does nobody talk about the 1998 Thurston Shooting? It is so underrated.
I think it's pretty well-known in true crime circles. But other than that, I feel it is because so few people were killed and Kinkel was not a very hateful person. He was ill. The bigger the damage, the more well-known a shooting gets (most of the time..) But I feel you, it is a case that should be researched more and would be very helpful for future instances.

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