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 The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks

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PostSubject: The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks    The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2023 4:01 am

A shooter, no matter what type, will always have only 3 possible motivations for his act.

1- He believes that his act is a representation of a war, a revolt, a resurrection against the state and against modern humanity/society

2- He performs the act simply for the sake of violence itself, having no other objective than the satisfaction of indiscriminate violence

3- He copies other shooters for one or both of the aforementioned reasons.

In both 3 cases, we realize that the act is a mixture of two distinct forces: Intellectualism and emotion. however, although it appears that the emotion is born of the intellect in this case, we must observe that in reality, it is the opposite. It is not possible to unite intellectualism and reason to this type of act, simply because even if you take their manifestos and thoughts, you will realize that attacks are naturally useless for the following reasons:

1- If modern humanity is the problem, it will not be a sporadic attack that will be able to carry out a real opposition.

2- It is not possible to enjoy the performance of some act, without being able to perform it completely, what is necessary to be able and therefore, unlimited resources to do it

3- If there are neither resources nor power and, on top of that, any action, however violent it may be, will not affect even 0% of the species, there is no rational reason for taking a violent attitude.

therefore, it is not the cold intellect that causes the attacks, but the emotions of the individual, which grow within him without limits, precisely due to the absence of a healthy development, from the support of sensible people. intellectualism is actually just a way of justifying and passing on the same emotions in the form of words to other people of the same nature. Therefore, the only way to stop attacks is to give support precisely within the emotional area and reshape the person's intellect to positive and peaceful dissent. and that's precisely why we at Knowledge Tycoons started Operation Salvation, which is precisely to find people with destructive behaviors or who plan things like that and give them all the necessary support, listening to them and directing them towards something peaceful. If you know someone who needs someone to listen to them or you need one yourself, please contact us. we will listen to you and help you in any case!

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PostSubject: Re: The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks    The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2023 12:14 pm

You aren't Eric Harris kid

“The message here is there is no message”-James Holmes

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PostSubject: Re: The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks    The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2023 1:07 pm


1. He believes in God, but he's no christfag or aloha snackbar
2. Has 55 IQ
3. Writes anthems for some random guy who shoot 3 of his co-workers because he thought he would turn into a trans ghost wimmin afterlife
4. He's black, but wants to be white
5. Bro believes he's one of the Kawlimpin shooters
6. Lost his dick at car accident
7. MLP is his favorite cartoon

PROTIP: The secret way to stop him is the latest form of electro-convulsive therapy by sending him noodles of famous Jews like (((Zuck))) in PMs.


Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks    The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2023 6:17 pm

Mitch wrote:
A shooter, no matter what type, will always have only 3 possible motivations for his act.

1- He believes that his act is a representation of a war, a revolt, a resurrection against the state and against modern humanity/society

2- He performs the act simply for the sake of violence itself, having no other objective than the satisfaction of indiscriminate violence

3- He copies other shooters for one or both of the aforementioned reasons.

In both 3 cases, we realize that the act is a mixture of two distinct forces: Intellectualism and emotion. however, although it appears that the emotion is born of the intellect in this case, we must observe that in reality, it is the opposite. It is not possible to unite intellectualism and reason to this type of act, simply because even if you take their manifestos and thoughts, you will realize that attacks are naturally useless for the following reasons:

1- If modern humanity is the problem, it will not be a sporadic attack that will be able to carry out a real opposition.

2- It is not possible to enjoy the performance of some act, without being able to perform it completely, what is necessary to be able and therefore, unlimited resources to do it

3- If there are neither resources nor power and, on top of that, any action, however violent it may be, will not affect even 0% of the species, there is no rational reason for taking a violent attitude.

therefore, it is not the cold intellect that causes the attacks, but the emotions of the individual, which grow within him without limits, precisely due to the absence of a healthy development, from the support of sensible people. intellectualism is actually just a way of justifying and passing on the same emotions in the form of words to other people of the same nature. Therefore, the only way to stop attacks is to give support precisely within the emotional area and reshape the person's intellect to positive and peaceful dissent. and that's precisely why we at Knowledge Tycoons started Operation Salvation, which is precisely to find people with destructive behaviors or who plan things like that and give them all the necessary support, listening to them and directing them towards something peaceful. If you know someone who needs someone to listen to them or you need one yourself, please contact us. we will listen to you and help you in any case!
Mucho Texto
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Posts : 147
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PostSubject: Re: The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks    The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2023 7:40 pm

Mitch wrote:
A shooter, no matter what type, will always have only 3 possible motivations for his act.

1- He believes that his act is a representation of a war, a revolt, a resurrection against the state and against modern humanity/society

The best way to revolt against the system is not a shooting, but causing disruption by other spectacular means. Twisted Evil
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PostSubject: Re: The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks    The Mind of a Shooter and the Secret to Stopping Attacks  Icon_minitimeMon Sep 04, 2023 9:32 pm

Here's my two cents on how to stop a mass shooter: Make Suicides Great Again! As morbid as it sounds, I can almost guarantee that if the news and media in general would glamorise suicides as much as they do with mass murders and serial killers then there would be a decrease in violence. Most mass shooters are looking to martyr themselves because of one reason or another, either personal grievances or political agendas or whatever the hell else. They want their problems to be heard and they want to go out in a blaze of glory. So, why not give them their martyrdom they so eagerly want? They are going to do it no matter what, so you might as well minimise the casualties to one corpse. The shooters want to go out in style like Ernest Hemingway, Ian Curtis and Kurt Cobain. The problem? They don't have a legacy. If they were to die, nobody would bat an eye. It's as if they never existed in the first place. So, what does the shooters do? They go into a mall, a school, a supermarket and so on with a bullet spitter of their choice and run amok before snuffing themselves out as if they were a candle. So to me the only reasonable way to stop shooters from carrying out their act is to make suicides famous. It could be a celebrity or some poor Joe Soap, either way,the media needs to make the suicides into a spectacle. I'm talking about movies, documentaries, interviews, TV series and so on. The shooter could either blow his top off like a cuban cigar in the comfort of his bedroom or in a classroom with dead bodies all over the place. Seems like an easy choice to make, right?

You might say "But what if we gave these shooters a chance to live life?". Don't bother, keep your mouth shut. Mankind has a "Life Drive" and a "Death Drive". The "Life Drive" is the will of humanity to continue on in the face of annihilation (Example: Continuing to live life after an earthquake completely wrecked your shit) while the "Death Drive" is the will of humanity to cause wanton wrath no matter the circumstances (Example: Bringing a machete to a daycare centre to teach the kids a lesson of bloodshed for no good reason).

The perfect example of this coming into reality is Aidan Ingalls and the South haven pier shooting. Aidan  was already arrested for planning an attack on Paw Paw High School. He was given a second chance at life yet that didn't remove the black nebula seething in his brain that wanted the martyrdom. Too bad he didn't get the high score, otherwise the world might have learned a lesson...

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