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 Question about Dylan's Tec-9

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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 20, 2023 11:07 pm

This might sound like a small question. I know Dylan had 4 magazines for his Tec-9. I was curious if anyone knew whether he bought them separately or if all 4 came with the gun when he bought it.
Tec-9 magazines have a reputation for not being great quality and apparently one of them broke during the attack.

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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 21, 2023 5:36 pm

im also wondering this lol


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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 21, 2023 7:14 pm

I'd be willing to bet he got all the magazines when he bought the Tec from the seller. He owned it for a few years before he sold it to Klebold/Harris, and didn't want to sell it but needed the money. It's bullshit what he was charged with, just because they were 17 and not 18. Literally one year difference destroyed his life.  Meanwhile, the woman who bought the other 3 firearms used in the shooting was never charged with anything? Crazy.. Even crazier when they could have bought all 3 of those firearms at the gun show without her at that time, yet they had her buy them? Also how they straight up name drop all of them in the basement tapes, instead of just keeping that shit quiet, stupid.

"If you could walk a mile in my shoes you'd be crazy too... with nothing to loose." - Tupac

Last edited by VitaminR7.62 on Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 21, 2023 7:35 pm

VitaminR7.62 wrote:
Also how they straight up name drop all of them in the basement tapes, instead of just keeping that shit quiet, stupid.

Basically, what I mean by this is, they ruined they're so called "Friends" lives and threw them under the bus for no reason really. The seller of the Tec-9 thought Harris and Klebold were of age since they were seniors at CHS, and considered them as "cool guys".

The seller bought the Tec-9 when he was 20 years old, and paid $500 for it in August of 1998. When he sold it to Klebold/Harris, he only charged them exactly what he paid for it. Klebold asked to pay $300 at the time and the rest later.  "Dylan came over that night. It's the first time I really talked to him. He was already working with Linux, an advanced computer operating system, and he was in high school. They needed to wait for their next paycheck to give me the other $200."

"If you could walk a mile in my shoes you'd be crazy too... with nothing to loose." - Tupac

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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 22, 2023 9:26 pm

Incidentally, Klebold left one of the magazines out in his car, so he was in the school with just 3 of them.
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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 27, 2023 11:00 am

Eric had mentioned a time when they got a phone call to his parents house regarding the magazines he had ordered coming in. I do not know if they were for the 9mm carbine or the Tec or possibly both of them. It almost certainly came with at least 1 magazine however as when most people sell a gun they dont want to keep magazines for it.

I would assume they got the magazines from the guy they bought the gun from however, tec-9 mag's are cheap.
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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 02, 2024 3:45 am

I've pretty much researched this topic to death, and my conclusion is as follows:
Dylan had 4 magazines in preparation for the massacre consisting of one 50rd mag, two 36rd mags, and one 24rd mag.
Here is where it gets interesting, Dylan left one of the 36rd mags (JCSO 6004) in his BMW meaning he only had three magazines for the massacre. But then, after the initial shots fired at Rachel Scott and Richard Castaldo his notoriously unreliable TEC-9 most likely jammed which resulted in him dropping his 50rd magazine (JCSO 2358) outside on the grass with 40 rounds still in it. It's worth noting though he didn't fill his magazines to the very top, for example the 36rd one found in his BMW had 34rds and he only fired the TEC-9 3 times outside so the 50rd actually had 43rds.
(By the way there is a chance that Dylan could have fixed the 50rd mag jam by just removing the round that wasn't feeding, but I assume in the initial chaos he wasn't really thinking like that)
The 50 round mag left outside:
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So they haven't even entered the school and Dylan has dropped 2 of his 4 magazines, both being the higher capacity ones. The next magazine found was JCSO 1859 in the main hallway which was empty and the spring was broken. It's not stated whether this was the remaining 36rd or 24rd mag. The last magazine JCSO 1093, was found in the TEC-9 on Dylan's person with 3rds left in the mag.

It's really interesting how Dylan literally sabotaged himself of over half his 9mm ammo that day, and the magazine that Dylan used in the Library massacre was the same one you see in the Cafeteria security footage and that he died with, he never changed it out after the Library.  
Basically the magazine "map" so to speak goes like this:
1 mag left in BMW (unused)
1 mag on grass outside (3 bullets fired)
1 mag in main hallway (before Library massacre)
1 mag in library west (in the TEC-9)
Sorry this is such a long message but this really fascinated me when I worked it out.

Sarin Gas Attack, QuestionMark, shwnmnstr, Xtina, tellecat, mflergen, Arkan and like this post

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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 02, 2024 4:37 am

I appreciate your expertise on that, I had no idea about the Tec-9 mags and I thought I had poured over every single detail of this case. Good work!

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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 06, 2024 7:21 pm

A curious discrepancy: Dylan said that magazine was a 32-round, but when the police tested it they found it would hold 36.

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Sarin Gas Attack

Sarin Gas Attack

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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 06, 2024 8:16 pm

electra wrote:
So they haven't even entered the school and Dylan has dropped 2 of his 4 magazines, both being the higher capacity ones. The next magazine found was JCSO 1859 in the main hallway which was empty and the spring was broken. It's not stated whether this was the remaining 36rd or 24rd mag. The last magazine JCSO 1093, was found in the TEC-9 on Dylan's person with 3rds left in the mag.

CBI report says that JeffCo#1093 held 36 rounds, which means JeffCo#1859 was the 24 round one.
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"Why and how can physical evidence selectively be ignored by Jefferson County when it conflicts with the statements given by traumatized and injured eye-witnesses?" –Brian Rohrbough, 2002

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Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Dylan's Tec-9   Question about Dylan's Tec-9 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 06, 2024 10:38 pm

Sarin Gas Attack wrote:
electra wrote:
So they haven't even entered the school and Dylan has dropped 2 of his 4 magazines, both being the higher capacity ones. The next magazine found was JCSO 1859 in the main hallway which was empty and the spring was broken. It's not stated whether this was the remaining 36rd or 24rd mag. The last magazine JCSO 1093, was found in the TEC-9 on Dylan's person with 3rds left in the mag.

CBI report says that JeffCo#1093 held 36 rounds, which means JeffCo#1859 was the 24 round one.
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Thanks for this, that's interesting. I think he also fired 19 rounds in one spot in the hallway. So the last 36rd mag was the one he used through the Library massacre and onwards.

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