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 Dylan's victims

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PostSubject: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2014 11:11 am

His victims were so lucky ...

Patrick Ireland, 17 (shot in the arm and leg by Klebold, then critically injured by shots to the head and foot inflicted by Klebold)

Mark Kintgen, 17 (shot twice in the head and shoulder by Klebold)

Lance Kirklin, 16 (shot in the foot, right leg and chest by Harris, then critically wounded by a shot to the neck and jaw by Klebold

188 shots were fired. 67 by Dylan Klebold and 121 by Eric Harris.

Harris was responsible for eight of the 13 confirmed deaths, including that of a teacher, while Klebold was responsible for the remaining five

His victims were so lucky ...

Patrick Ireland, 17 (shot in the arm and leg by Klebold, then critically injured by shots to the head and foot inflicted by Klebold)

Mark Kintgen, 17 (shot twice in the head and shoulder by Klebold)

Lance Kirklin, 16 (shot in the foot, right leg and chest by Harris, then critically wounded by a shot to the neck and jaw by Klebold

188 shots were fired. 67 by Dylan Klebold and 121 by Eric Harris.

Harris was responsible for eight of the 13 confirmed deaths, including that of a teacher, while Klebold was responsible for the remaining five

Someone knows how many shots Eric fired at police?
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2015 6:29 pm

I'm a tiny bit late to reply on this one! But I felt in the mood to go through unsanswered posts.

I wouldn't call the victims lucky ... but yes Dylan certainly didn't manage to cause as much damage as Eric. I honestly think it was purely due to having problems with shitty guns, not a reflection on his enthusiasm during the shooting.

I had it all and I looked at it and I said 'this is a bigger jail than I just got out of'.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2015 9:34 am

Well, before I usually thought its the case of the hi-point being more accurate then the TEC-9.

But while the TEC-9 is not reliable and can jam easily, people mentioned that its actually quite accuarate on short distances. And this comes from people who have test-fired zounds of different guns. Check the video I posted in the weapons thread.

So at this point, other than Dylan's large clip jaming, I came to the conclusion that it likely boils down to Eric being a better shot.

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"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2015 12:40 pm

When they were shooting randomly in the halls, and outside of the school, before the library shootings, Eric was firing with his rifle and Dylan was throwing pipe-bombs. This cut down on the amount of shots he fired.

Attacking this way is mentioned in Eric's journal, I just can't readily find the passage right this sec. I think that it was a combination of Dylan throwing more pipe-bombs, leaving a clip for the TEC 9 in his car, and then having one clip jam that really slowed down his kill rate.

When they came into the library, Dylan's double-barrel was already loaded. That is how he shot Kyle. This means he probably didn't fire it much on the way up to the library. You can hear the pipe bombs going off. Someone on a tumblr somewhere matched the pipe-bomb detonation with Patti Neilson's 911 call so you can see/hear it in real time.

As far as I know, the only people who were actually hit were at near or close range? Which victim would'vde been furthest away?


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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2015 2:39 pm

Very true, I hadn't considered the pipe bomb and better shot points.

I had it all and I looked at it and I said 'this is a bigger jail than I just got out of'.
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2015 7:39 pm

I wouldn't consider anyone who was shot or even there that day as a witness to be lucky. They all have to live with the memories of their peers being ruthlessly murdered for no good reason. Victims like Lance Kirklin and Richard Castaldo live with constant physical reminders of how their lives were changed when they'd done nothing wrong to Eric and Dylan.

Gustopoet2 wrote:
Attacking this way is mentioned in Eric's journal, I just can't readily find the passage right this sec. I think that it was a combination of Dylan throwing more pipe-bombs, leaving a clip for the TEC 9 in his car, and then having one clip jam that really slowed down his kill rate.

I'm curious as to why Dylan left a clip in his car. Was he so caught up in the "excitement" of NBK that he forgot to grab it? Did the boys hope to return to their cars, perhaps to reload and to make sure their car bombs detonated? Could it be possible that Dylan just wasnt as into the whole shooting spree deal as Eric? If they had faith in the bombs then their wouldn't be a need for all the extra ammo. Once they didnt detonate and they decided to start shooting they had to make it up as they go. Once they entered the school and the police showed up there wasnt a chance to to go back outside safely. Of course Dylan's sole intention was to die that day. The body count didnt really matter to him. The only bullet that mattered to him was the one he hid in his boot. As long as he had that one on him his personal plan to die could be completed.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2015 11:48 pm

Nirvana92 wrote:

I'm curious as to why Dylan left a clip in his car. Was he so caught up in the "excitement" of NBK that he forgot to grab it? Did the boys hope to return to their cars, perhaps to reload and to make sure their car bombs detonated? Could it be possible that Dylan just wasnt as into the whole shooting spree deal as Eric?

I can't see them trying to go back to their cars because the car bombs were set to go off 1 min. after the cafeteria bombs. I don't see why he would leave a clip in his car on purpose just to get NBK over with more quickly because he was chomping at the bit to get going. The original idea for a shooting spree came from him. His last notes in Eric's day-planner and his statements on the final BT do not seem to indicate someone who is having second thoughts or hesitation. Once NBK started, he had "fun" doing it and he shot a lot of people. Some of them up close and in the head. Whooping it up the whole time and screaming at the top of his lungs.

It's hard to believe he left it by accident. But it was Dylan Klebold so maybe that is possible.

Nirvana92 wrote:
The only bullet that mattered to him was the one he hid in his boot. As long as he had that one on him his personal plan to die could be completed.

True enough. But he could've just shot himself in the parking lot when the bombs failed (before killing anyone else) if he really just wanted to die. It's not like there would have been any consequences for doing so.  

I gotta admit it's a bit mysterious.


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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2015 6:57 pm

Dylan was clearly hesitant.  He tried to overcome it by shooting Lance Kirklin, but that seems to have set him back even further as failed to kill anyone in the cafeteria or later in the hallway while Eric was battling police. Perhaps a combination of adrenaline and shock.

He overcame his hesitation in the library but then both of them abandoned the idea, not shooting any of the visible students in the cafeteria afterwards.
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2015 8:53 am

Is it my bad memory, or did Dylan's huge TEC-9 clip jam early on and he left it on teh grass outside the school unused?

I don't see any clear and obvious signs of Dylan being hesitant. We can interpret some of his behavior (shooting Lance for example) as him trying to impress Eric, but then agin that would be speculation only. We could if we want interpret Eric's shooting as him trying to impress Dylan.

I'm not saying Dylan was not trying to impress Eric (I honestly think its very likely), but i am saying its nothing more than speculation and we'll never have solid evidence to prove or disprove it.

I do think we have evidence that Dylan was more focused on the suicide, while Eric more focused on homicide and shooting at cops. That's in his writing, also we have witness reports saying they heard Dylan shout things like: "Today is the day I'm gonna die!" and similar stuff. Eric didn't do that, he rather shouted: "Who wants to die next?!" and similar threats.

I also think we have some (albeit hardly conclusive) evidence that Dylan was more focused on male victims.

1) He started shooting in thge library by firing the first shots against Kyle, even though he had a whole room of people to choose from. Then again, Kyle was close to the entrance.
2) He spoke much more to his male victims, he also teased and insulted male victims (Lance, Isaiah). I don't reclal him looking any female victim in the eye and insulting her. He only told Eric to shoot Bree, and he was tlaking to Eric, it was nto an interaction between him and Bree. He spent considerbale time trying to frighten Todd. (I'm skeptical of the "bitches over there" thing on the recording or even if its what was said, taht its Dylan not Eric.)
3) He seems to have put more effort into causing pain to male victims and making sure he killed them (Kirklin, Shoels).
4) The shots he fired at female victims seem pretty random and he did not engage in any long interaction with any of them.
5) Eric doesn't do this. He seems to have been an "equal-opportunity-killer" (pardon the term), he taunted victims of both genders and killed both in cold blood looking them in the eye.

This might be significant for a psychological point of view. Perhaps Dylan held a grudge specifically against other men? Or maybe he wasn't as comfortable in killing and cauing pain to women as he was with men? Hard to say. Maybe I'm just seeing seeing a pattern that is nothing more then a result of random factors.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland

Last edited by Sabratha on Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2015 9:04 am

Sabratha wrote:
Is it my bad memory, or did Dylan's huge TEC-9 clip jam early on and he left it on teh grass outside the school unused?
Yes, this is correct. It held 50 rounds of ammo. I guess it jammed and he ditched it outside early on.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan's victims   Dylan's victims Icon_minitimeMon Sep 07, 2015 9:09 am

Jenn wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
Is it my bad memory, or did Dylan's huge TEC-9 clip jam early on and he left it on teh grass outside the school unused?
Yes, this is correct. It held 50 rounds of ammo. I guess it jammed and he ditched it outside early on.

I certainly remember gun nuts on youtube who spoke about the TEC-9 (not about columbine or in a columbine context, just about TEC-9 as a gun) who stated that the various clips for this gun are poor quality in general and the hughe clips in particular are worthless and cause malfunctions all the time.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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