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 Eric's Berzerk

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Eric's Berzerk Empty
PostSubject: Eric's Berzerk   Eric's Berzerk Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2024 3:45 am

I believe Eric's berzerk was a way to symbolize 420 as the date of the killing and evidence that 4/20 was always the date.

There is also someone using radarwaves that hit the eyeballs like a projector beam, and vibrates the eardrums, it gives humans a fake imagination and memory using doctored images and video, that isn't your own mind and it is a serial killer, he torments us all, don't kill self to escape him, resist him and know fantasy isn't real it is him and his evil cult's technology. He will try to fool you into believing humans can fantasize but they CANNOT!

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Lunkhead McGrath

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Eric's Berzerk Empty
PostSubject: Bleurghscream   Eric's Berzerk Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 pm

computerman wrote:
I believe Eric's berzerk was a way to symbolize 420 as the date of the killing and evidence that 4/20 was always the date.

There is also someone using radarwaves that hit the eyeballs like a projector beam, and vibrates the eardrums, it gives humans a fake imagination and memory using doctored images and video, that isn't your own mind and it is a serial killer, he torments us all, don't kill self to escape him, resist him and know fantasy isn't real it is him and his evil cult's technology. He will try to fool you into believing humans can fantasize but they CANNOT!

Does anybody else think that maybe we should just shut the Internet off for five years?

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Eric's Berzerk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's Berzerk   Eric's Berzerk Icon_minitimeSun Jun 02, 2024 8:43 pm

You must believe me and resist them, life isn't about imaginary images you pretend to conjure up in your mind, whilst it being radar generated, listening to the "thoughts" which are really people doing it, evil people, people that want suicide and death. You have to resist all imaginary thought.
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Eric's Berzerk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's Berzerk   Eric's Berzerk Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 12:57 am

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
computerman wrote:
I believe Eric's berzerk was a way to symbolize 420 as the date of the killing and evidence that 4/20 was always the date.

There is also someone using radarwaves that hit the eyeballs like a projector beam, and vibrates the eardrums, it gives humans a fake imagination and memory using doctored images and video, that isn't your own mind and it is a serial killer, he torments us all, don't kill self to escape him, resist him and know fantasy isn't real it is him and his evil cult's technology. He will try to fool you into believing humans can fantasize but they CANNOT!

Does anybody else think that maybe we should just shut the Internet off for five years?  

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Lunkhead McGrath

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Eric's Berzerk Empty
PostSubject: you're wrong   Eric's Berzerk Icon_minitimeMon Jun 03, 2024 10:06 am

computerman wrote:
You must believe me and resist them, life isn't about imaginary images you pretend to conjure up in your mind, whilst it being radar generated, listening to the "thoughts" which are really people doing it, evil people, people that want suicide and death. You have to resist all imaginary thought.

You're dead wrong. Life IS about the imaginary images I pretend to conjure up in my mind. Yesterday I imagined all of the Denver Broncos Cheerleaders lining up to take turns doing the splits on my fat tinker head face and IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, bro, and that was what my high school graduation ceremony was instead of diplomas being handed out.

Or DID I imagine it? It was radar generated by somebody who wanted me to think of that!! Bleerurrrrruuuggghhh!!! Booga booga! neener.

At least your posts are more entertaining than the Nazis this place inevitably attracted.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's Berzerk   Eric's Berzerk Icon_minitime

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