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 1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting

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1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting Empty
PostSubject: 1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting   1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2024 8:35 pm

I've never really seen people talk about this shooting, so I will.

On December 14th, 1993 (21 years before Sandy Hook, haha) 19 year old Nathan Dunlap killed 4 employees and seriously injured another at a Chuck E Cheese. He had then stolen money and special items from the establishment and fled. Nathan's motive was revenge for being fired from the same Chuck E Cheese 5 months before. This had actually been the deadliest shooting in Colorado before our friends Eric and Dylan did what they did. The Chuck E. Cheese located at 12293 East Iliff Avenue, Aurora, Colorado, U.S. was closed in 1994 as a result of Nathan's actions.

Nathan was guilty of 4 counts of first degree murder and attempted order and was sentenced to death by lethal injection. The judge initally wanted to execute Nathan in 2013, but a temporary reprieve was signed which postponed the whole thing. In 2020, Colorado removed the death penalty making it so that Nathan would have to spend life in prison.

Nathan entered the Chuck E Cheese at 9:00pm, where he ordered a cheese sandwich and played a few games before hiding in a restroom until about 10:50pm, where the Chuck E Cheese had to close for the night. Nathan went over to 19 year old Sylvia Crowell who was cleaning the salad bar and shot her from a close range in her right ear. Nathan then went over to Ben Grant and fatally shot him near his left eye as he was vacuuming. Nathan then went to Collen O' Connor. Collen got on her knees and begged, but Nathan still shot her through the head. The one survivor, 20 year old Bobby Stephens had come back inside from a smoke break. Bobby thought Nathan's gunshots were children popping balloons near the Chuck E. Cheese, hence why Bobby didn't sense the danger. Bobby went into the kitchen, where Nathan shot him in the jaw. Bobby laid on the floor and played dead. Nathan then forced the manager, Marge Kohlberg to open a safe. Once Marge did so, Nathan shot her in the ear, followed by a second shot which had killed her. Bobby escaped the Chuck E Cheese through a backdoor.

Let's just quickly go back to Nathan for a minute.
Nathan was born on the 8th of April, 1974. He was raised by his adoptive father and biological other who had met each other when Nathan was only a couple months old. Nathan lived in many states of the US, such as Chicago, Illinois, Michigan, Memphis, Tennesse, and eventually, Colorado. Nathan's mother struggled with schizophrenia. Nathan had attempted to commit suicide twice in his teenage years. His adoptive father asked his school to evaluate him and make sure Nathan was ok. Although Nathan showed signs of hypomania, no further treatment was put in place. At 15, Nathan committed multiple robberies which got him in juvenile detention for a while. Nathan began working at the Chuck E Cheese in May 1993 and was fired over an argument with his supervisor about working hours.

Thank you for reading! This is my first "serious" post, so I put a lot of effort in it Smile

The exterior of the Chuck E Cheese before the incident
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aftermath photos
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Put future on hold.

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1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting   1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting Icon_minitimeSat Aug 03, 2024 8:58 pm

Also 20 years before the cinema shooting as well.

"The purest surrealist act is walking into a
crowd with a loaded gun and firing into it randomly"
- André Breton (1896 - 1966)

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1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting   1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2024 6:07 am

Patryk wrote:
Also 20 years before the cinema shooting as well.

Also over 9000 years before arma-mothafuckin-geddon on the earth

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1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting   1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting Icon_minitime

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1993 Chuck E Cheese/Aurora Colorado Shooting
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