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 Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases?

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Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Empty
PostSubject: Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases?   Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2024 2:40 am

This excludes phrases that were worn on T-shirts, because there is already a list out there for that. So I was wondering if any mass shooters had any common spoken statements/phrases, for example:

Elliot Rodger saying "You always treated me like a mouse."

Dylan Roof repeating "You see what I'm saying?"

Adam Lanza using the word deprivation a lot. This one was more of a guess, but one of the CulturalPhilistine comments was something along the lines of "if this guy uses the word deprivation one more time I'm gonna puke."

Nothing else comes to mind.

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Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases?   Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2024 4:15 am

in cho's manifesto, he uses the phrase "rape my soul" and the word "rape" a lot.

Put future on hold.

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Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases?   Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 09, 2024 6:21 am

Cho and his "rape"
Dylan Klebold often used the words "zombies" (humanity) and "gay" (things he didn't like)
William Atchison often used various words from ED/internet culture terminology ("an hero", "apeshit", "lulz" etc)

Choćbym ciemną szedł doliną, nie odpuszczę skurwysynom

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Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases?   Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2024 6:53 am

CaneBread wrote:
This excludes phrases that were worn on T-shirts, because there is already a list out there for that. So I was wondering if any mass shooters had any common spoken statements/phrases, for example:

Elliot Rodger saying "You always treated me like a mouse."

Dylan Roof repeating "You see what I'm saying?"

Adam Lanza using the word deprivation a lot. This one was more of a guess, but one of the CulturalPhilistine comments was something along the lines of "if this guy uses the word deprivation one more time I'm gonna puke."

Nothing else comes to mind.

Finally thought of one for Eric Harris, "Fucker should be shot!"

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Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases?   Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases? Icon_minitime

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Are there any mass shooters that had favorite words or phrases?
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