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 Top 10 favorite mass shooters

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PostSubject: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 19, 2023 11:11 am

List all your favorite mass shooters
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 19, 2023 11:15 am

1: Adam Lanza
2: Jonathan Sapirman
3: Robert Hawkins
4: Martin Bryant
5: Salvador Ramos
6: James Holmes
7: Dylan Klebold
8: Eric Harris
9: Kip Kinkel
10: Barend Strydom

Last edited by TheGoodChief on Wed Sep 20, 2023 12:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 19, 2023 1:27 pm

The Nigga that shot up Peppa Pig's School
The nigga that did the 2006 Volleyball Incident
Sam Hyde
The nigga that did the Tomato Town Massacre
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 19, 2023 1:42 pm

Sturmengel wrote:
The Nigga that shot up Peppa Pig's School
The nigga that did the 2006 Volleyball Incident
Sam Hyde
The nigga that did the Tomato Town Massacre
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 19, 2023 3:56 pm

1: Kip Kinkel
2: Seung Hui-Cho
3: Vladislav Rosylakov
4: Martin Bryant
5: Matti Saari
6:Adam Lanza
7:Timur Bekmansurov
8:Robert hawkins
9:Pekka Auvinen
10:Illnaz galyaiev

Last edited by Woundfucker on Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 19, 2023 6:06 pm

TheGoodChief wrote:
List all your favorite mass shooters
1. Seung hui cho
2. Eric and Dylan
3. Nik cruz
4. Elliot Rodger
5. Adam Lanza
6. Pekka auvinen
7. Tim kretschmer
8. Wellington menzes de Olivera
9. Maati juhani saari
10. Artem Kazantsev
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 19, 2023 6:17 pm

(Not in particular order):

1. E&D
2. Artem Kazantsev
3. Seung-Hui Cho
4. Robert Hawkins
5. Brenton Tarrant
6. Anders Breivik
7. Salvador Ramos
8. Richard Farley
9. Adam Lanza
10. Natalya Kabakova

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 19, 2023 7:57 pm

1: Brenton Tarrant
2: Anders Breivik
3: Payton Gendron
4: Anton-Lundin Petersson
5: Gabriel Castiglioni
6: E & D
7: Ryan Palmeter
8: Philip Manshaus
9: John Earnest
10: Stephan Balliet

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeThu Sep 21, 2023 3:57 pm

This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeThu Sep 21, 2023 4:01 pm

Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

''Hey fags, Zella's back''

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeThu Sep 21, 2023 4:17 pm

xDarkRazoR wrote:
Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

''Hey fags, Zella's back''
Don't call me a Zella
Callin' people fags but u under the gay umbrella
Yeah that's right fellah
I'm going through ur post history
This is gonna be easy
I'm already gettin' queasy
My disstrack shall be breezy
Prepare to be thrown from ur throne
Cause It'll hurt u more than a kidney stone
Murder by a microphone
So painful you'd rather break a bone
I don't even have the infinity stones
But ur still gonna get owned

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 12:39 am

Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

Zellaweist. Is that you?
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 12:47 am

Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

It's Yusuf Shiundu, not Shinudu
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 1:47 am

No order and I've changed my favorite from last time

Ilnaz "God" Galyaviev
Artyom "screw off trannies" Kazantsev
Timur "the lame" Bekmansurov
Vladislav "the Aryan" Roslyakov
Kosta "I can't take this anymore" Kecmanovic
Salvador "I love men" Ramos
Adam "Save the children" Lanza
Cho "small dick" Seung Hui
Daniil "Ugly Face" Monakhov
Daniil "I love my girlfriend" Zasorin

Discord is @kazantseva88 
if anyone wants to add me there just send me a request and ill accept
Я вернусь)

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 2:31 am

Isabell.Sholl wrote:
Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

It's Yusuf Shiundu, not Shinudu

ok zella

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 2:35 am


Last edited by TilikumTyke223 on Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 2:39 am


Last edited by TilikumTyke223 on Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 7:28 am

I really didn't know Zella is a Marvelfag
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeFri Sep 22, 2023 12:13 pm

Thanos wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

''Hey fags, Zella's back''
Don't call me a Zella
Callin' people fags but u under the gay umbrella
Yeah that's right fellah
I'm going through ur post history
This is gonna be easy
I'm already gettin' queasy
My disstrack shall be breezy
Prepare to be thrown from ur throne
Cause It'll hurt u more than a kidney stone
Murder by a microphone
So painful you'd rather break a bone
I don't even have the infinity stones
But ur still gonna get owned
this message for the usa for the 51 estay usa for the 52 estay usa, sout for the 50... eughh eughhh 3 estay in tha usa 54 55 aya 51 54 55- 3 51 for the usa this message for the mohammad rajab wali hanaquin busrallah hanaquin texas usa for the usa, for tha ebbybody they have a shia awh mussoli awh ahobby aw ahquan usa make em deport in the usa either the shia da mus- da shia awh sunni wa hobby aw ahquan usa make ah shut down this message -message for the mohammad busrallah hanaquin texas usa the group 119 the mexico they buy one farm from mexico ceetee they have a warehouse they make bomp hytrejin hi tro gen hitrogen i don't know about english what they say but they make a bump bomp hytrogen either they have a they buy a bunch of weapon in in in da inside da uhhhh canada awhhh uh 50 estay in the usa they hab ah ab ah 10 thousand soldier uhh i-iranian iranian uhh jihad iranian jihad uhh 7 thousand in da in da uh canada en 3 thousand in mexico, this message emport for the us cia for tha fbi for the police wake up, wake up wake up usa wake up. now i have a fenoly can not go before uhehuhuh afta 2001 i go bunch into junkyard i go denton i go outside nighttime daytime and now i can not go out far away because the da law give me felony ebebeb i hab ebebbeb probation 5 yeal before everywhere i go i just i help police and and ehehehe-fbi befor, now i can not do nothing because the law give me felony 5 yeal oberbition before everytime i go nightime esteep tb-tb denton awhhh uh dallas uhh awh arlington awh somewhere i uhhh looking for the bad people enn uwhhhh when i find the bad people i call da police now i cannot go far away because the law give me 5 yeal oberbition and this message berry emport for the usa any shia awh mussoli awh awnyway if they have a cizenship usa make them deport ahquan from uh egypt, uh ahquan from egypt make a deport awh ahobby make em deport ver dis message very emport this message 2075 2075 is a message from mohammad busrallah hanaquin texas usa berry emport for the usa for the immagration for the police for the fbi the in da inside the 51 estate in da usa uhehuh 50 estay in the usa anyone habba junkyard, anyone habba junkyard warehouse fbi awh cia go lookem in junkyard someone dey have a warehouse dey make a buh big buh woopen machine gun uhhh sh-shoutgun i don't know which area in da usa but they uh understand the message of abbi shibanni they give em message to ebbybody in da uh outside uh euhuhuh ebby country they say some people euhuheuh terrorism in tha inside mexico hab ahhh 3 thousand en 7 thousand en da en da uhhhhh uh canada and 10 thousand in da usa damelition euhuheh people they kikah-yah-uh-eh they kib cut in da they make and another day i go to my officer in da in da forport i report it to but again i report for da usa eb a bunch of junkyard inside the usa iranian awh alab awh stampfian but fbi cia en imagration go lookem in da inside junkyard what they happen some people they hab a warehouse en dey mexico dey hab a big farm dey hab a big wah-uh-euh-uhh-uhh-juhh warehouse they fix bomp hytrijin hytrijin they put some medicine for da animal they maybe they wun let the america fight with da iran these people came out very soon, this message for mohammad busra-busrallah hanaquin texas usa very emport for the usa usa make listien to me im not crazy im 100% im okay no dryentine no nutting but this message for the usa because i love the usa im um im from kurdistan texas usa when i say im from kurdistan texas usa army usa and kurdish pishmellgah sem el uh semtien god one god god bless usa god bless you kurdistan full face of kurdistan, thank you for usa god bless you.
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeSat Sep 23, 2023 2:08 pm

Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

Yuo should remember name of man who get shot in 2015

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeSun Sep 24, 2023 3:25 am

1. E&D
2. Brenton Tarrant
3. Anders Breivik
4. Seung-Hui Cho
5. Marc Lépine
6. James Huberty
7. Martin Bryan
8. Abdelhamid Abaaoud
9. Vladislav Roslyakov
10. Charles Whitman

This is pretty much it, there was a lot more that i wanted to put but these are the ones i chose.
Hope you like it !

(edit) i changed Cruz to Abaaoud cause i felt like it

Last edited by RickMaster on Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeSun Sep 24, 2023 9:30 pm

1- Federico Guevara Elizondo
2- Rafael "Junior" Solich
3- Guilherme Taucci Monteiro
4- Wellington Menezes De Oliveira
5- David Sonboly
6- Adam Peter Lanza
7- Jose Angel Ramos Betts
8- Jonathan Douglas Sapirman
9- Robert Arthur Hawkins
10- Kimveer Singh Gill

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 1:02 am

Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

Wow never heard any of them except for Guilherme and Luiz how you learn about all this other killers?
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 1:08 am

LesMiserables wrote:
Thanos wrote:
This list is not in order, but these shootings are my favorites:

Abdul Azim: Killed a man wich name i don't remember and wounding 2 in 2015.

Rafael Charles: Wounded 3 in Guyana, he committed suicide.

Julio Saquil: Killed 2 children in a school before being lynched by a mob.

Doan Minh Hai: Killed 3 members of his ex-wife's family before being arrested, it was in Vietnam.

Unknow: set a covid-19 testing station on fire, he killed nobody, and he was arrested.

Abdul Azim: Killed a man and wounded 2 before being killed by soldiers.

Zhao: Wounded 3 people with a knife in 2021.

Yusuf Shinudu: Killed his 2 parents and his neighbour in a village, he was lynched.

Guilherme and Luiz.

Wow never heard any of them except for Guilherme and Luiz how you learn about all this other killers?

using different search engines, deleting cookies and files, writing in other languages, using keywords depending on the incident you want to search for or the type of incidents and using advanced search through dates, there are also some newspapers and websites that have search bars in it. It's actually not as difficult as it seems

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 6:47 am

Isabell.Sholl wrote:

using different search engines, deleting cookies and files, writing in other languages, using keywords depending on the incident you want to search for or the type of incidents and using advanced search through dates, there are also some newspapers and websites that have search bars in it. It's actually not as difficult as it seems

Just fucking understand that no one gives a fuck about your favorite random 3rd world n!ggas.

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 10:19 am

1. E&D
2. Adam Lanza
3.Seung Hui Cho
4. Anderers breivik
5. Stephen Paddock
6. Brenton Tarrant
7. Artem Kazantsev
8. Tim kretschmer
9. James Holmes
10. Salvador Ramos.
This was the hardest question in my life. Cuz there are so many more shooters I want to add but its only 10, and I have sympathy with many shooters.

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 3:56 pm

xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:

using different search engines, deleting cookies and files, writing in other languages, using keywords depending on the incident you want to search for or the type of incidents and using advanced search through dates, there are also some newspapers and websites that have search bars in it. It's actually not as difficult as it seems

Just fucking understand that no one gives a fuck about your favorite random 3rd world n!ggas.

Better than a guy who killed 1 and wounded another members of his family and then surrendered, a guy who Wounded 2 with a smoke gun or some shit like that, a bomber that not Even Poland cares and some shitty random polish dudes that don't Even have a wiki page xd

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 4:05 pm

Isabell.Sholl wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:

using different search engines, deleting cookies and files, writing in other languages, using keywords depending on the incident you want to search for or the type of incidents and using advanced search through dates, there are also some newspapers and websites that have search bars in it. It's actually not as difficult as it seems

Just fucking understand that no one gives a fuck about your favorite random 3rd world n!ggas.

Better than a guy who killed 1 and wounded another members of his family and then surrendered, a guy who Wounded 2 with a smoke gun or some shit like that, a bomber that not Even Poland cares and some shitty random polish dudes that don't Even have a wiki page xd

Nah, they are better, bro. Most people here know basic info about Eastern European shooters like Nowak, Manyurov or Gadirov. While no one fucking knows about your ''oppressed'' nigs from Afuckingrica, even if they had like 15 kills; just accept this fact and shut your mouth.

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 4:26 pm

xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:

using different search engines, deleting cookies and files, writing in other languages, using keywords depending on the incident you want to search for or the type of incidents and using advanced search through dates, there are also some newspapers and websites that have search bars in it. It's actually not as difficult as it seems

Just fucking understand that no one gives a fuck about your favorite random 3rd world n!ggas.

Better than a guy who killed 1 and wounded another members of his family and then surrendered, a guy who Wounded 2 with a smoke gun or some shit like that, a bomber that not Even Poland cares and some shitty random polish dudes that don't Even have a wiki page xd

Nah, they are better, bro. Most people here know basic info about Eastern European shooters like Nowak, Manyurov or Gadirov. While no one fucking knows about your ''oppressed'' nigs from Afuckingrica, even if they had like 15 kills; just accept this fact and shut your mouth.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] be like:

"Full info + I.P + articles + Blood type of the 2023 Poland shithole attacker this morning who injured 1, he attempted to kill 1000+ 😱" (He really didnt and just stabbed his bully before surrendered)

"List of School shooters who born on Earth 🤓👆"

"Boys, i found this new update of the 2013 Poland shithole attacker, soo scary 😨😰"

"Shut up faggot, heil Hitler, heil the Balkans, heil Poland 😡😡"

"shut up teddy bear, negroe, online Warriors, liberal, pro LGBT, african, i'm soo racist i'm White, i'm Poland, i'm european, i'm so racist, don't mess with me broh 🙄🤌"

" i hate Poland, i hate My life, fuck people i'm so intelligent why me?? 😭😭"

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 4:30 pm

Isabell.Sholl wrote:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] be like

"Shut up faggot, heil Hitler, heil the Balkans, heil Poland 😡😡"

Godwin's law + ad personam = I am teh winnar

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 4:37 pm

Isabell.Sholl wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:

using different search engines, deleting cookies and files, writing in other languages, using keywords depending on the incident you want to search for or the type of incidents and using advanced search through dates, there are also some newspapers and websites that have search bars in it. It's actually not as difficult as it seems

Just fucking understand that no one gives a fuck about your favorite random 3rd world n!ggas.

Better than a guy who killed 1 and wounded another members of his family and then surrendered, a guy who Wounded 2 with a smoke gun or some shit like that, a bomber that not Even Poland cares and some shitty random polish dudes that don't Even have a wiki page xd

Nah, they are better, bro. Most people here know basic info about Eastern European shooters like Nowak, Manyurov or Gadirov. While no one fucking knows about your ''oppressed'' nigs from Afuckingrica, even if they had like 15 kills; just accept this fact and shut your mouth.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] be like:

"Full info + I.P + articles + Blood type of the 2023 Poland shithole attacker this morning who injured 1, he attempted to kill 1000+ 😱" (He really didnt and just stabbed his bully before surrendered)

"List of School shooters who born on Earth 🤓👆"

"Boys, i found this new update of the 2013 Poland shithole attacker, soo scary 😨😰"

"Shut up faggot, heil Hitler, heil the Balkans, heil Poland 😡😡"

"shut up teddy bear, negroe, online Warriors, liberal, pro LGBT, african, i'm soo racist i'm White, i'm Poland, i'm european, i'm so racist, don't mess with me broh 🙄🤌"

" i hate Poland, i hate My life, fuck people i'm so intelligent why me?? 😭😭"
hi nicker Zella
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 4:44 pm

Arkan wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:

using different search engines, deleting cookies and files, writing in other languages, using keywords depending on the incident you want to search for or the type of incidents and using advanced search through dates, there are also some newspapers and websites that have search bars in it. It's actually not as difficult as it seems

Just fucking understand that no one gives a fuck about your favorite random 3rd world n!ggas.

Better than a guy who killed 1 and wounded another members of his family and then surrendered, a guy who Wounded 2 with a smoke gun or some shit like that, a bomber that not Even Poland cares and some shitty random polish dudes that don't Even have a wiki page xd

Nah, they are better, bro. Most people here know basic info about Eastern European shooters like Nowak, Manyurov or Gadirov. While no one fucking knows about your ''oppressed'' nigs from Afuckingrica, even if they had like 15 kills; just accept this fact and shut your mouth.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] be like:

"Full info + I.P + articles + Blood type of the 2023 Poland shithole attacker this morning who injured 1, he attempted to kill 1000+ 😱" (He really didnt and just stabbed his bully before surrendered)

"List of School shooters who born on Earth 🤓👆"

"Boys, i found this new update of the 2013 Poland shithole attacker, soo scary 😨😰"

"Shut up faggot, heil Hitler, heil the Balkans, heil Poland 😡😡"

"shut up teddy bear, negroe, online Warriors, liberal, pro LGBT, african, i'm soo racist i'm White, i'm Poland, i'm european, i'm so racist, don't mess with me broh 🙄🤌"

" i hate Poland, i hate My life, fuck people i'm so intelligent why me?? 😭😭"
hi nicker Zella

I have 20 post so i can't answer your Private message, i just Want to Say that it was funny xD
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 10:43 pm

Hey I would like to say screw off Ilnaz. My new favorite killer was Maria Morozova who in 1832, at the age of 15 she tried to stab her younger 10 year old brother in a village in Irkutsk Oblast. But then police came and took her down fatally

Discord is @kazantseva88 
if anyone wants to add me there just send me a request and ill accept
Я вернусь)

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 26, 2023 8:23 am

Isabell.Sholl wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Isabell.Sholl wrote:

using different search engines, deleting cookies and files, writing in other languages, using keywords depending on the incident you want to search for or the type of incidents and using advanced search through dates, there are also some newspapers and websites that have search bars in it. It's actually not as difficult as it seems

Just fucking understand that no one gives a fuck about your favorite random 3rd world n!ggas.

Better than a guy who killed 1 and wounded another members of his family and then surrendered, a guy who Wounded 2 with a smoke gun or some shit like that, a bomber that not Even Poland cares and some shitty random polish dudes that don't Even have a wiki page xd

Nah, they are better, bro. Most people here know basic info about Eastern European shooters like Nowak, Manyurov or Gadirov. While no one fucking knows about your ''oppressed'' nigs from Afuckingrica, even if they had like 15 kills; just accept this fact and shut your mouth.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] be like:

"Full info + I.P + articles + Blood type of the 2023 Poland shithole attacker this morning who injured 1, he attempted to kill 1000+ 😱" (He really didnt and just stabbed his bully before surrendered)

"List of School shooters who born on Earth 🤓👆"

"Boys, i found this new update of the 2013 Poland shithole attacker, soo scary 😨😰"

"Shut up faggot, heil Hitler, heil the Balkans, heil Poland 😡😡"

"shut up teddy bear, negroe, online Warriors, liberal, pro LGBT, african, i'm soo racist i'm White, i'm Poland, i'm european, i'm so racist, don't mess with me broh 🙄🤌"

" i hate Poland, i hate My life, fuck people i'm so intelligent why me?? 😭😭"
Wamen should be cut off Internet Access
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war criminal

war criminal

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 26, 2023 8:38 am

Arkan wrote:
Hey I would like to say screw off Ilnaz. My new favorite killer was Maria Morozova who in 1832, at the age of 15 she tried to stab her younger 10 year old brother in a village in Irkutsk Oblast. But then police came and took her down fatally
Maria Morozova is the best.
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 26, 2023 9:23 am

war criminal wrote:
Arkan wrote:
Hey I would like to say screw off Ilnaz. My new favorite killer was Maria Morozova who in 1832, at the age of 15 she tried to stab her younger 10 year old brother in a village in Irkutsk Oblast. But then police came and took her down fatally
Maria Morozova is the best.
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She so cute ong frfr Sad Sad Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeTue Sep 26, 2023 10:46 am

war criminal wrote:
Arkan wrote:
Hey I would like to say screw off Ilnaz. My new favorite killer was Maria Morozova who in 1832, at the age of 15 she tried to stab her younger 10 year old brother in a village in Irkutsk Oblast. But then police came and took her down fatally
Maria Morozova is the best.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
A true model, give her miss universe now

Discord is @kazantseva88 
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Я вернусь)

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2023 5:33 am

Sabrina_Kilic wrote:
Tomohiro Kato 😎
No one knows or cares who that is 🤓

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2023 11:06 am

1. Vladislav Roslyakov
2. Artyom Kazantsev
3. Timur Bekmansurov
4. Ilnaz Galyaviev
5. Cho Seung Hee
6. E&D
7. Elliot Rodger
8. Brenton Tarrant
9. Payton Gendron
10. Nikolas Cruz

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2023 2:57 pm

1. Vladislav Roslyakov
2. Artyom Kazantsev
3. Timur Bekmansurov
4. Ilnaz Galyaviev
5. Cho Seung Hee
6. E&D
7. Elliot Rodger
8. Brenton Tarrant
9. Payton Gendron
10. Nikolas Cruz
Good tastes)))

Discord is @kazantseva88 
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Я вернусь)

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2023 4:12 pm

Sabrina_Kilic wrote:
Kaynhyde wrote:
Sabrina_Kilic wrote:
Tomohiro Kato 😎
No one knows or cares who that is 🤓

He is one of the most famous japanese mass killers and also the cooler one 😎
I don't disagree with u. But didn't use a knife and truck?

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 2:16 pm

1. Seung-Hui Cho
2. Mutsuo Toi
3. Tim Kretschmer
4. Elliot Rodger
5. Jakrapanth Thomma
6. Kip Kinkel
7. Adam Lanza
8. Eric Harris
9. Pekka Eric-Auvinen
10. James Huberty (for using an Uzi)

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 2:42 pm

Arano wrote:
1. Seung-Hui Cho
2. Mutsuo Toi
3. Tim Kretschmer
4. Elliot Rodger
5. Jakrapanth Thomma
6. Kip Kinkel
7. Adam Lanza
8. Eric Harris
9. Pekka Eric-Auvinen
10. James Huberty (for using an Uzi)
Based list frfr

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 2:51 pm

Arkan wrote:
Arano wrote:
1. Seung-Hui Cho
2. Mutsuo Toi
3. Tim Kretschmer
4. Elliot Rodger
5. Jakrapanth Thomma
6. Kip Kinkel
7. Adam Lanza
8. Eric Harris
9. Pekka Eric-Auvinen
10. James Huberty (for using an Uzi)
Based list frfr
to many people focus on there motives and shit the cooler the gun they used the cooler they are. Thomma used a fucking M60.

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 3:04 pm

Arano wrote:
Arkan wrote:
Arano wrote:
1. Seung-Hui Cho
2. Mutsuo Toi
3. Tim Kretschmer
4. Elliot Rodger
5. Jakrapanth Thomma
6. Kip Kinkel
7. Adam Lanza
8. Eric Harris
9. Pekka Eric-Auvinen
10. James Huberty (for using an Uzi)
Based list frfr
to many people focus on there motives and shit the cooler the gun they used the cooler they are. Thomma used a fucking M60.
and He had 2 actual HK rifles too that was a good ahh weaponry frfr

Discord is @kazantseva88 
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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeSun Nov 19, 2023 3:16 pm

Arkan wrote:
Arano wrote:
Arkan wrote:
Arano wrote:
1. Seung-Hui Cho
2. Mutsuo Toi
3. Tim Kretschmer
4. Elliot Rodger
5. Jakrapanth Thomma
6. Kip Kinkel
7. Adam Lanza
8. Eric Harris
9. Pekka Eric-Auvinen
10. James Huberty (for using an Uzi)
Based list frfr
to many people focus on there motives and shit the cooler the gun they used the cooler they are. Thomma used a fucking M60.
and He had 2 actual HK rifles too that was a good ahh weaponry frfr
have you ever seen the HK416? It's one of the most beautiful rifles they've made imo [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Dec 18, 2023 5:34 pm

Now Alina Afanaskina is among my favorite shooters

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Dec 18, 2023 5:59 pm

xDarkRazoR wrote:
Now Alina Afanaskina is among my favorite shooters

Discord is @kazantseva88 
if anyone wants to add me there just send me a request and ill accept
Я вернусь)

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Dec 18, 2023 6:33 pm

Arkan wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Now Alina Afanaskina is among my favorite shooters

Let's eliminate all the bullies! Heil Alina! Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: Top 10 favorite mass shooters   Top 10 favorite mass shooters Icon_minitimeMon Dec 18, 2023 6:44 pm

xDarkRazoR wrote:
Arkan wrote:
xDarkRazoR wrote:
Now Alina Afanaskina is among my favorite shooters

Let's eliminate all the bullies! Heil Alina! Very Happy
her father Dmitry is so proud of her

Discord is @kazantseva88 
if anyone wants to add me there just send me a request and ill accept
Я вернусь)

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