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 Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings?

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PostSubject: Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings?   Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 26, 2024 9:29 pm

Columbine just had the 911 call so I won't count it plus it predates modern recording cell phones. Virginia Tech happened in 2007 the same year the first iPhone was released and there is only one good but outdated video of a guy outside Norris Hall filming the audio of Cho's shooting. Sandy Hook happened in 2012 but there were no cameras in the building and you can only really here Lanza's suicide shot on a cell phone call and this was before kids got phones like today. Aztec HS had a video of the shooting from an inside room with the door closed from Atchison. Parkland had so many filmings like the girl ducking as Cruz shoots, David Hogg, Snapchat, and the one as students leave seeing bodies. It was shocking. I personally feel like that shooting had the most graphic witness recorded videos out of any shooting. Why did this one have so many recorded videos of it happening from witnesses? Oxford had that one vid but no shooting was going on. This is prob a stupid forum post but I'm interested in witness recordings over time and if you have examples leave a reply.

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Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings?   Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2024 6:25 am

Because MSDHS was full of reetarded normies

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PostSubject: Re: Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings?   Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2024 7:11 am

MSDHS had students who were allowed to keep iphones on them, and phones were mainstream at this time. Pretty common behaviour in teenagers to record something unexpected.

As for why other shootings don't have as much recordings as MSDHS.. Well, when Columbine happened, iphone wasn't even a thing. When Virginia Tech happened, iphones had only just started existing; not surprising that very few people had them at the time. With Sandy Hook, the kids there are aged 6-11. The closest thing to an iphone they can get is either their ipad or their mother's phone, both of which would be impossible to bring to school. Plus, at Sandy Hook teachers would probably be focusing on making sure the kids are safe rather than recording it. That's just my thought though.

As for other examples, there's a video of the Kerch Poly Technic College massacre. There's actually a whole playlist here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

For Uvlade Elementary, I found this video of police bodycam footage (not too sure if this is exactly what you want, but it is footage). Salvador's gun can be heard

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Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings?   Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2024 8:44 am

Because lower grade levels are stricter than HS & university.. It also depends on time when it was really used because back in 2007 Iphones just became a thing & weren't really popular.
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PostSubject: Re: Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings?   Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2024 1:59 am

i think all american teens have apple like many europeans

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PostSubject: Re: Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings?   Why Did The Parkland/MSDHS Shooting Have So Many iPhone Recordings? Icon_minitimeToday at 12:27 am

Currings wrote:
Because lower grade levels are stricter than HS & university.. It also depends on time when it was really used because back in 2007 Iphones just became a thing & weren't really popular.

Also over the past six and a half years phone's have been heavily restricted in many states and school districts because of issues with learning and student discipline
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