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 Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors

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Tommy QTR
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PostSubject: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 7:57 am

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"Comedian Louis CK was heard mocking survivors of the Parkland school shooting for advocating gun control in leaked audio from a recent comedy set."

"You're not interesting because you went to a high school where kids got shot. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting? You didn't get shot, you pushed some fat kid in the way, and now I gotta listen to you talking?" - Louis CK

Fucking hell. Disagreeing with someone is one thing, you can have your own opinion. But flat out mocking someone who was traumatized by a shooting that killed 17 is going way too far. Evil or Very Mad

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 10:21 am

If this was any other actual survivor or wounded person that he was making fun of then I definitely see the problem but since it's Emma Gonzalez in my personal opinion I honestly don't care what Louis has to say about her. It's not that I disagree with her politics, I just find her to be a despicable person in general regardless.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 11:07 am

Yea I’m really torn on them.

Also people like Devon did fight. But a lot of them just wanted to be left alone or they were told just to sit back and be sad.

There is a picture of her with Bill Clinton. Also she does talk about how she went to Washington the summer after she said she was 90 pounds with dark circles under her eyes because she had not been able to rest since then. She brought the anteater toy Dylan bought her along with her.

However I think some of them were paraded around to be used as some sort of tool. I just can’t help but like their gumption too But you have kids who lost siblings at the school who are silenced because they don’t agree with the anti gun agenda. That makes me mad.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 11:21 am

UncontinuedProcess wrote:
If this was any other actual survivor or wounded person that he was making fun of then I definitely see the problem but since it's Emma Gonzalez in my personal opinion I honestly don't care what Louis has to say about her. It's not that I disagree with her politics, I just find her to be a despicable person in general regardless.

I'll agree with you on that one. I just wasn't sure if he was talking about Emma, or the students who were inside building 12 during the shooting.

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 11:50 am

I generally believe Emma Gonzalez is a terrible person and I don't really care what some comedian says about her. The anti-gunners are only using this to become more relevant and to get people to sympathise with them.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 1:44 pm

>he's talking about Emma Gobzalez
wtf I love Louis CK now

"If opportunities for role fulfilment fall far short of the demand by those capable of filling roles, and having expectations to do so, only violence and disruption of social organization can follow. Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented. Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked."
- John B. Calhoun

Everything is going wrong.... Farmers are generally on the verge of ruin. Trade is always bad. The Church is in danger. The House of Lords isn’t worth a dozen years’ purchase. The throne totters.
- Anthony Trollope
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 1:53 pm

Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 1:56 pm

Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 3:44 pm

I chuckled at "You pushed some fat kid in the way".

However it looks like Louis CK is trying to finish off whats left of his career with jokes like these.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 4:46 pm

A comedian offended somebody?
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeMon Dec 31, 2018 7:06 pm

I liked his 9/11 joke. The Parkland one was lame though.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeWed Jan 02, 2019 3:57 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeWed Jan 02, 2019 4:37 pm

bradt93 wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
Didn't she admit to bullying him but argued that "you weren't there, you didn't know how weird he was!" to justify it?

"If opportunities for role fulfilment fall far short of the demand by those capable of filling roles, and having expectations to do so, only violence and disruption of social organization can follow. Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented. Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked."
- John B. Calhoun

Everything is going wrong.... Farmers are generally on the verge of ruin. Trade is always bad. The Church is in danger. The House of Lords isn’t worth a dozen years’ purchase. The throne totters.
- Anthony Trollope
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeWed Jan 02, 2019 4:54 pm

STK wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
Didn't she admit to bullying him but argued that "you weren't there, you didn't know how weird he was!" to justify it?

From what I understand, yes. If someone has different information or a different outlook let me know

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeWed Jan 02, 2019 6:28 pm

STK wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
Didn't she admit to bullying him but argued that "you weren't there, you didn't know how weird he was!" to justify it?
I would feel sorry for her if she showed an ounce of remorse, but she doesn't. I think she is the sociopath.
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2019 8:09 am

bradt93 wrote:
STK wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
Didn't she admit to bullying him but argued that "you weren't there, you didn't know how weird he was!" to justify it?
I would feel sorry for her if she showed an ounce of remorse, but she doesn't. I think she is the sociopath.
Well it makes more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2019 12:09 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
STK wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
Didn't she admit to bullying him but argued that "you weren't there, you didn't know how weird he was!" to justify it?
I would feel sorry for her if she showed an ounce of remorse, but she doesn't. I think she is the sociopath.
Well it makes more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one.
Ironic considering that she called Cruz a sociopath even though she probably can't fathom the idea what a sociopath actually is.
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2019 12:27 pm

UncontinuedProcess wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
STK wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
Didn't she admit to bullying him but argued that "you weren't there, you didn't know how weird he was!" to justify it?
I would feel sorry for her if she showed an ounce of remorse, but she doesn't. I think she is the sociopath.
Well it makes more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one.
Ironic considering that she called Cruz a sociopath even though she probably can't fathom the idea what a sociopath actually is.
Yes considering that sociopath wouldn't have been diagnosed with Depression Like Cruz was. And if Cruz had Anti-social personality disorder he wouldn't have cried in front of his brother like he did in the police interrogation video.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2019 6:16 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
STK wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
Didn't she admit to bullying him but argued that "you weren't there, you didn't know how weird he was!" to justify it?
I would feel sorry for her if she showed an ounce of remorse, but she doesn't. I think she is the sociopath.
Well it makes more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one.
Why would Cruz let someone like her bully him in the first place? he was bigger than her.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2019 9:46 pm

I'm so glad though that woman isn't in the news much anymore, her claim to fame has faded by a lot.

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2019 10:25 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
UncontinuedProcess wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
STK wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Pixie13 wrote:
Why does everyone think she is such a terrible person?
Because she is.
Because she bullied Nikolas Cruz even though she won't admit it.
Didn't she admit to bullying him but argued that "you weren't there, you didn't know how weird he was!" to justify it?
I would feel sorry for her if she showed an ounce of remorse, but she doesn't. I think she is the sociopath.
Well it makes more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one.
Ironic considering that she called Cruz a sociopath even though she probably can't fathom the idea what a sociopath actually is.
Yes considering that sociopath wouldn't have been diagnosed with Depression Like Cruz was. And if Cruz had Anti-social personality disorder he wouldn't have cried in front of his brother like he did in the police interrogation video.

Everyone hold your horses for a hot minute there, say what?

Between the nasty school bully and the actual mass murderer it's the bully who is worse and who is more likely to be a sociopath, what? Should we petition to swap Cruz with Orkzales out of prison since he poses the milder threat to society, now? Because he cried that one time and is such a sedboi uwu? How many tumblr fan fics did you guys have to chow through to detach from reality this hard? study

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 4:52 am

She never admitted to bullying him: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

It seems weird that people expect teenagers to be absolute saints and embrace peers who behave in obnoxious, violent and antisocial ways when as adults we would never put up with that crap. I wouldn't be nice to the racist, pervy guy at work, I would give him a wide berth... as would most of you.
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 6:34 am

Yes she did:

I'm sick of people of defending this evil bitch, she's a vile, disgusting person who's just being used by the political elite to push to an agenda.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 7:05 am

Wow, I'd love to talk about the evil political elite trying to push an agenda and making the frogs gay, but I can't seem to find my tin foil hat right now. In the mean time, Tommy, be as kind and tell me why would you think that whatever Gonzales or any other school bully has ever said was somehow worse than what Cruz has done, because I'm dying to know now.

Tommy QTR wrote:
Well it makes more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one.

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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 7:24 am

Holloka wrote:
Wow, I'd love to talk about the evil political elite trying to push an agenda and making the frogs gay, but I can't seem to find my tin foil hat right now. In the mean time, Tommy, be as kind and tell me why would you think that whatever Gonzales or any other school bully has ever said was somehow worse than what Cruz has done, because I'm dying to know now.

Tommy QTR wrote:
Well it makes more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one.
Oh yes, because she definitely isn't being used as a pawn to push for further gun control Rolling Eyes

I never said what Gonzalez said was worse than what Cruz did, nowhere did I even imply it, all I said was it made more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one as Cruz shows no traits of having anti-social personality disorder.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 7:45 am

Tommy QTR wrote:
I never said what Gonzalez said was worse than what Cruz did, nowhere did I even imply it, all I said was it made more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one as Cruz shows no traits of having anti-social personality disorder.

I feel like you're reaching by quite a bit there.


  • Disregard for society's laws
  • Violation of the physical or emotional rights of others
  • Lack of stability in job and home life
  • Irritability and aggressiveness
  • Lack of remorse
  • Consistent irresponsibility
  • Recklessness, impulsivity
  • Deceitfulness
  • A childhood diagnosis (or symptoms consistent with) conduct disorder

(I lifted the above from, but let me know if you are looking at a different source)

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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 7:57 am

Holloka wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
I never said what Gonzalez said was worse than what Cruz did, nowhere did I even imply it, all I said was it made more sense for her to be a sociopath than for Cruz to be one as Cruz shows no traits of having anti-social personality disorder.

I feel like you're reaching by quite a bit there.


  • Disregard for society's laws
  • Violation of the physical or emotional rights of others
  • Lack of stability in job and home life
  • Irritability and aggressiveness
  • Lack of remorse
  • Consistent irresponsibility
  • Recklessness, impulsivity
  • Deceitfulness
  • A childhood diagnosis (or symptoms consistent with) conduct disorder

(I lifted the above from, but let me know if you are looking at a different source)
Again you're missing my point, I never said she was one, I'm saying it's less likely for Cruz to be one. I don't know why you're attacking me, as it was someone else who said she was a literally a sociopath.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 8:28 am

I think snopes doesn't work in this situation because you can interpret what she said in different ways...

My thing is, no, if someone is scaring you or you don't feel comfortable then you shouldn't have to befriend someone or go out of your way, however you don't have to be mean to them or "poke the bear" so to speak.

I always go back to what Devon said about her friendship with Dylan, though I don't think you can compare them to Nicholas Cruz since he was throwing out way more red flags...

Also to go into Mod mode, please keep it civil. I feel like we are teetering a bit.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 9:00 am

I was trying to entice you since you seemed passionate of your opinion on a civilian (Gonzales), and expressed an opinion that the mass murderer in question displays less traits of aspd, which I found seriously questionable. While Gonzales is an overall unpleasant character who I believe did indeed bully others while in school, I felt your opinion was suprisingly strong on her, considering we were mentioning her in comparasant of a mass murderer.

I did not miss your point, I understood the subtle difference you were trying to go for and hoped you'd share your angle and elaborate as it still sounds very unexpected, but I'm guessing that's not happening. I'm sorry about the frog comment if that hurt your feelings.

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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 9:07 am

Holloka wrote:
I was trying to entice you since you seemed passionate of your opinion on a civilian (Gonzales), and expressed an opinion that the mass murderer in question displays less traits of aspd, which I found seriously questionable. While Gonzales is an overall unpleasant character who I believe did indeed bully others while in school, I felt your opinion was suprisingly strong on her, considering we were mentioning her in comparasant of a mass murderer.

I did not miss your point, I understood the subtle difference you were trying to go for and hoped you'd share your angle and elaborate as it still sounds very unexpected, but I'm guessing that's not happening. I'm sorry about the frog comment if that hurt your feelings.
Trust me you don't have the power to hurt my feelings.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 11:52 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I agree that there is no need to "poke the bear" but is there any indication she did? She said "ostracized him" rather than mocked him. To me that is students giving a scary kid a wide berth. Is there any evidence that he was bullied, in the same way that Eric and Dylan were (things thrown at them, clothes mocked etc)?
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 11:58 am

Pixie13 wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I agree that there is no need to "poke the bear" but is there any indication she did? She said "ostracized him" rather than mocked him. To me that is students giving a scary kid a wide berth. Is there any evidence that he was bullied, in the same way that Eric and Dylan were (things thrown at them, clothes mocked etc)?

Not that I know of. I have to be honest I haven’t researched the case as much as others. So I’m not entirely sure. I don’t know if he was ostracized because of the way he was acting, if his behavior was scary or if they ostracized him just because he was “weird” which can really mean a lot of different things to people

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 2:24 pm

I think he was quite aggressive:

"My first interaction with Nikolas Cruz happened when I was in seventh grade. I was eating lunch with my friends, most likely discussing One Direction or Ed Sheeran, when I felt a sudden pain in my lower back. The force of the blow knocked the wind out of my 90-pound body; tears stung my eyes. I turned around and saw him, smirking. I had never seen this boy before, but I would never forget his face. His eyes were lit up with a sick, twisted joy as he watched me cry.

The apple that he had thrown at my back rolled slowly along the tiled floor. A cafeteria aide rushed over to ask me if I was O.K."
A year after I was assaulted by Mr. Cruz, I was assigned to tutor him through my school’s peer counseling program. Being a peer counselor was the first real responsibility I had ever had, my first glimpse of adulthood, and I took it very seriously.

Despite my discomfort, I sat down with him, alone. I was forced to endure his cursing me out and ogling my chest until the hourlong session ended. When I was done, I felt a surge of pride for having organized his binder and helped him with his homework."

And this paragraph that really agree with:

"It is not the obligation of children to befriend classmates who have demonstrated aggressive, unpredictable or violent tendencies. It is the responsibility of the school administration and guidance department to seek out those students and get them the help that they need, even if it is extremely specialized attention that cannot be provided at the same institution."

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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 3:00 pm

I agree with the last part. However I don’t think if someone is being bullied it should be OK. Like Devon said you can walk up and be kind to people and also walk out and fight for gun control etc.

But I think Dylan and Eric were quite different than Nicholas Cruz. Dylan was probably much easier to be nice to, even Eric seemed chill compared to Cruz

Appreciate you sharing that article. I have never seen it

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 5:41 pm

Nobody should be bullied, that is for sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 6:41 pm

Ive never had a problem with Emma's you didn't know him comment. I don't take it as her saying they bullied him but rather they stayed away from him - and reasonably so because he was a fucking mental case. 

Also calling her an evil bitch is way over the top.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2019 10:11 pm

W.A.R. wrote:
Ive never had a problem with Emma's you didn't know him comment. I don't take it as her saying they bullied him but rather they stayed away from him - and reasonably so because he was a fucking mental case. 

Also calling her an evil bitch is way over the top.
Did they even try reaching out to Cruz? hell no.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2019 12:47 am

bradt93 wrote:
W.A.R. wrote:
Ive never had a problem with Emma's you didn't know him comment. I don't take it as her saying they bullied him but rather they stayed away from him - and reasonably so because he was a fucking mental case. 

Also calling her an evil bitch is way over the top.
Did they even try reaching out to Cruz? hell no.

Pixie's post sums it up well:

Quote :
"It is not the obligation of children to befriend classmates who have demonstrated aggressive, unpredictable or violent tendencies. It is the responsibility of the school administration and guidance department to seek out those students and get them the help that they need, even if it is extremely specialized attention that cannot be provided at the same institution."

Can't fault the students for keeping distance from a kid that is erratic. It was the adults (his mother/school administrators) that failed to do enough. His mother let him run right over her and the school just kicked him out when they were tired of dealing with him. The local police and FBI also dropped the ball.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2019 2:41 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
I agree with the last part. However I don’t think if someone is being bullied it should be OK. Like Devon said you can walk up and be kind to people and also walk out and fight for gun control etc.

But I think Dylan and Eric were quite different than Nicholas Cruz. Dylan was probably much easier to be nice to, even Eric seemed chill compared to Cruz

Appreciate you sharing that article. I have never seen it

You're right... something about Cruz makes him seem just so diabolical.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2019 3:16 pm

I just randomly thought of this for some reason. I don’t remember the exact quote but Howard Stern shortly after Columbine mentioned that he woundered why Eric and Dylan didn’t rape anyone in the library..

I don’t know if you get a lot of backlash from it. I listened to O and A when they went to Satellite not him.

Can you imagine if he said that about Nicholas Cruz? I think he would’ve lost his job...

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2019 3:17 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
I just randomly thought of this for some reason. I don’t remember the exact quote but Howard Stern shortly after Columbine mentioned that he woundered why Eric and Dylan didn’t rape anyone in the library..

I don’t know if you get a lot of backlash from it. I listened to O and A when they went to Satellite not him.

Can you imagine if he said that about Nicholas Cruz? I think he would’ve lost his job...

Stern did face allot of backlash for those comments, but back then it was easier to get away with way over the line crap like that (especially if you were bringing in the dough like Howard was). Now with the internet and social media its much easier to come together and really put pressure on people/organizations and force them to react.

Here is the actual comment: "There were some really good-looking girls running with their hands over their heads. Did those kids try to have sex with any of those good-looking girls? They didn’t even do that? At least if you’re going to kill yourself and kill the kids, why wouldn’t you have some sex? If I was going to kill some people, I’d take them out with sex."

ewww @ Opie & Anthony btw Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2019 7:47 am

Wow, it's almost like Louis C.K. does black comedy.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2019 8:47 am

W.A.R. wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
I just randomly thought of this for some reason. I don’t remember the exact quote but Howard Stern shortly after Columbine mentioned that he woundered why Eric and Dylan didn’t rape anyone in the library..

I don’t know if you get a lot of backlash from it. I listened to O and A when they went to Satellite not him.

Can you imagine if he said that about Nicholas Cruz? I think he would’ve lost his job...

Stern did face allot of backlash for those comments, but back then it was easier to get away with way over the line crap like that (especially if you were bringing in the dough like Howard was). Now with the internet and social media its much easier to come together and really put pressure on people/organizations and force them to react.

Here is the actual comment: "There were some really good-looking girls running with their hands over their heads. Did those kids try to have sex with any of those good-looking girls? They didn’t even do that? At least if you’re going to kill yourself and kill the kids, why wouldn’t you have some sex? If I was going to kill some people, I’d take them out with sex."

ewww @ Opie & Anthony btw Razz

I don’t think that’s the worst thing he’s ever said but it was very off-color. It was kind of an odd thing to say about highschoolers too... I’m not surprised he had a lot of backlash but I agree those kind of things didn’t stay around that long back then without all the social media.

Hey, blame my ex-boyfriend for the Opie and Anthony thing lol

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2019 6:41 am

Meh, he's right though. They went to a school that got shot up so suddenly they're experts at crime prevention and we should be taking our cues from a bunch of teenage political puppets now? Right. Also it's stretching it to say he's mocking ALL the survivors. It's pretty obviously implied he's talking "The Neo-Nazi Hispanic Wonder and the Soyboy Crew", who have thrown themselves into the public eye. Sorry, but being a tragedy survivor doesn't make you immune to being mocked or ridiculed when you so willingly put yourself on the national stage and try to pull political agendas.

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2019 7:29 am

HanShotFirst wrote:
Meh, he's right though. They went to a school that got shot up so suddenly they're experts at crime prevention and we should be taking our cues from a bunch of teenage political puppets now? Right.  Also it's stretching it to say he's mocking ALL the survivors. It's pretty obviously implied he's talking "The Neo-Nazi Hispanic Wonder and the Soyboy Crew", who have thrown themselves into the public eye. Sorry, but being a tragedy survivor doesn't make you immune to being mocked or ridiculed when you so willingly put yourself on the national stage and try to pull political agendas.

I know that they were at the school during the shooting but from all accounts and reports I heard so far, none of these student activists actually were inside Building 12. Not saying that you had to be inside Building 12 to qualify as a survivor or a victim traumatized by the event but while there was being people scared for their lives beyond belief, Hogg was already filming himself talking about gun control and telling some girl to speak with it because they need "diversity" probably either a mere hour after the shooting actually ended (I would link you to a clip of it but I can't find the raw video of it, it's all either spliced into interviews or conspiracy videos).
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2019 2:13 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
Yes she did:

I'm sick of people of defending this evil bitch, she's a vile, disgusting person who's just being used by the political elite to push to an agenda.
Why even NEED to fact-check it? The proof's right there, unedited.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2019 6:31 pm

InsaneIntruder wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Yes she did:

I'm sick of people of defending this evil bitch, she's a vile, disgusting person who's just being used by the political elite to push to an agenda.
Why even NEED to fact-check it? The proof's right there, unedited.
And yet people still feel the need of justify/defend her for this confession. Yeah it doesn't clear Cruz of his actions prior or during the shooting, he's a pretty despicable human being regardless but Gonzalez is still no angel nonetheless.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2019 11:47 pm

UncontinuedProcess wrote:
InsaneIntruder wrote:
Tommy QTR wrote:
Yes she did:

I'm sick of people of defending this evil bitch, she's a vile, disgusting person who's just being used by the political elite to push to an agenda.
Why even NEED to fact-check it? The proof's right there, unedited.
And yet people still feel the need of justify/defend her for this confession. Yeah it doesn't clear Cruz of his actions prior or during the shooting, he's a pretty despicable human being regardless but Gonzalez is still no angel nonetheless.    
Yes, I mean ostracization is just as bad, does she not know that?
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 19, 2019 5:55 am

I can't believe you're expecting teenagers to embrace someone who was abusive and violent. The victim-blaming here is disgusting. Cruz was a horrible kid and I doubt any of you would have befriended him.
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PostSubject: Re: Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors   Louis CK mocks Parkland shooting survivors Icon_minitimeSat Jan 19, 2019 8:13 am

W.A.R. wrote:
Ive never had a problem with Emma's you didn't know him comment. I don't take it as her saying they bullied him but rather they stayed away from him - and reasonably so because he was a fucking mental case. 

Also calling her an evil bitch is way over the top.

Pixie13 wrote:
I can't believe you're expecting teenagers to embrace someone who was abusive and violent. The victim-blaming here is disgusting. Cruz was a horrible kid and I doubt any of you would have befriended him.

I agree with you. I can't understand how people keep thinking that her comment was a confession of bullying. Cruz was weird and probably scary. He was obviously dangerous. It is understandable that people, especially teenagers, didn't want to be with him or didn't feel comfortable to talk to him. They didn't have a duty to be with him, whereas adults had the duty to help him and didn't. I'm sure most of us would have done the same thing at their age, and I'm sure most of us did not talk to a weird kid, but without intending to be mean to him or to hurt his feelings, simply because we didn't trust him. When you see someone looking sad and sitting alone in a place where people are with friends, do you talk to him? When I was in elementary/primary school there was a boy who was dirty and stinky and even admitted to the teacher that he didn't wipe after using the toilets. I didn't talk to him, none of my classmates did and I don't think we should be blamed for that. I would have done the same in high school. There is nothing wrong with people not wanting to talk to people who can't fit in society at all. I don't know what this kid has become, he didn't seem sad but I can't know how he was at home. However I think the teachers, his parents and other authorities had the duty to help him because it was probably his parent's fault but I didn't have to. I am not proud of what I did or rather didn't do but I don't feel bad about it either.

I don't even want to defend Gonzalez, because I'm not fond of her due to her activism but this is just defending the truth: as far as we know she didn't bully Cruz, not talking with someone is not the same as bullying. And she was just a teenager! You can't say of Cruz that he was a poor kid who was bullied and did something horrible and demand his victims to act as full grown-up.
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