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 Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting

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Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Empty
PostSubject: Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting   Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2024 10:05 pm

A wave of threats is now hitting the schools. Some schools are even being shut down.

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Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting   Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Icon_minitimeWed Sep 18, 2024 10:11 pm

This seems to happen every time a major school shooting occurs. I remember a wave of threats that happened after the Oxford shooting, and some TikTok hoax that said that multiple school shootings were going to happen across the country simultaneously.

"Today is the day. The day that it all begins. The day of my massacre shall begin." - Nikolas Cruz
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Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting   Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2024 4:52 am

Jason wrote:
This seems to happen every time a major school shooting occurs. I remember a wave of threats that happened after the Oxford shooting, and some TikTok hoax that said that multiple school shootings were going to happen across the country simultaneously.

Exactly, european schools also got threats after Kostas shooting, and many online posts praising him
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Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting   Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Icon_minitimeThu Sep 19, 2024 7:52 am

Max2024 wrote:
Jason wrote:
This seems to happen every time a major school shooting occurs. I remember a wave of threats that happened after the Oxford shooting, and some TikTok hoax that said that multiple school shootings were going to happen across the country simultaneously.

Exactly, european schools also got threats after Kostas shooting, and many online posts praising him
Belgrade school shooting is VERY SIMILAR with Georgia school shooting, the perpetrators, the aftermath & threats after the shootings. Also Kosta's father & I think mother for some time were arrested after Kosta's shooting. Very similar with Colt. They both also apprehended themselves (there is a theory Kosta called the cops on himself after the shooting).

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PostSubject: Re: Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting   Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting Icon_minitime

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Some more fallout from the Georgia school shooting
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