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 Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders

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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Empty
PostSubject: Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders   Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 11:51 am

I remember researching a guy named Rob Salyer and coming across this. He worked at the same Subway store Rachel Scott worked at, and for a couple of months near the end of 1998 they called themselves boyfriend and girlfriend. He was a pot dealer during his time working at Subway. After Nick Kunselman and Stephanie Hart were murdered while closing the store one night several months after Columbine, Rob was questioned by police and confessed to being a dealer. Was later charged. Not sure if pot is something you get killed over, but an inkling I have is that he wronged someone, and as a result a very angry man came to Subway that night to kill Rob (who was there earlier that night but left) and unfortunately Nick was on instead and Stephanie was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Quote :
Defendant was eighteen years, nine months of age when, on February 14, 2000, two high school students were murdered at a store where he had been earlier that evening and at where he had previously worked. The next day, defendant was interviewed by law enforcement authorities, who suspected that the murders were drug related. During the interview, defendant admitted that he had sold marijuana for the past six months at the store. However, he said that after hearing about the murders, he removed a half pound of marijuana and a scale from his truck and "stashed" them in a field near an elementary school. He led the sheriff's officers to those items, telling them that because of the murders, he no longer planned to sell marijuana.

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Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders   Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 7:55 pm

Thank you for posting this Jazzy. Very interesting. I wonder if Rachel ever knew her ex boyfriend smoked pot and sold it at times? With her strong religious beliefs, I would say no.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders   Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 7:57 pm

Once years ago I saw Rob post on a Rachel dedicated myspace and he said "I miss you,Lady." which I found touching.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders   Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 10:30 pm

PaintItBlack wrote:
Thank you for posting this Jazzy. Very interesting. I wonder if Rachel ever knew her ex boyfriend smoked pot and sold it at times? With her strong religious beliefs, I would say no.
Rachel was said to be accepting of everybody; but I think dating a dealer is probably a bridge too far for her. He probably kept it a secret. In the link posted above he confessed to stealing money occasionally from the store... he sounds like a charming young man. Rolling Eyes
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Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders   Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 6:57 pm

On the other hand maybe she found out and that is why the romantic relationship between them ended but a friendship remained. There is a lot about the victims and their lives that we will simply never know no matter how much research we do or for how long.

Juicy Jazzy wrote:
PaintItBlack wrote:
Thank you for posting this Jazzy. Very interesting. I wonder if Rachel ever knew her ex boyfriend smoked pot and sold it at times? With her strong religious beliefs, I would say no.
Rachel was said to be accepting of everybody; but I think dating a dealer is probably a bridge too far for her. He probably kept it a secret. In the link posted above he confessed to stealing money occasionally from the store... he sounds like a charming young man. Rolling Eyes
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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders   Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Icon_minitimeFri Aug 04, 2017 5:38 am

Turns out Rachel was a pot smoker as well. The more we learn about her the more down to earth she seems.
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PostSubject: Re: Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders   Rachel's ex boyfriend and the Subway murders Icon_minitime

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