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 How much money did E and D spend planning NBK?

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How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Empty
PostSubject: How much money did E and D spend planning NBK?   How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 27, 2015 9:12 pm

Does anyone know how much money the boys spent on materials used during NBK? I would love to see a comparison of the amount spent on guns and ammo vs fireworks, gunpowder, and explosive materials. I know the guns they bought were cheap and they probably didnt purchase the most expensive ammo. I think if we could get a breakdown of their budget we could see which the boys put more faith in: their guns or their bombs.

Also does anyone know who spent more money on the plan? I believe there's a segment on the BT where Eric has $200 and Dylan had a check for $50. The consensus on the board seems to be that the bombs were more Eric's idea than Dylan's. Eric also mentions in his journal how he wishes he didnt have to pay car insurance so he could put the money toward NBK. Did Dylan spend all his extra cash on materials too, or did Eric finance most of it? I can't remember any mentions of money by Dylan, but its been a while since I picked through all the boys writings and video transcripts.
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How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money did E and D spend planning NBK?   How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 27, 2015 9:28 pm

Dylan's parents gave him $250 to go to the prom.

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How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money did E and D spend planning NBK?   How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 27, 2015 10:13 pm

Personally, I'm thinking Eric spent more money on it. The only thing I know for sure is that they spent $500 on a Tec-9. And there are a few receipts from the morning of the shooting where Eric spent money on propane tanks. I think that was an additional $150. So there is at least $650 that they spent. If anyone wants to add anything else to that total to get a better idea what their grand total was on this project, then feel free.

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How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money did E and D spend planning NBK?   How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2015 7:08 am

Wow I didn't know they spent $500 on the Tech9. I wonder if it was simply to have a gun, or did E and D think the Tech9 was a good firearm? Maybe they just thought it was cool looking? Ive speculated in the Tech9 thread that they may have wanted it due to its sinister look. For that price they could have gotten a second carbine at the gun show or maybe a more reliable pistol. I'm leaning more towards the fact it was one less gun they had to acquire at the gun show. They did need to keep attention away from themselves.

I do personally think Eric paid more during planning. Eric wanted NBK to be a message of his superiority to the world while Dylan just wanted to die. It just so happened that Dylan saw Eric's big message to be a fitting finale for his own life. I don't see Dylan being as into planning NBK as much as he was into dreaming about it. I'm not saying Dylan didnt help with the planning. Im sure he spent a good chunk of cash on fireworks, ammo, and bomb materials. I just see him more as an accomplice to Eric's idea of a revolution. If Eric was willing to create the big bombs he'd be more than happy to join in the fun. As long as he died at the end he was cool with whatever.

I really wish it'd be possible to find out a rough estimate of what their budget was like. While most teens work jobs to get money so they can buy clothes and do stuff with friends, E and D were working minimum wage jobs just to save up money to kill and die. Its a sad thing to think about. To paraphrase someone who was interviewed at the Evidence Exhibit: "Seeing all the guns, bombs, and ammo shows just how much hate these boys had in them." I feel seeing the amount of cash they put towards NBK could show how hard they worked for it to happen.
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PostSubject: Re: How much money did E and D spend planning NBK?   How much money did E and D spend planning NBK? Icon_minitime

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