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 How much money DID NBK cost?

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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 27, 2016 11:46 pm

So about how much money did NBK cost to put together? Didn't Eric and Dylan shuffle jobs alot?
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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 28, 2016 9:28 am

anonacc489 wrote:
So about how much money did NBK cost to put together? Didn't Eric and Dylan shuffle jobs alot?

Dylan did. He went from Blackjack to Computer Renaissance back to Blackjack and was unemployed for quite a while. Leaving Eric to foot the bills. Eric worked at Blackjack and the summer of 98 he started a second job at tortilla wraps

We know how much the guns cost and some of the ammo, but I think it would be quite a lot of work to try to figure out how much they spent

Chances are though the boys seemed "broke". I wonder if their parents ever wondered what they did with their money....probably not.
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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 28, 2016 1:01 pm

Funnily enough I just pondered this same question in the thread E & D Bombs vs. Oklahoma City Bombing. I would bet easily over $1,000, possibly more. Guns, magazines, ammo, their bombs, the pipe bombs. I'm not sure what materials went with their propane bombs, but there's material needed for that, items needed to make pipe bombs. I don't know how many of those they made. Their outfits and gear they wore. Several knives. The containers of gas they left in their cars to blow up.

Then I guess you would have to take into account the bombs they built and took to the mountains to test.

I'm not sure about 1999, but magazines and clips for guns aren't very cheap today (but I have quality guns). I'm not sure how many magazines they each had. Same for ammo, but it may have been cheaper back then.

Lol, sorry for the rambling, I was just trying to think of everything they used that day.
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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 28, 2016 5:30 pm

I've actually researched the cost of NBK quite a bit, and honestly I dont think we'll ever know the exact amount. The most expensive part of NBK was the firearms and ammunition. After that it was probably the gasoline and propane tanks. Pipe bomb materials are rather cheap, and most of the gunpowder was acquired for free via fireworks from the stand they worked at. According to Cory Friesen they were given multiple big boxes filled with assorted fireworks by the stands owner once it closed for the season. Anyone whos bought fireworks in the the U.S. knows that they can be very expensive. Its entirely possible those boxes contained thousands of dollars worth of fireworks. Sadly there just isn't a way for us to know what NBKs monetary "value" equaled out to.

I've always been curious where they got their shirts and how much they cost. Wearing "Wrath" and "Natural Selection" shirts during a school shooting is such a silly little detail. E/D must have thought they looked badass wearing them with all their "tactical" gear on. Its one of those little things that reminds you how immature they really were.
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PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 28, 2016 5:39 pm

Nirvana92 wrote:
I've actually researched the cost of NBK quite a bit, and honestly I dont think we'll ever know the exact amount. The most expensive part of NBK was the firearms and ammunition. After that it was probably the gasoline and propane tanks. Pipe bomb materials are rather cheap, and most of the gunpowder was acquired for free via fireworks from the stand they worked at. According to Cory Friesen they were given multiple big boxes filled with assorted fireworks by the stands owner once it closed for the season. Anyone whos bought fireworks in the the U.S. knows that they can be very expensive. Its entirely possible those boxes contained thousands of dollars worth of fireworks. Sadly there just isn't a way for us to know what NBKs monetary "value" equaled out to.

I've always been curious where they got their shirts and how much they cost. Wearing "Wrath" and "Natural Selection" shirts during a school shooting is such a silly little detail. E/D must have thought they looked badass wearing them with all their "tactical" gear on. Its one of those little things that reminds you how immature they really were.

LOL at the shirts. Especially because most witnesses had no idea what the shirts even said
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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 28, 2016 6:09 pm

Lizpuff wrote:
Nirvana92 wrote:
I've actually researched the cost of NBK quite a bit, and honestly I dont think we'll ever know the exact amount. The most expensive part of NBK was the firearms and ammunition. After that it was probably the gasoline and propane tanks. Pipe bomb materials are rather cheap, and most of the gunpowder was acquired for free via fireworks from the stand they worked at. According to Cory Friesen they were given multiple big boxes filled with assorted fireworks by the stands owner once it closed for the season. Anyone whos bought fireworks in the the U.S. knows that they can be very expensive. Its entirely possible those boxes contained thousands of dollars worth of fireworks. Sadly there just isn't a way for us to know what NBKs monetary "value" equaled out to.

I've always been curious where they got their shirts and how much they cost. Wearing "Wrath" and "Natural Selection" shirts during a school shooting is such a silly little detail. E/D must have thought they looked badass wearing them with all their "tactical" gear on. Its one of those little things that reminds you how immature they really were.

LOL at the shirts.  Especially because most witnesses had no idea what the shirts even said

One of my favorite passages written by Eric was "Vaccines" where he goes into detail about how he'll look on NBK:

"Maybe a bullet proof vest too. We will in all black. Dusters, black army pants, and we will get custom shirts that say R and V in the background in one big letter and NBK in the front in a smaller font. We will have knifes and blades and backup weaponry all over our bodies, I will have a tattoo of REB on my right arm. Once we start we will wear balaclavas....Then we sit down, play some pump up music, light a $50 stoge (cigar), and get ready to start throwing out the first wave of crickets."

Its just so ridiculous and cringey. Its also really sad to see how hard Eric wanted to be his "REB" character. Eric Harris truly hated being Eric Harris.
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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 28, 2016 6:32 pm

Lol, YES, the planning of the outfits. I bet they looked in the mirror that morning and thought, "Damn, I look like a bad ass." Lol. Unfortunately, their thirst for "Wrath" and "Natural Selection" was quenched fairly quick, thank goodness. All those knives, for what? They probably didn't have the stomach to stab someone. I can't imagine the horror in that library, but I think they experienced it and had enough. Otherwise, why not kill the loads of other children still in the building after leaving the library?
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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2016 8:17 pm

I'm pretty sure those shirts were sold at places like Hot Topic, Spencers, and other similar stores that sold that kinda novelty stuff back in the day. I swear I think I remember seeing the shirts before columbine. Particularly the wrath shirt b/c when I found out that's what Dylan wore I kinda eyerolled to myself thinking "how original considering that shirt is sold everywhere" haha. And like everything else they must have gotten pulled from the shelves along with anything similar b/c I stopped seeing them after that.

Just an uninteresting tidbit, back in those days I lived in a small town and we had to drive an hour into a major city to shop at Hot Topic. Now that I have no interest in such merchandise the damn stores are everywhere. Go figure haha
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PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2016 10:29 pm

Lol can you imagine them shopping together, for their perfect shirts, "uh yeah I want this in white and I want it to say "natural selection" on it.....which font looks good V?" Sigh these boys Rolling Eyes

Will you remain my fire in this temporary paradise?
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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2016 10:04 am

liquorvamp wrote:
Lol can you imagine them shopping together, for their perfect shirts, "uh yeah I want this in white and I want it to say "natural selection" on it.....which font looks good V?" Sigh these boys Rolling Eyes

Lol I think they spent more time on their outfits than they did their pathetic bombs, thank goodness.
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How much money DID NBK cost? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How much money DID NBK cost?   How much money DID NBK cost? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2016 10:09 am

"get Punk gloves"

This makes me laugh every time for some unknown reason

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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