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 What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?

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John Denver
Sane One
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Sane One

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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2015 9:14 pm

This should make for an interesting discussion.

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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2015 2:14 am

Interesting question I'm not really sure.
I think it's safe to say that a majority of Americans were devastated by 9/11
And Eric and Dylan may have felt the same way. It was an attack against all Americans in a way.
I remember how patriotic everyone was during the aftermath of 9/11. People seemed to rally together

Then again, Eric and Dylan might have found the attack impressive.
And they may have gotten a kick out of it happening on Dylan's 20th birthday.

-I am the shadow that ceases to be understood.
I scream for darkness, I am the light.
I yearn for passion and for the forever word “immortality”.
To experience life after death, in solitude, in compassion, in love.-
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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2015 3:20 am

Dylan's birthday was September 11th so Id assume, had he not gotten help in the two years between 4/20/99 and 9/11/01, it would have fueled his God delusions. I think he would have felt a form of power knowing all those people died on his B-day. Like a violent gift from fate and the halcyon. Its pretty creepy that he's connected to 9/11 even if its just by birthday.

Eric would have eaten it up. It would have been like seeing the wish he had to blow up Denver come true. I think seeing the buildings fall would have had a serious effect on him. Itd probably fuel his bloodlust even more too. Had Eric not gone through with NBK I've always though he would eventually make plan an attack somewhere else. Seeing the death and destruction on 9/11 would have pushed him to make an even grander plan than he did with NBK. The fact that he had the idea of flying planes into buildings in NY is an eerie coincidence. Its obvious reading through his journal that he would have been capable of much more with the right budget and combination of "tools".

On the other hand seeing America attacked could have made Eric want to join the military even more. To him the marines were a way to both prove himself a man AND kill people in a totally justifiable manner. I've always wondered if Eric had gotten accepted if he'd back out of NBK. He knew once the recruiter found out about the Luvox that he wasnt getting in. Had Mrs. Harris kept her mouth shut about his meds on the day the recruiter was there NBK might have been avoided. That's another one of those moments that pop up a lot in the Columbine case where one small change in occurrence may have prevented everything.
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John Denver

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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2015 6:07 am

I wonder, if 9/11 had happened on - let's say - April 11, 1999, how would it have affected E/D's plan? Would they have called it off? Postponed (not really time for that)?

Or vice versa, would it have motivated them even more - to make the chaos in the country worse?

And yes, weird coindicendes with Dylan's birthday and especially with Eric writing about hijacking a plane and flying it into New York City. I can always imagine someone shooting/bombing at a certain location, but the possibility of hijacking a plane and flying it into a building - that scenario never crossed my mind before 9/11. How could Eric have thought about it?
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Sane One

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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2015 8:43 am

Wow, didn't even know Dylan's birthday was Sept 11th. Interesting. Freaky.
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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2015 11:08 am

Nirvana92 wrote:
Dylan's birthday was September 11th so Id assume, had he not gotten help in the two years between 4/20/99 and 9/11/01, it would have fueled his God delusions. I think he would have felt a form of power knowing all those people died on his B-day. Like a violent gift from fate and the halcyon. Its pretty creepy that he's connected to 9/11 even if its just by birthday.

Eric would have eaten it up. It would have been like seeing the wish he had to blow up Denver come true. I think seeing the buildings fall would have had a serious effect on him. Itd probably fuel his bloodlust even more too. Had Eric not gone through with NBK I've always though he would eventually make plan an attack somewhere else. Seeing the death and destruction on 9/11 would have pushed him to make an even grander plan than he did with NBK. The fact that he had the idea of flying planes into buildings in NY is an eerie coincidence. Its obvious reading through his journal that he would have been capable of much more with the right budget and combination of "tools".

On the other hand seeing America attacked could have made Eric want to join the military even more. To him the marines were a way to both prove himself a man AND kill people in a totally justifiable manner. I've always wondered if Eric had gotten accepted if he'd back out of NBK. He knew once the recruiter found out about the Luvox that he wasnt getting in. Had Mrs. Harris kept her mouth shut about his meds on the day the recruiter was there NBK might have been avoided. That's another one of those moments that pop up a lot in the Columbine case where one small change in occurrence may have prevented everything.

I think Eric would have been torn. On one side he would be impressed, and on the other he would have been pissed that he didn't pull that off.
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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2015 4:39 pm


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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2015 5:12 am

Probably excited by the carnage, even if they did not share the beleifs of the attackers. Just as they were with the Murragh bombing, manson killings etc.

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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 8:36 pm

Well Eric might have been worried - at first, because he's from Plattsburgh so he might have thought friends were injured in the attacks, but then once he found out they weren't, he probably would have been like "eh" and went back to playing Doom while his gf or wife (assuming he had one by then) was in the kitchen fixing breakfast or whatever.

Dylan, I think tragedies like that would have bought out the emotional and sentimental in Dylan and he would have been like "oh no...." or something to that effect. I think he would have felt some sort of sympathy and even curiosity for humans and the way the human existence deals with grief and tragedies and pain. The human existence deals with it in a different way than a God-like existence deals with it. So I think that's how Dylan would have viewed it.
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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 5:19 pm

Happy at the carnage, pissed off that it was foreigners who were behind it. Eric wrote about hating people from the country of those terrorists before. He wouldn't have been proud of them, but would have liked the chaos.
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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?   What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks? Icon_minitime

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What would Eric or Dylan have thought about the 9/11 attacks?
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