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 A few more tidbits about Rocky

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A few more tidbits about Rocky Empty
PostSubject: A few more tidbits about Rocky   A few more tidbits about Rocky Icon_minitimeWed 25 Nov 2015, 23:51

Most folks who've studied Columbine have heard the name "Rocky Wayne Hoffschneider Jr." If you haven't, then the first thing you should know is that he was the assholiest jock asshole at the school, by far. His buddies weren't any nicer.

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Rocky, who graduated in '98, was at the top of one of Eric's shit lists. If you don't know anything about him, read this and then come back to this thread:
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Not too long ago, I talked (online) with someone who went to Columbine during the 1997-98 school year, but moved to a different state after that. She saw Dylan around the school, but never spoke to him. She never saw Eric.

She told me that Rocky was every bit as nasty as has been reported.

He and his friends messed with everyone, but most often they went after boys who were walking with or talking to girls - even "ugly" girls who would never be allowed to hang with the jocks. He was all about intimidation and humiliation.

This guy was one of Rocky's right-hand men:
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One time, she was walking up the stairs from the commons when suddenly she found herself being shoved to the floor. Rocky and his buds were right behind her.

There was a boy in front of her walking with a girl. Rocky shoved him - hard - to the ground. He pushed him *up* the stairs.

He said to the boy: "Wow, your boyfriend must have fucked you pretty hard last night. Your ass is so sore that you can't even walk up the fucking stairs."

He turned to the girl and said: "Your boyfriend is a pussy-ass faggot. Get a new one."

Then he went on his merry way.

She said that the school rumor mill pegged Rocky's gang - known to many as the "steroid poster boys" - as heavy drug users and rapists.

She also told me that, after the massacre, her friends told her that three names were being talked about as "third shooters":

* Joe Stair
* Chris Morris
* Brooks Brown

Why does anyone do anything?
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A few more tidbits about Rocky Empty
PostSubject: Re: A few more tidbits about Rocky   A few more tidbits about Rocky Icon_minitimeWed 25 Nov 2015, 23:58

Wow, I had heard his name before but I never had time to look at how big of a douche he was. But that kind of stuff sadly happens all over America in a lot of schools every single day, and most of the time nothing is done about it. I remember at my high school if you were a football player or a cheerleader the teachers looked the other way on a LOT of stuff.

As for the 3 names, Joe Stair's sister was in the library at the time of the shootings, there is no way he was involved, she confirms this in her YouTube video series. I don't know much about Chris Morris other then he looked too scared in all of his media pictures to be involved (lol) and Brooks has also done many interviews and even written a book about being friends with the shooters. He was cleared of any involvement as well.
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A few more tidbits about Rocky
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