Maybe this could have gone in mass shootings or other? Not sure
- Quote :
- White men transforming the world according to their will, using their hands
Don’t have to abide by stupid rules or unfair structures. They can transition from nobodies to earthly gods through aggression and will.
I agree that there's this aspect of social Darwinism within everything someone does. I think that America has the perfect conditions to warp people into becoming mass shooters. It breeds dissatisfaction, apathy, frustration and fatalism for the people that need the most help. This almost always leads to violence in some way.
There are lots of aspects of American culture that, when combined, creates a massive trend in mass shooters.
I read something interesting in sociology textbook about suicide. I was wondering if school shootings could be considered a suicidal act (some don't kill themselves after, do most have the intention to?).
The meaning of suicide needs to be considered to understand the social trend (these could be considered what the meaning of mass murder to the individual is). There were 4 main ones listed:
A release from the cares of the world,
To tell people how profound their feelings are on an issue,
To ask for help or sympathy,
Or the belief that they've been forced to. (Revenge)
If it was related to mass murder, would any be different? Would there be more?
The type of society that a person lives in could influence suicide levels as well (the types given seem to be a separation of parts of Columbine's society (percieved and real aspects)):
Egoistic - look out for yourself only out close relatives (low social integration and social institutions try to counter these values with a sense of belonging)
Altruistic - welfare of the group most important (commit suicide on behalf of wider society/change for the better e.g. Kamikaze pilots)
Anomic - society in a time of rapid social change and social mechanisms that restrict human selfishness are weakened (people are left alienated, bewildered or revert to natural selfishness)
Fatalistic - oppressive society (no will to live and prefer death)
In some ways, most of these could make an amalgamation that shows American society (especially recently, do you think we're in a time of social and cultural change?), whether it's only perceived as such, or if it is actually like that.