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 JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another

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JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another Empty
PostSubject: JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another   JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 9:20 pm

JCSO SWAT Team Member A.J. DeAndrea's Report is on pages 008512-008516

His Team arrived at the Library shortly after the original Team did

He states in his report that as he walked through the Library:

I turned to my left and observed two males on the ground facing one another.

Both had gunshot wounds to the head.

I also observed numerous homemade bombs on the bodies of these two parties and on the ground around them.

This is one of the only places in the 11K where Eric & Dylan were seen facing one another, unlike the suicide pic which shows Dylan facing up
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JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another Empty
PostSubject: Re: JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another   JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 11:26 pm

Statement by Team 2, Pages 012321-012322:

A pool of blood on the carpet was to the north, east and south of KLEBOLD's head, as well as to the west under his left shoulder.

There was a bloodstain area on the back of his left arm above the elbow that was not consistent with being formed with the arm in the position found.

Some of the blood flows on the face were also formed with the head in a position other than as found.
These flows were consistent with KLEBOLD's head resting on the right side of the face to allow the blood flow on the left side out of the wound.

There were bloodstains on his right bicep and left center portion of his neck.

The underside of the bill of the ball cap to the north of KLEBOLD appeared to be blood-soaked.

Page 012142: Examination [of Dylan's Hat] disclosed the presence of apparently blood soaked areas to the top and bottom of the bill and the inside and outside of the front of the cap. No apparent bullet or projectile hole is observed.
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JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another Empty
PostSubject: Re: JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another   JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another Icon_minitimeThu Jan 07, 2016 11:16 am

It would be interesting to take the existing suicide photos and try to sketch or diagram how they would have been found according to these descriptions.
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JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another Empty
PostSubject: Re: JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another   JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another Icon_minitime

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JCSO SWAT A.J. DeAndrea saw Eric & Dylan facing one another
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