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 Fire in the cafeteria

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PostSubject: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2016 5:47 pm

I was thinking about when Eric & Dylan went down to the cafeteria to try and set off the bombs once they'd done in the library....

They started shooting at the bags to try and make them blow, and all they managed was a small fire.

I wonder if it occurred to them to perhaps head to the science labs to try and find some stuff in there that would help start a raging inferno they hoped for. I'm not suggesting that something in there could have made the bombs blow, but surely there would be some sort of chemicals or whatever that would make the fire more wild and not as easily extinguished as the one they made happen?

I don't know, I could be way off the mark here - I'm not sure what high school labs have in them?
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PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2016 10:54 pm

It probably depends on the school, but it's highly likely there was at least enough to make the fire more wild.

Maybe it occurred to them, but it's more likely they were focused on suicide at that point. Surely they didn't expect to survive setting the bombs off?
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Fire in the cafeteria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2016 12:10 am

Off topic, but I always thought an unconscious Patrick Ireland was the only one left in the library to possibly witness their suicides, but from Sue's book it says Lisa Kreutz was also. Has she come forward and said she heard E & D say another, or the gun shots of their suicides or anything?
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Fire in the cafeteria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2016 1:09 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] In her interview, she says she thinks she heard someone say "you, in the library..." after they reentered. She is also the one who heard one asking the other if he was still with him upon entering the library the first time.
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PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2016 2:35 am

switch3650 wrote:
It probably depends on the school, but it's highly likely there was at least enough to make the fire more wild.

Maybe it occurred to them, but it's more likely they were focused on suicide at that point. Surely they didn't expect to survive setting the bombs off?

Yeah I mean after they realised the bombs weren't going to go off. Their dream was to watch the school burn. Perhaps the science labs would have been the place to go to try and cause some devastation there rather than back to the library.
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PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2016 11:09 am

[Daniel] Grange did not see the gunmen, but thinks that at some time they did go into one of the science classrooms east of where he was and tried to start a fire by turning on the gas and throwing a bomb (003174).

Joyce Jankowski told me that she heard a "loud explosion" that she thought might have been a shotgun, and then said that she could hear the gas escaping from the stove in the kitchen (000219).
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PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2016 2:30 pm

switch3650 wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] In her interview, she says she thinks she heard someone say "you, in the library..." after they reentered. She is also the one who heard one asking the other if he was still with him upon entering the library the first time.

I would think the "still with me" comment would be right before they killed themselves.
I figured the adrenaline must of wore off and the reality that they have to kill themselves was right there.
They both wanted to die, but when the adrenaline is pumping, it makes for a whole different scenario.
The last few minutes of their lives for some reason catches my major interest. I wish someone saw or heard them, but with the fire alarm blaring I guess its hard to even know what she heard.
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PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeFri Feb 26, 2016 3:55 pm

They also could have carried a small container of gas each and poured it over books and light them on fire... They easily could have burned the library.

I've spent so much time trying to figure out why they didn't kill more people (as morbid as that sounds) when they first entered the library there were 50 people but E/D killed 10. I thought maybe reality hit them and their conscience changed? But that doesn't make sense, especially after killing that many people. Maybe they felt like "god" picking and choosing who lives and who dies knowing they scarred the survivors mentally?

Also they walked down one of the hallways looking into classrooms where there were more potential victims.

Again, I'm glad they stopped when they did, but why?
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PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitimeFri Apr 22, 2016 2:09 pm

Jbow89 wrote:
They also could have carried a small container of gas each and poured it over books and light them on fire... They easily could have burned the library.

I've spent so much time trying to figure out why they didn't kill more people (as morbid as that sounds) when they first entered the library there were 50 people but E/D killed 10. I thought maybe reality hit them and their conscience changed? But that doesn't make sense, especially after killing that many people. Maybe they felt like "god" picking and choosing who lives and who dies knowing they scarred the survivors mentally?

Also they walked down one of the hallways looking into classrooms where there were more potential victims.

Again, I'm glad they stopped when they did, but why?

I think that when they saw the huge police force outside, they wanted to try to get the bombs to blow, before they were stormed disarmed and taken alive (they left the library to do this). And they wandered through the halls without shooting anyone becaouse they were still hoping and waiting for the bombs to explode. Finally when they returned to the library all but 2 of their victims were gone.
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PostSubject: Re: Fire in the cafeteria   Fire in the cafeteria Icon_minitime

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