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 Attachment theory - true in this case or not?

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Attachment theory - true in this case or not? Empty
PostSubject: Attachment theory - true in this case or not?   Attachment theory - true in this case or not? Icon_minitime25/2/2016, 11:57

I am studying a social work degree, and in a group I had to deliver a short presentation on attachment theory. I included a slide on shooters Dylan and Eric, indicating that they had generally good attachment throughout childhood and were not from a household of aggression or violence like attachment theory would suggest.

I intended to leave this open for discussion for other classmates to see whether they thought attachment could always be an explanation for behaviour; unfortunately, my slide did not make the final cut (other group members "deleted it by accident".

So, I thought I would ask you guys. What do you think, what is your opinion?
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Attachment theory - true in this case or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Attachment theory - true in this case or not?   Attachment theory - true in this case or not? Icon_minitime28/2/2016, 07:53

cheezecake wrote:
I am studying a social work degree, and in a group I had to deliver a short presentation on attachment theory. I included a slide on shooters Dylan and Eric, indicating that they had generally good attachment throughout childhood and were not from a household of aggression or violence like attachment theory would suggest.

I intended to leave this open for discussion for other classmates to see whether they thought attachment could always be an explanation for behaviour; unfortunately, my slide did not make the final cut (other group members "deleted it by accident".

So, I thought I would ask you guys. What do you think, what is your opinion?

We can't say for certain E&D had "good attachment".. it appears from the outside that they did, but we have no real idea on whether they formed a true bond of trust & identification with one of their parents or other significant party. I believe the key in this theory is the developmental years of 0-6 as well. Circumstances later in life could easily offset what was "programmed" at an early age.

Regardless, the theory admittedly is limited to a reflection of "shaping" ones reactions down the line in life vs forecasting. Interesting theory tho.. & I'm sure it holds true with most cases.
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Attachment theory - true in this case or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Attachment theory - true in this case or not?   Attachment theory - true in this case or not? Icon_minitime29/2/2016, 02:45

Attachment Disorder is bull, please do not buy into it.

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Attachment theory - true in this case or not? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Attachment theory - true in this case or not?   Attachment theory - true in this case or not? Icon_minitime

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Attachment theory - true in this case or not?
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