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 Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott

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Sane One
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Sane One

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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeSat Mar 05, 2016 8:25 pm

confrontation between Eric and her never existed?

It took Deputy Gardner 5 minutes to eventually respond to what was happening. Didn't Patti Nielsen see Eric and Dylan through the glass doors right around where Rachel and Richard would have been? They got hit from a distance but I'm almost certain they walked right past them or were close by them.
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeSun Mar 06, 2016 9:47 am

I think the vast majority of us, who have really looked into the case, don't believe that really happened. It's the first version of events that were told to Rachel's family by Richard Castaldo's mom a few days after the shooting. Rachel's family (more so her mother in recent years) chooses to believe and repeat it.

And I agree. In that short amount of time, I don't think Eric would have even had the time to walk over there, & still have time to shoot the rest of the outside victims, take his coat off, throw more pipe bombs, etc. It's clear Richard and Rachel, like the others, were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. But they were just easy first targets because they were sitting down with no where (or chance) to run.
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2016 4:22 am

She was shot at point blank range. I don't see why the confrontation would not have happened.
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2016 10:55 pm

Also, the ballistic evidence recovered out of Richard Castaldo traced back to the Tec-DC9:

ACSO/Swedish Medical Center: CBI 1013/JCSO 10097
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2016 7:16 am

The first shot that hit her probably made her slump over and then the shot that hit her temple would of killed her instantly. So I think that reason for no blood marks would be because of the angle she was at when she was killed, also depending on the angle of the gun. Obviously no evidence to back this up but its just a reasonable explanation for why there may be no blood splatter.

*insert Columbine related quote here*
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2016 6:08 pm

The bullet fragments recovered from Rachel's body were of no comparative value.

Ballistics was not able to match them to either the Tec-9 or the Hi-Point.

The gunshot wound to the head:

a. Entrance - left temple
b. Exit - right parietal scalp

That tells us that the shot was close to being straight through on a horizontal axis, slightly upward.

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You can see how long the Hi-Point Carbine was in this video still from Rampart Range. Because of the length of the Carbine [32.5 inches] I do not believe there is anyway that Eric could have grabbed Rachel by the hair with one hand and shot her in the head with his other hand - essentially shooting her one-handed. Now, it may be have been possible with the Tec-9 but we don't know if that was the gun used to shoot her. The evidence states that Eric shot her with his Hi-Point Carbine [page 011868 - 4 shots to arm, ribcage, temple, leg - 9mm Hi-Point - Harris].

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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2016 11:45 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
One thing I am curious about regarding the story of Rachel's alleged death is if she was still alive and Eric/Dylan shot her in the head, where is the blood spatter? I still am unsure of the story.

Isn't the dark spot on the wall (that was on the right of Rachel's body) splattered blood?  

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This is after the swat team attempted to move and rescue Rachel the first time they went in, & apparently they realized she was already gone. So, they left her there and went to help drag Richard.
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2016 1:36 am

sororityalpha wrote:

There is no blood evidence collected outside in that area in the Evidence Log therefore  it cannot be blood. I do not know what that is, possibly soda:

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You can see a can of Coke? that was located right by that spot on the North Library wall

Oh! Well, that would make more sense. I've never actually seen a lot of these pictures. Do you know where I can find them?
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2016 1:43 am

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This piece of scalp found outside the Library Door is more than likely Rachel's as well. More evidence that Rachel was closer to the North Library Emergency Exit door and Richard was closer to the West Entrance doors.

The alleged "blood spatter" on the Nroth Library wall outside is closer to where Richard Castaldo was sitting and it has already been shown why that was more than likely NOT blood spatter.
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2016 1:44 am

The El Paso Report contains a lot of these evidence photos
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 4:47 am

Almost positive the altercation between Rachel and Eric never happened. Rachel was shot from the bottom of the small hill, thus the headshot going through at an upward angle.
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 2:19 pm

sororityalpha wrote:

These are the positions that Richard and Rachel were found in:

Richard was closest to the West Entrance doors

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Note: This diagram is NOT to scale

This doesn't make sense to me.....they were sitting in the grassy part but doesn't this diagram say they were on the paved area in front of the doors? Rich told me he had JUST sat down and hadn't even opened his lunch.

Also, someone posted a high def video of them moving her from that spot and she was clearly on the grass as they lifter her head over the wood that separated the grass from the pavement
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Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott   Why does everybody think the Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 8:19 pm

asloversgo wrote:
This doesn't make sense to me.....they were sitting in the grassy part but doesn't this diagram say they were on the paved area in front of the doors? Rich told me he had JUST sat down and hadn't even opened his lunch.

Also, someone posted a high def video of them moving her from that spot and she was clearly on the grass as they lifter her head over the wood that separated the grass from the pavement

If you're talking about the higher quality video of when they go in to drag Rachel away, that doesn't show the original positioning of her body as it was when she died. Because they had already attempted to rescue her first. And according to the SWAT team's interview a few days after the shootings, as they were trying to pick her up, her head fell to the side and her temple wound became visible, they then realized that she was probably already gone and moved to help rescue Richard.

There's some super low quality footage of that, & I tried to isolate the darker colors to kind of see where Rachel's body was originally. It looks like it was still almost completely on that small rocky area where they were reported to be sitting.
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