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 Rachel Scott

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Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Rachel Scott   Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 1:57 pm

I'm newish here. Been lurking and reading for a while. I have a few questions on Rachel Scott that I have not seen discussed/answered here yet (apologies if I missed it).

1. Did anyone see her get shot? I've read the 11k and I saw a brief mention from a boy, but that was about it. Is there any more documentation about EH shooting her?

2. Is there a "team" report that details her position outside like there is for the "library teams?" I read the team assigned to the outside, but didn't see much mention of her (even thought she was moved a few times during the event with her ultimately being left near the fence behind the yellow fire truck).

3. Was there any account of anyone seeing Rachel and Richard come outside and sit down for lunch?

I guess I'm mainly thinking of the 11k, but any other details/documents would be helpful.

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel Scott   Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2018 6:28 pm

I'm following because I'm interested in these answers as well!
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PostSubject: Re: Rachel Scott   Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 5:34 am

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This site breaks down the 11k a bit better than Acolumbinesite. Check the outside witnesses. Castaldo is in the Other Injured A-G Section

He can recall their movements before the shooting and recalls some bombs being thrown before being shot.

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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Rachel Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel Scott   Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 5:38 am

I missed part of your questions.  There were a few officers who reported going over to check if she was alive and also moving her out of the line of fire/traffic of people running by but I can't recall their names and the section is very large but there are a few.  

the SWAT section would probably have that info.  Manwaring comes to mind but I am not positive on him also Dimanna. I would start there

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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PostSubject: Re: Rachel Scott   Rachel Scott Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 3:09 pm

Thank you very much
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PostSubject: Re: Rachel Scott   Rachel Scott Icon_minitime

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