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 If you could be a fly on the wall?

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PostSubject: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 11:25 am

For any point in time from the minute they came up with the idea until their suicides, what would it be that you'd wanna know/see?

For me, it would be who first suggested it. I'd wanna see that initial conversation between the two of them where one said 'hey let's do this' and the other agreed. Even though I'm almost certain it was Dylan's idea and he brought it to Eric, I'd love to see that conversation.

How about you? What's the one thing you'd wanna see more than anything else?

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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 11:52 am

I would agree that would have been an interesting conversation to overhear.

The only other thing I could think of that I would want to listen to *if it even existed* would be any conversations of doubt between them. I don't know if any exist at all but I just think if they did what made them change their minds.

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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 12:27 pm

Most probably I would have wanted to have been a fly on wall right when they entered the library for the last time and up the point of the suicides. It's always nagged at me, as I and others have written about in various threads, about what (if anything!) was said or done between the two boys up to the point they ended their lives, particularly after the molotov was lit, but even well before that.

"I will have a love, someone who is me in a way. Someday ... possibly thru this life, maybe another, but it will happen..."  --DK, The Book of Existences

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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 5:53 pm

How about being a fly on one of their shoulders from 6AM that morning until 1PM that afternoon....
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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 6:23 pm

Definitely their last few minutes in the library, and the last sleep over they had a few days prior. I'd love to hear if they were play acting how it would all go down, or just talking about how crazy it's going to be, who they hope to kill, how they think they're going to die, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 6:39 pm

I would also wanna see who suggested the plan and how the other one reacted.
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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 8:29 am

I would've liked to have seen van break in. Again, to see whose idea it really was..
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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2016 1:34 pm

slippy123 wrote:
Definitely their last few minutes in the library, and the last sleep over they had a few days prior. I'd love to hear if they were play acting how it would all go down, or just talking about how crazy it's going to be, who they hope to kill, how they think they're going to die, etc.

Yes, that would be interesting to know if there were certain people in particular (we could probably guess at many of them) that they really hoped they would nail that day.

"I will have a love, someone who is me in a way. Someday ... possibly thru this life, maybe another, but it will happen..."  --DK, The Book of Existences

“Despair is the price one pays for self-awareness. Look deeply into life, and you'll always find despair.” -- Irvin D. Yalom, MD
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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2016 7:55 pm

I'd go for the chat they had the evening before the massacre when the lady saw them vandalising the table. The final proper conversation before the madness of the next day started.
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PostSubject: Re: If you could be a fly on the wall?   If you could be a fly on the wall? Icon_minitime

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