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 My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "

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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2016 1:28 pm

Having given this much thought.  In my opinion Eric Harris was not the forgiving type. If he did say that to brooks brown it was only because he knew shooting brooks in the parking lot would have jeapordized NBK.So brooks got a pass if that even happened. Its well know that brooks will embellish the truth.
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2016 1:29 pm

NBK I meant . Damn auto correct
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2016 1:34 pm

I agree and I put forward the same theory back in 2007-2008 on the old forums.

Great minds think alike it seems.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2016 1:35 pm

Indeed. It seems clearly logical
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2016 2:18 pm

Definitely, it would've been foolish to shoot him right there as he was just starting to set up but at the same time he could've acted normal and let Brooks go back to the building. Maybe he decided to warn him cause he had only a few minutes before 11:17 and Brooks was nothing but well.. a pain in the ass, so to speak. He didn't have much time (or desire) for a chit-chat so the only think he could do was tell him to go and turn his back giving him a signal that he won't converse further.
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2016 2:50 pm

yup agreed. If it helps brooks sleep at night for him to initially think that eric spared him because he forgave him then good for him, but really, he just couldn't shoot brooks there and then. and also if i'm not mistaken eric was also unloading his stuff and bags when brooks was talking to him so all in all it was just inconvenient.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2016 3:37 pm

Also I think Eric got off on being able to show brooks one last time how powerful he was. I think the statement he made had a very "fuck you" tone about it. Brooks even said he was practically chuckling when he said it. Basically like "I could blow your head off right now but I won't. I like you now so it must be your lucky day."

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeTue Apr 26, 2016 10:12 pm

I think it was as much a case where E&D justified the massacre may create some friendly fire, but would avoid harming old or current associates if possible.

That's assuming Eric even said that, for all we know he told him to F off & went on his way to avoid spoiling the moment as stated by others.

I have no issues with Brooks, quite the opposite.. the Browns played a key role in this saga in some very good ways. But one must admit Brooks could lose site of honesty on occasion.
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 12:27 am

Sabratha wrote:
I agree and I put forward the same theory back in 2007-2008 on the old forums.

Great minds think alike it seems.

According to Brooks' reddit AMA his mom has always believed that too.

I wonder how much it must have stung Eric to have guns on hand while his worst "enemy" was standing right in front of him, yet all he could do was send him on his way.
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 12:35 am

I guess I am in the minority and think the opposite. Brooks had said that he and Eric had actually made up and recently became friends again. That they had a class together and instead of it being awkward all the time that Brooks asked Eric if he wanted to forget the fight and be friends again and that Eric quickly agreed. This is part of why I believe that Eric just wanted respect and wanted to be liked. He wanted to have friends.

He and Brooks were seen sitting together in the high school class picture and Eric also had plans to have lunch with Brooks the day or so before the shooting. I believe Eric was genuine about letting bygones be bygones with Brooks. What reason would he have to shoot him? I mean he could have easily told Brooks "no" that he didn't want to get over the fight and if he hated him that badly, he wouldn't make lunch plans or sit with him and act like friends in the high school photo.

That's why I believe a lot of Eric's ramblings were just talk because in a situation like this one, he comes off as someone who didn't want to be fighting and actually wanted to have friends.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 2:26 am

Personally, I don't believe that Eric spared Brooks out of the kindness of his heart. They were in no way picky with any of their victims, shooting at anyone - whether they even knew them or not. They initially planned to kill hundreds at random, whoever happened to be near enough to the bombs, and made it clear in the final basement tape that they were even prepared for their friends to die: 'Morris, Nate, if you guys live'.

Maybe a very small part of the reason for Eric letting Brooks go was because he had changed his mind about him, but it was probably also 99% convenience.

I had it all and I looked at it and I said 'this is a bigger jail than I just got out of'.
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 4:02 am

It always sounded to me like a line from a movie-

It was definitely a power move, with Harris giving Brooks the imperative, "go home"
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 4:39 am

This situation has always reminded me of the opening scene in Natural Born Killers, when Mickey and Mallory choose to leave one witness alive to "tell the tale" of their murderous spree at the diner. I think that Eric's "go home" statement had the similar effect. That scene always had a strong impression on me because of the mental trauma of it all. The survivor would have to live knowing what Mickey and Mallory did at the diner. Also knowing that they could have easily been one of their victims as well. Brooks has probably had to deal with those feeling too. I think this interaction was Eric's way of getting revenge on Brooks by permanently mind fucking him. His way of leaving a "lasting impression" on not just the world but also those who has wronged him.

It can't be denied that if Eric really wanted to kill Brooks, he could have done it. He could have killed him then and there or he could have simply not told him to leave. I can't say for sure that Eric did or did not still want to kill Brooks. Eric may have really gotten over his hatred of Brooks. But even if he did forgive Brooks, Eric didn't seem like the guy to forget when he had been wronged. He was all about respect and revenge.

His last words to Brooks carried a lot of power. He's basically saying, I wanted to kill you. I could kill you. But I choose spare you. Go live another day because I SAY SO.

Or at least that's the impression I got from it.

-I am the shadow that ceases to be understood.
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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 5:57 am

browneyes11 wrote:

His last words to Brooks carried a lot of power. He's basically saying, I wanted to kill you. I could kill you. But I choose spare you. Go live another day because I SAY SO.

Or at least that's the impression I got from it.

Yes, I can see how that fits in with the whole "the only reason you're still alive is because someone has decided to let you live", "We're so fucking Godlike" etc mentality Rolling Eyes

I always pretty much took his statement at face value: "count yourself as a lucky S.O.B. since you're on my good side now."
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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 6:49 am

It doesn't make sense for him to pull out his gun and shoot him at that point in time though.Eric never would of gotten the bombs to the cafe if he stopped to kill Brooks.The timing was not right.I think to myself though what would eric of done if he spotted Brooks after he and Dylan started shooting?Would he of shot Brooks dead right then and there or would he still spare him?
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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 7:42 am

Jenn wrote:
I guess I am in the minority and think the opposite. Brooks had said that he and Eric had actually made up and recently became friends again. That they had a class together and instead of it being awkward all the time that Brooks asked Eric if he wanted to forget the fight and be friends again and that Eric quickly agreed. This is part of why I believe that Eric just wanted respect and wanted to be liked. He wanted to have friends.

He and Brooks were seen sitting together in the high school class picture and Eric also had plans to have lunch with Brooks the day or so before the shooting. I believe Eric was genuine about letting bygones be bygones with Brooks. What reason would he have to shoot him? I mean he could have easily told Brooks "no" that he didn't want to get over the fight and if he hated him that badly, he wouldn't make lunch plans or sit with him and act like friends in the high school photo.

That's why I believe a lot of Eric's ramblings were just talk because in a situation like this one, he comes off as someone who didn't want to be fighting and actually wanted to have friends.

I agree with this. He had a class and sat next to Brooks everyday and they did go to lunch just days before the massacre. I know others mentioned that he stated "if Chris and Nate live..." but I have a different opinion on this. When he stated this I think he thought that they might blow up with the bombs. I think if he was face to face with ANY of his friends he would not be able to just shoot them. I have changing thoughts on whether or not Dylan might have but I don't think Eric could kill Brooks because he did like him.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 8:02 am

Nirvana92 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
I agree and I put forward the same theory back in 2007-2008 on the old forums.

Great minds think alike it seems.

According to Brooks' reddit AMA his mom has always believed that too.

I wonder how much it must have stung Eric to have guns on hand while his worst "enemy" was standing right in front of him, yet all he could do was send him on his way.

When did Brooks do a reddit AMA? Any links? Thanks.

"I will have a love, someone who is me in a way. Someday ... possibly thru this life, maybe another, but it will happen..."  --DK, The Book of Existences

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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 8:03 am

ThoughtBox wrote:
Nirvana92 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
I agree and I put forward the same theory back in 2007-2008 on the old forums.

Great minds think alike it seems.

According to Brooks' reddit AMA his mom has always believed that too.

I wonder how much it must have stung Eric to have guns on hand while his worst "enemy" was standing right in front of him, yet all he could do was send him on his way.

When did Brooks do a reddit AMA? Any links? Thanks.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 8:07 am

Lizpuff wrote:
ThoughtBox wrote:
Nirvana92 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
I agree and I put forward the same theory back in 2007-2008 on the old forums.

Great minds think alike it seems.

According to Brooks' reddit AMA his mom has always believed that too.

I wonder how much it must have stung Eric to have guns on hand while his worst "enemy" was standing right in front of him, yet all he could do was send him on his way.

When did Brooks do a reddit AMA? Any links? Thanks.

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Wow that was quick! Thank you so much.

BTW, I tend to believe that Eric said this to get rid of Brooks and not have to deal with him screwing up his tightly time-constructed plans. He may or may not have actually wanted to shoot him regardless, but I'm not so sure about that.

"I will have a love, someone who is me in a way. Someday ... possibly thru this life, maybe another, but it will happen..."  --DK, The Book of Existences

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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 8:15 am

ThoughtBox wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:
ThoughtBox wrote:
Nirvana92 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
I agree and I put forward the same theory back in 2007-2008 on the old forums.

Great minds think alike it seems.

According to Brooks' reddit AMA his mom has always believed that too.

I wonder how much it must have stung Eric to have guns on hand while his worst "enemy" was standing right in front of him, yet all he could do was send him on his way.

When did Brooks do a reddit AMA? Any links? Thanks.

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Wow that was quick! Thank you so much.

BTW, I tend to believe that Eric said this to get rid of Brooks and not have to deal with him screwing up his tightly time-constructed plans.  He may or may not have actually wanted to shoot him regardless, but I'm not so sure about that.

I was actually rereading it at the time I saw your comment so all I had to do was copy and paste from my other tab.

His answers can be meh but he did spend a fair amount of time answering questions
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 8:56 am

What do you think the scenario would be if Brooks was under the table in the library instead of John Savage? I think Eric might have thought about killing him, but Dylan might say let him go, and he might of been spared only because of Dylan. I can't see Dylan killing Brooks for some reason.

I personally think it was just being at the right place at the right time for Brooks. It doesn't matter who it was, weather he saw Chris Morris, or Nate outside he would of told them the same thing, to "go home".
He wouldn't of shot someone before the bombs were even placed, before he met up with Dylan to start the rampage, it makes no logical sense.
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 9:09 am

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I think if Brooks would have been under the table instead of John the exact same scenario would have played out and we would be seeing Brooks running down those stairs instead of John.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 9:14 am

I think that seeing Brooks was a bit of surprise for Eric.  It probably occured to Eric that if he shot Brooks right there on the spot, Brooks would probably die and not get to see the damage Eric is about to do.  Eric wanted the respect he felt he deserved and if he let Brooks live, then Brooks would not see what Eric was capable of.  Dead Brooks doesn't get see Eric as a "badass". I know Eric and Dylan were willing to kill their friends that day, but I think in that moment, because Brooks was already out there in the parking lot, Eric decided that he wanted Brooks to live so that Brooks would get to see the damage he was about to do.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 2:00 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] "This situation has always reminded me of the opening scene in Natural Born Killers, when Mickey and Mallory choose to leave one witness alive to "tell the tale" of their murderous spree at the diner. I think that Eric's "go home" statement had the similar effect. That scene always had a strong impression on me because of the mental trauma of it all. The survivor would have to live knowing what Mickey and Mallory did at the diner. Also knowing that they could have easily been one of their victims as well. Brooks has probably had to deal with those feeling too. I think this interaction was Eric's way of getting revenge on Brooks by permanently mind fucking him. His way of leaving a "lasting impression" on not just the world but also those who has wronged him.

It can't be denied that if Eric really wanted to kill Brooks, he could have done it. He could have killed him then and there or he could have simply not told him to leave. I can't say for sure that Eric did or did not still want to kill Brooks. Eric may have really gotten over his hatred of Brooks. But even if he did forgive Brooks, Eric didn't seem like the guy to forget when he had been wronged. He was all about respect and revenge.

His last words to Brooks carried a lot of power. He's basically saying, I wanted to kill you. I could kill you. But I choose spare you. Go live another day because I SAY SO.

Or at least that's the impression I got from it.

Wow haven't saw it like that, that's extremely powerful. thanks for this.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 6:53 pm

Just a theory here, not something I necessarily believe but,he could have spared Brooks because brooks knew him and could tell people about him after he died. Since a part of the reason they did the shooting to become famous. He would need people who had been friends with him to talk about him and tell stories about him and all the stuff he'd done,like blowing up bombs, vandalizing houses etc.
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 6:47 pm

You have to wonder what Eric was thinking when he saw Brooks walk up.

Was it, "This could ruin the plan"?

Or was it just annoyance.
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Juicy Jazzy

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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2016 1:03 am

The most suss thing about Columbine has always been this so called exchange with Brooks Brown. So Eric tells him to leave and he just decides to leave? I think its more likely that Brooks saw Eric's weapons and decided to flee immediately. The story was made up by Brooks in the aftermath in order to not allow culpability in regards to the possibility that Brooks could have called for help sooner.

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 11:33 am

Juicy Jazzy wrote:
The most suss thing about Columbine has always been this so called exchange with Brooks Brown. So Eric tells him to leave and he just decides to leave? I think its more likely that Brooks saw Eric's weapons and decided to flee immediately. The story was made up by Brooks in the aftermath in order to not allow culpability in regards to the possibility that Brooks could have called for help sooner.

And yet every witness Brooks talked to that day, including ones who same him only minutes after the shooting started, report that he told the same story word for word.
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 12:31 pm

lasttrain wrote:
You have to wonder what Eric was thinking when he saw Brooks walk up.  

Was it, "This could ruin the plan"?

Or was it just annoyance.

Probably he was just pissed, and tried to dismiss him as quickly as possible.

"I will have a love, someone who is me in a way. Someday ... possibly thru this life, maybe another, but it will happen..."  --DK, The Book of Existences

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Juicy Jazzy

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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 9:42 pm

lasttrain wrote:
And yet every witness Brooks talked to that day, including ones who same him only minutes after the shooting started, report that he told the same story word for word.
So there are witnesses who overheard Eric's and Brook's exchange? Or just Brooks walking away from the school?
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PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 10:16 pm

Juicy Jazzy wrote:
lasttrain wrote:
And yet every witness Brooks talked to that day, including ones who same him only minutes after the shooting started, report that he told the same story word for word.
So there are witnesses who overheard Eric's and Brook's exchange? Or just Brooks walking away from the school?

No, after Brooks walked away from the school he encountered multiple individuals. Mrs. Taylor. Mr Johnson. Mr. Bath. Matthew Houk and Deanna Shaffer, Ryan Shwayder.  He told most of these individuals exactly the same story about his conversation with Eric.  For a lot of this time, Brooks did not yet know that Eric had committed any homicides with a gun.  Therefore, he did not invent the story at a later date to conceal knowledge of a crime because at this time he did not know Eric had committed a crime yet.
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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 11:41 pm

Nobody overheard the words exchanged between Eric and Brooks.

When Brooks was wandering around the street, other people (students, etc.) saw him and spoke with him about what was going on.

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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2016 12:00 am

I just find it hard to believe that Brooks didn't see anything suspicious when he was talking to Eric. Then again, Eric was very sneaky and had to be even more so that day. Eric probably saw Brooks approaching him and had enough time to conceal anything. It just doesn't sit with me well that Brooks simply left when Eric told him to go home. Maybe Brooks honestly didn't think twice about it, but still.. I've always been skeptical about it. I believe it happened! I just fell like there's more to it.
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My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Empty
PostSubject: Re: My theory on " brooks i like you , go home "   My theory on " brooks i like you , go home " Icon_minitime

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