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 Can you imagine being in John Savage's position

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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2016 5:38 am

I've always found this very intriguing. The fact that Dylan spared him and allowed him to escape the library unharmed sounds almost surreal and unheard of. He must have been scared, confused, and probably guilty.

I have nothing to live for, & I won't be able to survive in this world. However, if it was true that you loved me as I do you,... I would find a way to survive. Anything to be with you.
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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2016 6:46 am

Very good question. This is what I have thought about once.
I think there will be a period where I'll feel nothing but survivor's guilt because the others' lives have been taken away and you will start to wonder how deserving are you to still have yours. Somehow you will wanna go down with those that never came out alive. The other is that, how should I feel, that I never treated E&D like shit, that I was good to them so that didn't cost me my life? That thankfully I was a good person? In my mind I would wanna be like thank you for letting me go, but the other is, you are still extremely horrible, because you still killed my peers.
I haven't seen many recent interviews of John, he has done a couple but I'm very happy to see him valuing his life much more, starting a family and hoping to be a good and worthwhile member of society knowing that at one point someone decided to let him live.

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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2016 2:25 pm

liquorvamp wrote:
Very good question. This is what I have thought about once.
I think there will be a period where I'll feel nothing but survivor's guilt because the others' lives have been taken away and you will start to wonder how deserving are you to still have yours. Somehow you will wanna go down with those that never came out alive. The other is that, how should I feel, that I never treated E&D like shit, that I was good to them so that didn't cost me my life? That thankfully I was a good person? In my mind I would wanna be like thank you for letting me go, but the other is, you are still extremely horrible, because you still killed my peers.
I haven't seen many recent interviews of John, he has done a couple but I'm very happy to see him valuing his life much more, starting a family and hoping to be a good and worthwhile member of society knowing that at one point someone decided to let him live.

I agree to some extent but for the most part those kids did nothing to E&D either. I am sure they spared him because they knew him though.

I wonder what running out of there was like...when you can still hear gunshots behind you...wondering if you are going to get shot in the back on the way out.
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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2016 6:50 pm

Lizpuff wrote:
I agree to some extent but for the most part those kids did nothing to E&D either. I am sure they spared him because they knew him though.

I wonder what running out of there was like...when you can still hear gunshots behind you...wondering if you are going to get shot in the back on the way out.

Of course of course...that should be pointed out too. I know, I can only imagine that.
I can only imagine seeing someone you know pointing a gun at you and casually asking if they're gonna kill you. TBH when he explained how the scene went down, I kinda chuckled abit cause he was so nonchalant about it xD

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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2016 5:00 am

In my case I wouldn't feel really guilt, I'd only be sorry for the other kids who died, but surely my view about life would be another after that.
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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2016 5:06 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] What would you have done if you were John Savage? For me I would have asked Dylan why are you doing this? But in doing so, I think he would have just shot me right there dead. Or possibly he would have said just get out of here.

I have nothing to live for, & I won't be able to survive in this world. However, if it was true that you loved me as I do you,... I would find a way to survive. Anything to be with you.
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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2016 5:41 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Interesting. For John, his next question after asking Dyl what he was doing was Are you gonna kill me instead of Why which looking at it now is an amazing moment cause we have Dylan directly saying No and letting him ago, and also because thinking back, John asking If he was gonna get killed kinda puts a hesitation or awkward moment for Dylan where he can't be like "Yes" and bang!, you know what I mean? Idk how to explain but it kinda snapped him back to reality abit, plus realizing John was someone he knew and liked, made him say No and told him to bolt.

What I would have done is, on first thought, I think my initial reaction is to tremble, cower and plead to him Please don't kill me please don't kill me repetitively....and well, Idk what Dylan would have done, shoot or not.

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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2016 2:23 pm

His first thought of what to say if Dylan had said yes to killing him was "make it quick". What a state of mind he had to have been in!

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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeTue Jun 21, 2016 6:32 pm

When Dylan answered John saying "Ah just killing people" just makes the whole scenario creepier and terrifying all at once.

I have nothing to live for, & I won't be able to survive in this world. However, if it was true that you loved me as I do you,... I would find a way to survive. Anything to be with you.
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Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitimeTue Jun 21, 2016 7:56 pm

Kinda like Scary Movie xD
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Will you remain my fire in this temporary paradise?
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PostSubject: Re: Can you imagine being in John Savage's position   Can you imagine being in John Savage's position Icon_minitime

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