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 Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine

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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 12:54 am

Today was my high school graduation. I graduated high school a semester early and haven't been back until today. As I was upstairs I noticed a poster that read guns don't kill people. People do. And then in the background there was a bunch of painted pictures. Well in one of the pictures there was a guy dressed in a black trench coat with a black backwards baseball hat . It looked extremely similar to Eric. Couple hours later, there was a person who was wearing a black backwards Boston Red Sox hat. No matter where I go I always end up finding things that remind me of Eric, Dylan and Columbine. Is it like that for anyone else too? Sorry this was a bit long.
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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 10:54 am

This happens to me fairly often. Sometimes it's little things, like a song on the radio that reminds me of Columbine. Other times it's more like things related to Columbine surround me. For example, we had a seminar at work about what to do in case of bomb threats, shootings, etc. As soon as I saw the title, I told my friend they were going to mention Columbine and 2 PowerPoint slides later, there it was.
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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 5:13 pm

It used to happen a lot of times, maybe with lyrics lines, or people with slightest similarity in a part of thei characterial traits, things like that.. I can't remember much of it now though

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.
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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 02, 2013 1:14 am

When you go to a vintage music shop and the first thing that catches your eyes are all the KMFDM albums E/D would listen too. But really I don't think I can go a day without having something remind me of them. Is that the same for anyone else?
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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 02, 2013 2:40 am

Pretty Much, I remember going to a music shop seeing all the CD's of bands E/D liked. Also just walking down the hallways of my high school, I think wow wonder what people would do if something like a shooting happened here? Things as small as what people say or just watching something on T.V. Guess not really easy to get out of your head once it's in.
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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 02, 2013 3:49 am

Yeah, I have that too. It's particularly so when I want to take some time off from the case. Those are usually the moments when I catch references to Columbine, Colorado, first/last names of people involved in the case, gun control, school violence, etc. in books I didn't feel would be Columbine-related at all. Occasionally, there is a real-life reference of some kind but that doesn't happen here too often.
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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 02, 2013 4:44 pm

Well some of the main things are I always see or meet someone with the last name Harris which is probably one of the most common last names, I can't go a day without seeing a white van and plenty others. But today I met some girl from Littleton, Colorado and she went to Chatfield.
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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 02, 2013 7:22 pm

There's nothing really that reminds me of Columbine unless there's a direct link.
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Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 7:06 pm

the songs, "Three Libras" by A Perfect Circle and "Building A Mystery" by Sarah McLachlan always, always, always, always reminds me of Eric and Dylan and what they went through and the planning that they did and the entire massacre itself. Then also seeing snow falling and cloudy days makes me think of Eric and Dylan sometimes too.
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PostSubject: Re: Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine    Things that have reminded you of Eric, Dylan, Columbine  Icon_minitime

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