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 How did Adam get Ryan's ID?

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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 20, 2017 3:13 am

I mean they lived in different houses...? But I think I recall reading that that ID was expired but just wanted to know.
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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 20, 2017 4:48 am

It's a good question and I haven't seen any official explanation that I can remember.

What I can tell you is that from all of the pictures I've seen of the Lanza home, I get the impression that the basement was Ryan's room before he left for college and that he left many of his belongings there even though he did not seem to visit anymore.

I can't find a better picture of it right now (though I swear that I have seen a clearer picture of this before so I might try to find it later though honestly, I may be thinking of Adam's AAA card) but you can see that Ryan's expired AAA card is on the desk in the basement. It looks like someone may have rifled through the items on the desk because there are coins, business cards and other items strewn about near the AAA card.

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Adam's AAA card was on a desk in the living room upstairs and there was an old school ID card in his bathroom cabinet as far as I can remember but I don't think I've ever actually seen a copy of his license in the house. I would guess that he didn't actually bring it with him since only Ryan's name was identified at first so maybe it was still inside of the wallet that was also in the bathroom cabinet.

I still don't know why Adam would have taken his brother's ID unless he was purposely trying to cause trouble for him (as if what he did wasn't already more than enough) but it seems very likely that Ryan might have left some old documents, including an expired ID card, along with the rest of his belongings when he moved out.

(When I make a post like this, I can't help thinking how creepy it would be for Ryan to come across it. It's one thing to post about Adam because he's not alive but I'm aware that Ryan is a living person and although I doubt he would visit a site like this, in case he ever does, I want to say that I am sorry for being a creep. I should probably say the same to the Columbine survivors whose names I have mentioned and I do feel similarly about that but these are photographs of personal effects from his childhood home and that takes it to a different level of creepy. Sorry again.)
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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 20, 2017 8:50 am

Hey, what do you think of this?
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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 20, 2017 2:32 pm

sscc wrote:

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what is the colored pellet things in the back container
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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 20, 2017 2:33 pm

I think the video is worth bringing up. I probably should have mentioned that the ID reports were never even confirmed. I was aware of that but I didn't know that Ryan was the original source of this information so that's interesting to hear.

I did look through the documents again before I first posted and the only information I could locate which pertained to Ryan being identified as the shooter were Ryan's detainment reports, which all confirmed that New Jersey officers had information that he had been identified as the alleged shooter and was presumed to be deceased at the school. It seemed that this mistake was only clarified once Ryan appeared at his apartment in front of the New Jersey officers.

The other document which pertains to the identification of the shooter by Connecticut police and the FBI says this:

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So, the Connecticut police had no real ID on the shooter until sometime around 2:00PM (and Ryan was first detained as a suspect shortly after this) but all of the information transmitted to New Jersey which suggested that Ryan was identified as the shooter was from much earlier in the day because they were watching his apartment by noon.

Assuming that there was no ID, they probably would have first found Nancy Lanza's name from the registration on the car but based on the preliminary descriptions of the deceased shooter, they would have known that it was someone other than Nancy who attacked the school. After this, they must have found information about Nancy's relatives and assumed that the shooter was one of the sons, either Adam or Ryan, because he was using a car that was registered under her name.

They didn't actually decide that it was Adam until much later but for some reason, New Jersey police had been told that Ryan was identified as the shooter. I guess that this is what they meant when they said that the names were transposed but in reality, it seems that instead of transmitting information about Ryan as a possible suspect or accomplice, the information that was transmitted stated that he had been positively identified as the shooter. All of this could have happened without Adam carrying any ID on his body or in his car because they would have been able to access the driver's license information for both of them directly from the database.

In terms of the factual content of the video, I'd say that it's all accurate. There really is no proof that Adam was carrying Ryan's ID and that information doesn't seem to have been recorded by the police. In terms of the commentary, I'd say that he's placing excessive blame on the media. There was a lot of false reporting going on but this was not based on unsubstantiated witness accounts. It seems that the police were the ones with the wrong information. Both of the initial false reports, about the identification of the shooter and about the deceased person at a New Jersey address were documented as being transmitted through police channels, so it seems likely that the media was only reporting what they were being told from official sources. My guess about the false report of Peter being dead at the New Jersey address may be a complication of the misidentification. They found Mrs. Lanza's body at about 1:45PM so if there was information transmitted to New Jersey saying that one of the parents was deceased at the home of the shooter, then they may have assumed that this was referring to Ryan, "the shooter," and his New Jersey address.

I also don't think that the media was lying or misleading anyone by repeating that Adam was probably carrying Ryan's ID. If Ryan reported that, then they had a credible source for the information. It may not be true (and I agree with what the video creator says, that it's very unlikely, because I can't remember reading anywhere that his ID was found on Adam's body either) but it made enough sense to think that it could be true. The video creator also pointed out that the article gives the explanation from the police in addition to Ryan's explanation.

The last thing I'd say is that regardless of the truth or the source of the ID claim, if Ryan believed it, then a variation of the original question would still be relevant. Why would Ryan believe that Adam could have his ID if they lived in different states and had not seen each other in two years? Andrew Solomon repeated this information and he interviewed Peter Lanza long after 12/14/12 so it seems to me that either the authorities did find an ID or that although they never clarified for the Lanza family how they identified Adam (or misidentified Ryan) as being the shooter, Peter and Ryan never questioned the possibility that Ryan's ID could have been found on his body.
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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 20, 2017 3:36 pm

-warrior wrote:
what is the colored pellet things in the back container
I don't really know but it looks like candy to me. Maybe something like this.

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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 20, 2017 5:10 pm

sscc wrote:
-warrior wrote:
what is the colored pellet things in the back container
I don't really know but it looks like candy to me. Maybe something like this.

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that looks awesome affraid
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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2018 6:02 pm

Guest wrote:
sscc wrote:
-warrior wrote:
what is the colored pellet things in the back container
I don't really know but it looks like candy to me. Maybe something like this.

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that looks awesome affraid
That really looks like something Adam would buy order from Amazon under his mothers name.
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How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Adam get Ryan's ID?   How did Adam get Ryan's ID? Icon_minitime

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