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 Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time

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Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time Empty
PostSubject: Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time   Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time Icon_minitimeSat Dec 02, 2017 4:45 am

yesterday we fired our first actual firearms ever. 3 rounds from the carbine. taught that ground a thing or 2. I even had the 2 clips in my pocket while talking to vodkas dad about senior ditch day. God it felt great firing off that bad boy, and hopefully I'll be able to get more than just 4 clips for it. I dubbed my shotgun "Arlene" after Arlene Sanders from the DOOM books. She always did love the shotgun. Vodka's DB is looking very fucking awesome, all cut down to the proper lengths. this is a bitch trying to keep up on homework while working on my guns, bombs, and lying. by the way, I bought that flask in the mall and I had a friend fill it up w/ scotch whiskey, only had about 3 swigs in the 3 weeks I had it. plus monday I gave my T and IC to Vodka, just in case. I never really did like alcohol, just wasn't my thing, but It felt good to just have around. that argument on the 22nd was a real bitch, but I think I should have won a fucking oscar. I even quoted a few movies, remember "what the hell am I gonna do now man?! what am I gonna do!?" thats good ole Hudson from aliens. Sounded good too. and hey goddamnit I would have been a fucking great marine, It would have given me a reason to do good. and I would never drink and drive, either. It will be weird when we actually go on the rampage. hopefully we will have plenty of clips and bombs. Im gonna still try and get my calico 9mm. just think, 100 rounds without reloading.... hell yeah!

We actually may have a chance to get some machine pistols thanks to the Brady bill. If we can save up about 200$ real quick and find someone who is 21+ we can go to the next gun show and find a private dealer and buy ourselves some bad-ass AB-10 machine pistols. Clips for those things can get really fucking big too.

Why does anyone do anything?
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Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time   Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time Icon_minitimeSat Dec 02, 2017 11:13 am

" I would have been a fucking great marine, It would have given me a reason to do good."

This had always stood out to me. I really think Eric was looking for something, anything to make himself feel like he belonged, to have a purpose. Unfortunately NBK was what he settled for.
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Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time   Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time Icon_minitimeSun Dec 03, 2017 8:10 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
" I would have been a fucking great marine, It would have given me a reason to do good."

This had always stood out to me. I really think Eric was looking for something, anything to make himself feel like he belonged, to have a purpose. Unfortunately NBK was what he settled for.

I agree. It's like he knew there were other options and other paths to go down, but for some reason he eliminated all of them in his mind and was left with NBK. I think he felt like he had no other choice, even though he was capable of making that change. He must have been very mentally disturbed.
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Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time   Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time Icon_minitime

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Nineteen years ago today, Eric and Dylan fired their gun for the first time
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