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 Looking for a specific 'tribute' video

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Join date : 2013-07-27

Looking for a specific 'tribute' video Empty
PostSubject: Looking for a specific 'tribute' video   Looking for a specific 'tribute' video Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2013 3:55 pm

I used to have this 'tribute' video on my computer before it broke and had to buy a new one. It's a 5 minute long video and it has various clips of E&D in them, and from the movies Elephant and Zero Day; and the song in the video is Hoobastank's "Disappear" - I was wondering if anyone had this or a link to it? Didn't know where to post this thread so I chose this. Thanks in advance!
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Posts : 26
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Join date : 2013-07-27

Looking for a specific 'tribute' video Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for a specific 'tribute' video   Looking for a specific 'tribute' video Icon_minitimeMon Feb 17, 2014 1:11 am

Bumping in hopes of someone knowing what I'm talking about...
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Looking for a specific 'tribute' video
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