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 So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday...

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So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday... Empty
PostSubject: So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday...   So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2018 6:30 am

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So I only skimmed this after hearing about it in the radio this morning but apparently this guy robbed a store in an attempt to fund his shooting.  He also managed to escape from his handcuffs and briefly run from the cops after being arrested.
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So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday... Empty
PostSubject: Re: So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday...   So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2018 7:50 am

Ainjel wrote:
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So I only skimmed this after hearing about it in the radio this morning but apparently this guy robbed a store in an attempt to fund his shooting.  He also managed to escape from his handcuffs and briefly run from the cops after being arrested.

Seriously WTF is wrong with people!? Shocked
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So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday... Empty
PostSubject: Re: So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday...   So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2018 10:14 am

I heard about this. That's why it is so important for family and friends to keep a look out for stuff like this. This could have been another terrible tragedy.

-I am the shadow that ceases to be understood.
I scream for darkness, I am the light.
I yearn for passion and for the forever word “immortality”.
To experience life after death, in solitude, in compassion, in love.-
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So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday... Empty
PostSubject: Re: So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday...   So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday... Icon_minitime

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So this happened before the Florida shooting Tuesday...
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