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 Families of the injured and deceased

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Families of the injured and deceased  Empty
PostSubject: Families of the injured and deceased    Families of the injured and deceased  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 20, 2018 5:38 pm

I’ve read a few snippets of various testimonies from April 20 about how the victims families found out they were dead. I think Lauren’s family had it confirmed through the news and I think Cassie’s family was the one who were waiting for the buses?

As I recall a lot of families had to go to the rec center or one of the libraries? How did the families of the injured find out where their kids were? Are there testimonies from them? I’m asking also because it’s part of something that I’m writing for my film.
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Join date : 2016-03-02
Age : 36

Families of the injured and deceased  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Families of the injured and deceased    Families of the injured and deceased  Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2018 8:39 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
I’ve read a few snippets of various testimonies from April 20 about how the victims families found out they were dead. I think Lauren’s family had it confirmed through the news and I think Cassie’s family was the one who were waiting for the buses?

As I recall a lot of families had to go to the rec center or one of the libraries? How did the families of the injured find out where their kids were?  Are there testimonies from them? I’m asking also because it’s part of something that I’m writing for my film.

There were some parents interviewed mostly on other sites. I don't recall a lot of parent interviews in the 11k. Besides parents of the injured or the associates. A lot of the kids got sent to the park, library and to Leawood Elementary. (in fact if you google maps leawood elementary you can see columbine pics on it).

I am sure everything was a huge mess. I can't imagine trying to find your child in that

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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Families of the injured and deceased
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