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 The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary

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Stoned Slacker
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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 9:01 pm

What do you think of this game ?

funny how it was banned from new grounds yet this wasn't:
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pico school is made by the creator of new grounds and is definitely more offensive. rather than a black figure shooting smaller black figures you play as a kid who fights school shooters and the game has dead kids bodies used as shields and more offensive stuff
play if you can handle it to see what i mean or watch a walkthrough because the game is hard
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Stoned Slacker

Stoned Slacker

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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2018 10:40 am

o i remember that game 10/10
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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2018 4:02 pm

Found out about this last night. Watched some gameplay which had a message from the developer at the end saying how he makes these kind of games to raise awareness etc.

Funny way of doing it, but hey, it brought some small time attention.
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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2018 4:09 pm

jensun_r56 wrote:
Found out about this last night. Watched some gameplay which had a message from the developer at the end saying how he makes these kind of games to raise awareness etc.

Funny way of doing it, but hey, it brought some small time attention.
The Virginia Tech shooting game didn't seem to be raising any awareness about anything, it seemed to just be made for the lulz.
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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2018 4:14 pm

InsaneIntruder wrote:
jensun_r56 wrote:
Found out about this last night. Watched some gameplay which had a message from the developer at the end saying how he makes these kind of games to raise awareness etc.

Funny way of doing it, but hey, it brought some small time attention.
The Virginia Tech shooting game didn't seem to be raising any awareness about anything, it seemed to just be made for the lulz.

Yeah, seems that way. He probably just said that to try and divert any backlash (which is inevitable)

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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeThu Oct 04, 2018 6:22 pm

I played this game a few times, I actually thought it was more effective than Super Columbine Massacre RPG at conveying a serious message.

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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeFri Oct 05, 2018 8:06 pm

It was okay, the shooting mechanics in it were good and the AI were decent for a internet game. Also the multiple different modes was pretty neat. However, I couldn't stand the movement controls or the footstep sounds, the music was also extremely obnoxious and couldn't be turned off either. Overall 7/10.
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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeFri Oct 05, 2018 8:08 pm

It's good with the droning ambient "music" is quite effective until it abruptly turns into awful shitty rap music half during the massacre, it almost ruins the entire experience.
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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 3:46 am

I have played this game a few times before but was disappointed by its lack of detail. It also has some political bias pushing for gun control. The game was a bit too slow paced for my taste as well. Given that it is the only game based on the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School however inherently makes it controversial.
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The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Empty
PostSubject: Re: The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary   The slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary Icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2018 2:52 pm

Overall, I think it is an OK game, but the shooters movements are too slow. However, I seldom play it.

There has been a lot of misunderstanding regarding the purpose of the game, which has angered some people.

If I recall correctly, this game had some news coverage.
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