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 Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested

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Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested Empty
PostSubject: Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested   Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2018 2:16 pm

Was he injured?

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Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested   Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2018 2:34 pm

From a few different reports I have read it was because he was having trouble breathing when he was finally caught and arrested.

I have also read one or two that stated he supposedly said he had been shot. Don't know how accurate those stories were. But either way it was obviously proven false, as he had suffered no such injuries.
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Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested   Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2018 3:32 am

EthanEmerson wrote:
I'm not a conspiracy nut but nothing about this situation makes sense.

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I'm going to subtly suggest that Nickolas Cruz was drugged by the government and that the survivors are crisis actors."

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested   Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested Icon_minitime

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Why was Cruz taken into ambulance after he was arrested
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