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 Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?

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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 03, 2018 1:00 am

Adam Peter Lanza referred to himself as an Anarchist (probably of the Anarcho-Primitivist type) and in the Anarchy Radio on 11/12/2011 call he openly went against the concept of civilization.
During the call Lanza said that humans are born in a "chimp-like state" (Without any kind of influence from society) and that people are conditioned into living in a civilized state.
Wouldn't murdering small children, which are in the process of learning how to live in a civilized state and that are part of the new generation, that will make this civilized state go on, be an extreme act of political protest ?
It's not the first time that other mass murderers murdered a group of young people for political reasons, here some examples:
-Fjotolf Hansen (Formerly called Anders Behring Breivik); 33 of the victims were less than 18 years old, most had less than 30 years old.
-The 34 terrorists of the Beslan school siege; 186 of the victims were children.
-The 6 terrorists of the 2014 Peshawar school massacre; 134 of the victims were children.
This is just speculation, politics might have not been his main reason for the massacre (Which could have still been a symbolic act of violence, knowing that Adam P. Lanza did attend Sandy Hook Elementary School) and many other factors (Such as mental health) played a role in his actions.
-I am sorry if I did grammatical mistakes (English is not my main language) and if I wasn't clear enough.
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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 21, 2018 7:41 am

Despite the fact that Adam Lanza made no manifesto prior to committing this mass shooting, I do personally believe that Adam saw this act of mass murder as a political protest against what he saw as the mass hypocrisy of our political system and the culture of human society as a whole. In his eyes he saw the concept of civilizations developing as a great tragedy and being responsible for more problems than they claimed to have solved. For example diseases such as the black plague were made much worse because of urbanization that had occurred during the middle ages. Humans are essentially born as blank slates and acquire many if not all of the negative traits and characteristics through society and the peer pressure that results from it through psychological and financial warfare on the individual. Racism and homophobia are perfect example of acquired negative traits or beliefs that are acquired as a consequence of collectivism.

Adam Lanza chose where he did to commit his act of mass murder for several reasons. First off it was an easy target since children are less likely to attempt to fight back and also they are physically weaker. Second schools are gun free zones which effectively guarantee that Adam would have faced no armed resistance gun wise. Thirdly the location was close to where he had lived. And finally and most importantly, Adam actually had went to that school as a child and has a personal connection to it, along with some of what were likely very bad memories of bullying.
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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Response to: Wirely   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 21, 2018 4:53 pm

Wirely wrote:
Despite the fact that Adam Lanza made no manifesto prior to committing this mass shooting, I do personally believe that Adam saw this act of mass murder as a political protest against what he saw as the mass hypocrisy of our political system and the culture of human society as a whole. In his eyes he saw the concept of civilizations developing as a great tragedy and being responsible for more problems than they claimed to have solved. For example diseases such as the black plague were made much worse because of urbanization that had occurred during the middle ages. Humans are essentially born as blank slates and acquire many if not all of the negative traits and characteristics through society and the peer pressure that results from it through psychological and financial warfare on the individual. Racism and homophobia are perfect example of acquired negative traits or beliefs that are acquired as a consequence of collectivism.

Adam Lanza chose where he did to commit his act of mass murder for several reasons. First off it was an easy target since children are less likely to attempt to fight back and also they are physically weaker. Second schools are gun free zones which effectively guarantee that Adam would have faced no armed resistance gun wise. Thirdly the location was close to where he had lived. And finally and most importantly, Adam actually had went to that school as a child and has a personal connection to it, along with some of what were likely very bad memories of bullying.
Also, Lanza had probably some memories about the planimetry of the school and has read a lot about it (He probably searched informations online about the size of the classrooms, how to move inside it and so on).
Every organized shooters knows well the place they will shoot up.
Anyway, humans are naturally collectivist (Most people still put the collective of the family before everyone else and so they did in ancient times), he was probably more outraged by the fact that if he was born in nature he would have had more possibility to survives than in the civilized world becuase people with Asperger have 20% less chances to find a job and other things like that.
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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2018 5:58 pm

I kinda see this theory as very similar to the claim that one of the reasons that they targeted young kids was to spare them from what he saw as the injustices of civilization and society/ maybe he saw it as "saving them". Of course I believe many other major factors took place for his motivation for the massacre, I do think it was "a perfect storm" style lead up/motivation for Adam to carry it out similar to how it was to Columbine, factor after factor perfectly sliding into each other and building up before finally an outcome like this to occur.

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PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2018 6:31 pm

Interesting theory.
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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2024 6:12 am

InsaneIntruder wrote:
Interesting theory.

I concur

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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2024 2:11 pm

Yes, Adam Lanza was an extreme leftard
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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2024 6:42 pm

No. People want his motive to be deep but it should be obvious that hatred was the real reason.


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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2024 8:28 pm

I think that Lanza's primary motive was to "force" himself to commit suicide by committing mass murder. Lanza spoke about his desire to commit suicide, but felt that his life was simply too comfortable to kill himself. However, I believe his philosophical beliefs (like the whole "saving the kids" thing) heavily influenced his decision to target an elementary school.

"Today is the day. The day that it all begins. The day of my massacre shall begin." - Nikolas Cruz

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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 06, 2024 7:16 pm

CaneBread wrote:
InsaneIntruder wrote:
Interesting theory.

I concur
"I CONCUR" LMAOOOOO  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
YOU AIN'T ADAM LANZA JIT [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Ain't smokin' on reefer, boy, I'm smoking on that fucking cancer

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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2024 6:48 am

No. He did it because he needed a good reason to justify his suicide. It was to win an internal battle he was fighting for years before the shooting.

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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2024 12:36 pm

My best guess was he drove himself to suicide; tried to get as much kills as possible (probably tried to compete with the mass murders at that time) so he chose the easy targets, kids.

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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2024 8:13 am

He was a gun control activist

"This is it. This is where it all ends. What a life it was. Some life." - Seung-Hui Cho
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Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ?   Was Sandy Hook an extreme act of political protest made by Adam P. Lanza ? Icon_minitime

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