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 20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland

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20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland Empty
PostSubject: 20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland   20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2018 4:47 pm

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20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland Empty
PostSubject: Re: 20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland   20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2018 9:33 am

"One girl was shot and killed trying to drag her wounded friends to safety." The bravery of a Medal of Honor soldier in a school girl. It's so eerie how similar the two shootings were as well, with the fire alarms being pulled.

"We all gotta die sometime Red." - Sgt Barnes, Platoon.
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20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland Empty
PostSubject: Re: 20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland   20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2018 5:40 pm

EricsToastInTheCaf wrote:
"One girl was shot and killed trying to drag her wounded friends to safety." The bravery of a Medal of Honor soldier in a school girl. It's so eerie how similar the two shootings were as well, with the fire alarms being pulled.

Yeah, whenever I read up on this case I was surprised that more shooters didn't try to pull the fire alarm. Guess that's beginning to change.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: 20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland   20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland Icon_minitime

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20 Years Later, Jonesboro Shooting Survivors Conflicted Over Parkland
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