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 Mass killers killed by relatives of their victims?

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Mass killers killed by relatives of their victims? Empty
PostSubject: Mass killers killed by relatives of their victims?   Mass killers killed by relatives of their victims? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 9:14 am

Are there mass killers that were killed by relatives of their victims? I would like to see cases where persons had a chance to kill the murderer of their relatives.

Some cases:

Richard Komakech killed 26 people and injured 13 others at a wedding in Kampala, Uganda on June 26, 1994. The father of one of the victims, Irene Ati, managed to break through the police cordon and killed Komakech by smashing in his skull.

Pedro Martins killed five people and injured 15 others during January 31 to February 1, 1957 in Vila Vira Saia, a village in ParĂ¡, Brazil. Raimundo Guedes de Oliveira, a relative of two of those killed by Martins, stabbed Martins. Martins was taken to the Hospital do SESP in Breves, where he was later fatally stabbed twice more by de Oliveira.

Do you know more?

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Mass killers killed by relatives of their victims? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers killed by relatives of their victims?   Mass killers killed by relatives of their victims? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 25, 2021 9:08 pm

Baruch Goldstein - On 25th February 1994 opened fire on Muslim worshippers in a mosque in Palestine before being hit on the head with a fire extinguisher and beaten to the death by the mob.

Ahmed Ibragimov - killed 34 Russians inhabitants of a Chechan village on October eighth 1999 before being captured two days later and handcuffed to a post in the village square and beaten to death with iron rod's by two brothers who's parents he had killed.

Between Eros and Thanatos
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Mass killers killed by relatives of their victims?
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