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 Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands

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Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Empty
PostSubject: Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands   Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 5:43 pm

List of people that killed at least 2 or 3 others with their bare hands.

Rosa Rufo Barquero - Rufo, who suffered from mental illness and was known in the village for her peculiar behaviour, lured four girls and nine boys into her home by promising them sweets and toys and locked them in a room. One by one she then dragged eight of them out and threw them into a deep well, but when she came to fetch a ninth, she found that the remaining children had escaped through a window, whereupon she jumped down the well herself.

The escaped children alerted authorities, who then managed to rescue Rufo and two girls alive, but the other six, who were aged ten, nine, seven, five, 19 months and eight months, were already dead, and when their bodies were removed from the well she had to be protected from the fury of the villagers. The 30-year-old was later taken to prison.

Rosa Wurtzer - Around 5:30 p.m. on February 23, 1901 in Uniontown, Washington, United States that day she threw her son George down a thirty feet deep well near her home, followed by the twins Joseph and Mary. Henry Hagerman, the town marshal, who passed by after she had thrown down the first two children, did not notice anything unusual at the time. Wurtzer's daughter Rosa was last seen alive at 6:30 p.m. when she went to the home of the neighbouring marshal and asked for a bucket of water.

When five of her children were in the well the 38-year-old herself jumped down and then persuaded her eldest daughter Rosa to follow them, by telling her that they should leave this wicked world and join their father in heaven. Killed her six children.

Unknown woman identified as O. L. - During the early hours of February 8, 1988 a woman only identified as O. L. killed ten children and wounded two others in Cirumput, a village in Cianjur Regency, Indonesia.

The woman was believed to be under the influence of black magic, and to help her she was taken by her family to a shaman, who gave them a note with instructions how to cure her. Upon returning home the family followed the procedure which lasted until midnight. Around 3 a.m. the woman told her older sister to carry all the sleeping children in the house, including her own, to a room and cover them with a large sheet. When her request was fulfilled the 35-year-old began praying and as soon as the last prayer had ended she began stomping on the children, who were aged nine months to seven years, for three hours. When the crime was eventually discovered the woman was severly beaten by her neighbours and afterwards taken to hospital, where she claimed that the children were not dead, but in the care of Madam Haji (apparently some kind of spirit) on the summit of Mount Gede. She also related that she was commanded by Madam Haji and that she and her parents would suffer dire consequences, if she did not obey.

Unknown 30-year-old - The 30-year-old, who had given birth to twin daughters at the clinic on August 22, first strangled her own children and then began battering the other infants in the maternity wing of the hospital. When a nurse eventually subdued her, as she was battering a child's head against the tiles, five of the roughly 40 children present were dead, while a sixth was fatally wounded and died the following day. The woman was afterwards put in psychiatric detention.

Peter Christian Hansen - was a Danish farmer who killed his wife and six children with his bare hands by strangling in Nejede, near Hillerød, Denmark on April 14, 1949.

Source: Amok Wiki

Last edited by Enesbrietchvonfrederitch on Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands   Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 6:16 pm

Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
The woman was believed to be under the influence of black magic, and to help her she was taken by her family to a shaman, who gave them a note with instructions how to cure her. Upon returning home the family followed the procedure which lasted until midnight. Around 3 a.m. the woman told her older sister to carry all the sleeping children in the house, including her own, to a room and cover them with a large sheet. When her request was fulfilled the 35-year-old began praying and as soon as the last prayer had ended she began stomping on the children, who were aged nine months to seven years, for three hours. When the crime was eventually discovered the woman was severly beaten by her neighbours and afterwards taken to hospital, where she claimed that the children were not dead, but in the care of Madam Haji (apparently some kind of spirit) on the summit of Mount Gede. She also related that she was commanded by Madam Haji and that she and her parents would suffer dire consequences, if she did not obey.

Sounds like a textbook case of schizophrenia to me. It's also very reminiscent of the Slender Man stabbing a few years back. 

I find it very interesting that the people listed here are all female. You'd think there'd be more males in the list taking into account the fact that males are on average physically stronger than women, and would theoretically be more predisposed to bare handed killings.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands   Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2018 5:40 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
I find it very interesting that the people listed here are all female. You'd think there'd be more males in the list taking into account the fact that males are on average physically stronger than women, and would theoretically be more predisposed to bare handed killings.

I think that most of the listed above are female perhaps because all of their victims were children, as they are much more weak and easy to kill.
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Emanation of Darkness

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Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands   Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2018 6:25 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
The woman was believed to be under the influence of black magic, and to help her she was taken by her family to a shaman, who gave them a note with instructions how to cure her. Upon returning home the family followed the procedure which lasted until midnight. Around 3 a.m. the woman told her older sister to carry all the sleeping children in the house, including her own, to a room and cover them with a large sheet. When her request was fulfilled the 35-year-old began praying and as soon as the last prayer had ended she began stomping on the children, who were aged nine months to seven years, for three hours. When the crime was eventually discovered the woman was severly beaten by her neighbours and afterwards taken to hospital, where she claimed that the children were not dead, but in the care of Madam Haji (apparently some kind of spirit) on the summit of Mount Gede. She also related that she was commanded by Madam Haji and that she and her parents would suffer dire consequences, if she did not obey.

Sounds like a textbook case of schizophrenia to me. It's also very reminiscent of the Slender Man stabbing a few years back. 

I find it very interesting that the people listed here are all female. You'd think there'd be more males in the list taking into account the fact that males are on average physically stronger than women, and would theoretically be more predisposed to bare handed killings.
I remember checking out the list of female school shooters and almost all of them seemed to be psychotic.
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Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands   Mass killers that killed people with their bare hands Icon_minitimeSun Oct 21, 2018 3:39 pm

jeffrey dahmer killed mostly strangling, dunno if it counts because a lot were drugged
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