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 New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting

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New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Empty
PostSubject: New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting   New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 8:07 am

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New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting   New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 6:58 pm

InsaneIntruder wrote:
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I wonder if there any that took the experience way harder than the people interviewed here. I remember reading an article about the Townsend elementary school shooting and some of the people that went through that were emotional wrecks.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting   New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2018 11:03 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
InsaneIntruder wrote:
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I wonder if there any that took the experience way harder than the people interviewed here. I remember reading an article about the Townsend elementary school shooting and some of the people that went through that were emotional wrecks.
Not really surprised, since they were only children.
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PostSubject: Re: New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting   New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2018 11:16 pm

RIP Jose Reyes
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New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting   New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 5:43 am

I like those articles, they make me want to cry but it is a necessary reminders that what I am interested in is a real tragedy for victims.

Madd Maxxx - The Horrors of Reality wrote:
You don’t know the first about the horrors of reality.
You romanticize graphic lies and fallacies.
If you ever found yourself within an atrocity, actually, you’d shit your fucking pants and just become a casualty.
Every single murder has a victim, every victim has a mother and father, a husband, a wife, even children.
But to you? It was just a sick line or a story, that was fucked up, insane, penurious and gory.
For them it was a vile tragedy that just fucking ruined their life.
The person that sat in on the ride in the car is gone, they’ll never be back.
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PostSubject: Re: New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting   New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting Icon_minitime

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New article about the Sparks Middle School shooting
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